sneesmnae HE BARRIE EXAMINER 2 Page Four T Thursday, April 25, 4948. ANGUS April 23--Mrs. W. S. Irwin of Hawke- stone spent a few days with Mre, David McMackon Inst week. Miss Emily Watson of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Ellis. Miss Grace McMackon of Meaford spent Bunday at her home here, Pte, Richard McMackon ulso was home from Toronto for few days. 'John Scott of the British Navy, Hali- fax, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Julius Scott John and Peter Milne of Winnipeg are visiting their grandfuther, Peter, Milne, Mrs Geo. Latimer weat to Collingwood Tast_ week. 'Mrs. Lorne Brennen spent a few days in Toronto last week. 'Frank McMulkin of Stroud snd Cecil McMulkin of Barrie spent a few days in this village renewing old acquaintance. Memorial Service The memonil service for the late Lieut RH. A. West was held in the Orange Hall, Angus, on Sunday evening, April 21. Gis 'pustor, Rev. J. A, Lecce, BA.BD., conducted the vervice, speaking from the herd, Angus, and Rev. BA.BD. Dalston, The Methodist and Presbyterian choirs united in rendering "Rest, Boldier Rest" and "Come Unto Me." 'The forward seats of the Hall were oc- cupied by the large number of relatives and near friends and the auditorium was Crowded to ita utmost espacity. The cbsir fo long occupied by Lieut. West as a mem fer of the Methodist choir was draped and two large boquets of roses, the floral tri bute of the choir, were on the platform. Lieut, West wat widely known and bighly ea ty all who. knew him, and. the | Sympathy of the community continues with the bereaved members of the family. UTOPIA April 22--The Fifth Line contributed to | the Red Cross on Saturday Inst $3.25 cash, and three dozen eggs. Mrs. R. McQuay of Sunnidsle xpent the weekend with her sister, Mra. Isubells Miller. Mice B. Ellis and Miss M. Clougbley re- tuned home on Thursday last after a two weeks' visit with frends in Mansfield, Ev erett and Alliston, 'Mra Hanna and Mre Thompson of Elm vale are spending « few days with Mrs, R Rose Quite a number from here attended the memorial services for poral E. MeLean ) at Ivy and Lieut, R. West at Angus yes terday. | Mise A. Jack of Nuntyr spent last week with her sister, Mrs, D. J. Miller ] R. Bell of Brantford recently visived Fis parents, Mr. and Mr M, Bell Congratulations to Mr. ond Mrs, E. Milter on the urrival of » son on Thursday last 'Pte. Harold Truax's many friends will he sorry to know that he is in a hospital in France, suffering from @ dinhiea' ed shoulder 1: John Dobson has purchased & new Carey: | rolet. | Yesterday an seroplane had w forced landing near Utopia MINESING Services on the Minesing Circuit next | SILK GLOVES Buy Silk Gloves here and you get the best. Only reliable mukes carried in stogk and every pair, guar: anteed. Kayser Silk Gloves from Perrin's of Montreal, Nia~ gara. Maid Silk Gloves direct. from the Factory, 65c to $1.50, pair TAFFETA SILKS IN THE LARGE GINGHAM PLAIDS AND FANCY STRIPES So suitable and pretty for Separate Skirts are these fancy silks thut there is » scarcity among the silk firms at present. Now in stock--Gray, Navy, Copen, Brown, Black and Taupe, all with col- orings to blend with these. Price $2.85 per yard --_ FASHIONABLE FOULARD SILKS Very fashionable and unequalled in beauty are these suple and lustrous Foulards with their printed spot motifs, They are 36 inches wide and may be seen in our Silk Department now in Navy, Sand, Price $2.25 yard ------------------------------ Amythest, Rose and Copen. PLAIN SILKS IN EVERY DESIRABLE WEAVE, FINISH AND COLOR CHIFFON TAFFETAS in qualities that we can recommend z ie : . $2.00 yd. CHARMEUSE in 40-inch width «+ $2.00 and $2.25 PAILLETTES AND MESSALINES, all colors, at . : wee $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 WASHABLE SATINS in several colors... $1.75 SILK POPLIN, the best weuring silk made, in all colors, Special . " $1.50 PONTOON SHANTUNG in seven colors... $135 HEAVY MOIRE SILKS . $2.50 and $3.25 PLAIN HABUTAIS in Black, White, Maize und Pink # .. 652, $1.00 and $1.25 SILK CREPES, CREPE DE CHINES, GEORGETTES AND NINONS in x dozen different colors, at . + 5 T5c. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Moore & Armstrong| Buy Silks Now |Moore & Armstrong SILKS-the Cheapest Fabric onthe Market, Shown in Great Profusion |=!" at Moore and Armstrong's, Barrie's: Best Silk Store NOTE ' Silk does not show a proportionate advance with either Wool or Cotton'and is therefore better value than any other' fabric on the market. This fact has created an unsurpassed demand for the goods, both by the yard and made up garments, and at the present~ time there is a shortage of 20 per cent. for manufacturing purposes, which will result in an advance in price. Moore & Armstrong, however, have purchased in advance several thousand dollars' worth of these goods and you may get your requirements here feeling the assurance that you are getting the best value obtainable anywhere. Buy Silks at this Store. WASHABLE SILKS FROM JAPAN AT $1.00 PER YD. Thanks to the alert Jap. for coming forward with so many serviceable lines of Silk to replace the Swiss and French lines which are almost unprocurable at present. In our Silk Dept. you will tind a Washable Silk, 36 inches wide, in eight of the best colored grounds and with coin spots and stripes to make the contrast. Price $1.00 per yard SPECIAL THIS WEEK Pink, Flesh and White Habutai Silk Blouses in splendid style and quality, well worth $3.50, all sizes Price $2.98 each SPECIAL THIS WEEK 10 pieces lovely quality Naturul Shantung Silk, 32 inches wide and well worth 75c. goes on sale on Fri day morning. This is part of a Moore & Armstrong purchase of 75 pieces, Thus the pricé, 59c yard SILK HOSE Fibre Silk, or pure silk thread hosiery in all or any color you desire. The ankle length with Lisle tops for length silks with isle garter top, all at prices based on early buying. 39c to $2.50 pair FEW STORES OUTSIDE OF THE CITY CAN SHOW SUCH AN ARRAY OF LADIES' SILK APPAREL In greater profusion than ever before ure we showing Silk Apparel, May we show you the newest garments' We feel the growing demand and endeavor to meet it. CHARMING WAISTS Every fashionable tendency on the style horizon is featured in our display of Blouses for the Spring und Summer Season. The serviceable Habutais, for which there is a growing demand, come in Block, White, Flesh and Maize at .......-..-.0-s00+-05 $1.50, $2.50, $2.75, $2.98, $3.50, $3.75, $4.25, $4.98 and $5.98 Enchanting styles in Sheer Georgette Crepe, Silk Crepe and Crepe De Chine in colors Grey, Muple, Maize, Flesh, Rose, Black and White moderately priced ........ .-. e002 coos vss :$4.25 to $8.25 SILK APPAREL NOW IN STOCK Space will only permit us to muk+ mention of the following DRESSES in Taiiets, Pailette und Silk Poplin in best styles and colors besees $1450 to $20.00 COATS in Satins, Silk Moires and Taffeta Silk ......... 3 z $17.00 to $26.00 SEPARATE SKIRTS in Plain Silk Poplins and Taffetas, ulso in Fancy Stripe Tuffetus. .. $6.75 to $13.98 each SILK AND SATIN UNDERSKIRTS from . $2.98 to $5.75 SILK VESTS, BLOOMERS, GOWNS, CAMISOLES, all moderately. priced. WASHABLE GLOVE SILK AND HABUTAI SILK COM- BINATIONS in Pink or White.. $2.98, $3.50 and $4.98 SILK KIMONAS at . $4.50, $6.00 and $7.50 News from Neighboring Townships | gratulations. S. Webber lost a valuable colt rising Sunday, April 28, will be as follows Anten Mills, 11 a.m, when 9 memorial erviee for the late dohn Muir, who was |] + As Told by Our Correspondents Kiled in action in France while nobly doing oni 3, Brae in 'charee mien be taken between the uges of 20 und his bit for King wad Country, will be held iss Etta Atkinson and Ben. Purr of Fdenvale, 3. p.m.; Minesing, 7 p.m. All CHURCHILL STROUD Grenfel pent Sunday with the former's \three year old, Sunday morning. Mr. Archie Graham, eldest son of Mr. and| the full wheat and meadows, and if the Mra James Graham of this place, Con-|Weutherman will give us warm days end sunshine it will-be much appreciated. : By newspaper reports it looks as though | Toronto spent Saturday with Mrs. Cib- |some more of our noble boys must don Union services were held in both chur-| the khuki, This will make farming in thiy EIGHTH LINE, INNISFIL April 23- Miss B. Teakin and friend of none, Mr, an! Mrs, Wilson Forbes ore in ches on Sunday lust, Revs. FL, Brown | community a hard tusk, should all "A" foronto ree ntly attending the funeral of aunt, Mr«. John Maw. a | | the serviers to be taken by the pastor, | Mrs Edward Sloan hus returned sfter speniing few days in Toronto. Brown, Last Sunday the Rev, Fo L. Pte, Morrow of Hawkestone i visiting at the home of R. Kendall, Mrs. Johpston, after spenling the winter ! in Hamilton, will spend the rummer with } fier daughter, Mrs, MeKenzie, at the | Manse. Rev DA McKenzie und Rev. W. Clem: | ats evebangrd pulpite last Sunday. in each «we the congregations voted almost unan: for trying the plan, So in all probylvlity the congregations of these two charger will] Mises Lilhan and [orothy Sloan, sti ee eee etwler the direction of the Meth: {tents at Bare C. 1, spent Sunday at odist Conference after July Ist. 1918. home. When Women are Weak Women who feel weak, languid and Score who look pale and dull-eyed, and have lost appe- tite and fresh looks--need a tonic that will purify the blood, help the organs of digestion, regulate the liver and bowels, and strengthen the system. It long has been known that Worth a Guinea a Box Prepered Beecham, St, Helens, Englend. Seid erecrvaere por iniy tormmay poem ne Now is the FARMER'S opportunity to aid our armies and benefit himself by keeping more HVE STOCK and increasing the production of it. LOANS made to responsible men to aid in this work. CALL at our office and enquire. THE BANK OF TORONTO Established in 1855. Barrie and Allandale Branches-- H. A. SIMS, Manager. April 23- Miss Jeffrey has returned to her home after spending « couple of sonths with ber cousin, Mrs. nds | Mr. and Mrs. Allison, accompanied by | Mr. and Mrs, KE, T. McConkey and Dee Barclay, motored to Orillia on Sunday April Miss Jessie Webb, accompanied by Mr. | and Mrs. Robt, Montgomery, motored to Bond Head last Wednesday to Walter Arville's wedding. | Miss Mary Duncan spent over last Sun day with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Carr. Miss Mabel Pollock was with Mise Addie | McConkey over Sunday. Vd, Jones and Chus, MeConkey were home over Sunday. | Miss Eth 1 Beelby is not improving us | fast ax her thany friends would like. Mr. und Mrs, Chas, Ness and son Harold | of North Bay are visiting Fred, Ness | Much «ympathy ix extended to the friends of the fate Win, Latimer, who parsed away | just Sunday Alvin Webb spent over Sunday with his parents here, ! LEFROY April 24--Miss Mary Long of Toronto | is visiting her brother, B. Long. Mixx Zella Reid attended the wedding of her friend, Miss Steckley, of Aurora, on | Wednesday. On Wednesday, May 8, at 8 p.m. in the | Presbyterian Church, Rev. Jesse Gibson, Secretary of the Bible Society, will give | the thrilling story of the work of the So- ciety on the battlefields during this war. 'The oddress will be illustrated with view. | All are invited to come. Smith--Eden At New York on March 25, by the Rev B. Graham Wilson, Sussnna Margaret, | daughter of the Iste Arthur Eden of Belle Ewart, was married to Bayard F. Smith of the Army YMCA., Camp Upton, Long Island, U.S.A. HOLLY April 22--Mr. Horrell, Secy. of the Bel- gian Relief Fund, Toronto, was present at the pie social held here last week, end ave an eloquent address on Belgian Re- fief, 'The subscription taken up amounted to $86.00. Mrs, A. Dyer is spending a few days in Barrie with ber mother, Mrs, Maley, who is quite ill Mr, and Mra, .A. Webb of Lefroy visited Mrs, Geo. Brown Inst week. Mr. Bushel, Chaplain of the Flying Corps, assisted ev.' J. B. Lamb in the Methodist oot Cuppbell pena few days fa, T. Campbell is spending a few with her daughter, Mrs. J. Ferguson, Stroud. Farmers are busy seeding. EDENVALE 'April 22--Duscan McNabb is able to be 'around again, after having his little finger tramped on and cut off by a horse's foot while be was clipping the animal. Mrs. L. Brown and brother-in-law, Jack Brown (s returned soldier), Aare! Kis- The recent rains have greatly improved | ing. their little grendson, Mr. Bain has the conveniener af the and Mrs, Archie Graham entertained | telephone now. mber of friends last Wednesday even- Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Complete Service to Ford Owners Everywhere travel is'something you appreciate, and being a Fo Cini attention to your needs wherever you may , owner you can get it. You are always "among friends". There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- outCanada. These are always within easy reach of Ford owners |--for gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or 'motor adjustments. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the mosticalled for parts cost enly $5.40. Just compare this with the of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. , GBF touring - - 9598 |; Runabout - 7a 7 H - ++ §770 : Sedan - - - '7O - Chassis - - : THE UNIVERSAL CAR One-ton Truck $750 : . F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. ; T.R. Huxtable, Dealer, Barrie