Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1918, p. 5

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* A 2 } : ; 7 ~ ae : WITH' WHICH IS. AMALGAMATED-- - : < iON: , «SECTION 2 mis wee": 3950 Copies] THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING | !2 Pages: 20, 55th Year. pov AWE Welln Batic Maes . BARRIE,. CANADA. MARCH 21;°1918 no enero No. 12 BARRIE'S DEFEAT DUE {Ickes opel the negnise eaty conch a TWO MORE BARRIE MEN WIN MILITARY CROSS--. " 'Séattish Rite Re-Union A DARING HOLD-UP IN : LARGELY TO SOFT ICE reir "hint of Wie tatale pea E = a : vise 2 Bane Val fet esa el (© THE NEW YORK CAFE | tte were for trige inale to. prevent, eure. | nesday and Thursday Gf-last week, when eats z 4 ; Beat De LaSalle 5 to 4 on Pe, r ena a th Yor ot Re psn wat Belt Se' | Two Strangers with Revolvers Home Ice, But Lost om iii ad stayed on the ice wana ie dove fe bed werk Bo Beat the Proprietor and" Round Bt to 10. . 1 ereign Grand Conmander Be Toronto; W. H, rd, of Hamilton, General of the Supreme Council ; J Immediate Past Master of Murton Perfection, Hamilton; 0. Si Master of the Montreal V wl to the strength of their- team, Confitions were not only bard on cthe aes Tiead at i hut, made really good hockey) im- Stole $22.75. des : who rans, York ©: . Was the victim of « hold hold n eurly hour this morning, being badly en atid robbed: af i yo Maal be dene |Dossiife. "When the game started. there he dveent. thing ead fet thr lade beve | Half on imeh of wu er on thé ice und 1 : hand ee. for the final fixture, "Tuesday [est of the match "there was a -bravy : aa the Dymtnt Cats wall Thue: Ly {hh which stopped the puck, . eased fron Huileybury, North Bay,, Bs : cae ett ll of duton chur' (eserskutingt and tnucle shooting "litfiult Penetang, Midland, Collingwood, Orilis,- Pt, | ranger enna tbs smite at the (LILA, "When the firet mareb {Such conditions: greatly favored the de. || MeNichol,. Alliston and Toronto, EF be ald eee ee Ee a ry se ee OE cardi matt inked {fener werk of the: heavy Irishmen Work begin at 7 pan. on' Wednesday. | int ae hin meonted te thie tae ae See ie asalte re ents finshed | hat the locals could beat ther under the Four-digrees were conitéced. followed' by [filed eect Wo the tap the stringer foul, ihe Bartle players were not at, afl [S7nuitvows speaks works for their skill | on informal luncheon. Next. ¢ ob ibe aid oerhdinif Pron Uae wins were held froin 9.30 a.m. to 2.80 to 5.30 pam. The afternoon work was followed by janquet éerved by the Collier St. Metho Red Cross. ladies, with plates Ind fur After the exeellent menu' had been we attended to; a short programme was. ziven, Thete were. forirtowts, viz, "The. King, | and endufaner. perturbed over the final outcome, feeling { onfident that they would soon overcone (Continurd an this deat on the home rink. ily de con fast the big crowd which suw struggle at the Mammoth 1 to win the rink, before o1 jet uurned with a partner atidsthe + [straight for the kitchen. 'where Pe aeus, Ws 'soon as they Saw Pe |pullled a revolver jhis hundé, which é x ; Increased Fees Acluil introrluced into the Legislature this | week proviiles for higher fers to registrars snd sherifix. The bill provides that) every fone man nd told him' to put' did, right speedily, <1 maateh wveral "times threatened te fn - | othe fallo 1 o ; eth aM egistrar shall be entitled to retain his ny stich "Rite Order, Grand' C 5 jother fallow, inquired: where the -cxsh ieerbutiP the eel, 'Thit they do 0 der, Grand. Commander Ta due pwede huh the tend. That they" tal 9. o" incamie 00, He must pay' tothe 5 Fee eee cre AERe Mes oreo Lod ashes wpmroredes ty sie tbr + Se UC Wedek enEB add Treasurer "of thee county or city for which Flight Commander A. J. Wright Lieut. J. Ernest H. Li d"The La Delightful er where he: got Meanwhile ganver bottle under such adv [heist , ten per cent. on the \ cee yumbers were: contributed' by Miss eB Sune Gee tig ate. ath hie never been seen im the his gum ynd. threatening to blow out his b parts. Tver 81.5 WW uy to $2,000, and-so on up Richardson, Frank -Qldfield df Toronto, Lush that played bob with fast Skating, | go 5 7 y brains af,.he moved. When th 5 et i fer cent, on,'the excess over $6,000. The, tay Sheybente; an dai°o rains af..be moved pent was se didi it Coe cos age It fy ee ore pee al H THE MEN IN KHAKI. |[ters Stn cern 0 Gt tet oy eg fully Go their suileal right ine ow their There are 48 | es ity, Ee nen ARN cc, hiny with ther revolvers on fa ately twenty-five per ¢ k and the: |returfied' to Inbor at eight tie 1 tom nwo not the tits i the Pro 20 of Them re iy friends hope the any sh hes dotvetl bese thei &b ear This pt | ue of th Ne Hits ni iy ec ual extubition thut did the fy lary $1,560, } Canada this week ts nidy Not prove very serious ited THe ory highest. pris mi the + from and. slid? dowa athe an were pron | EE ee ton, son of WD. n,_ Barre Walter" Halbert, MLM, brothgr. of | RGLHE Mere highest, praite front the on heihit acrevokvor, Gne of naif theyowtid farsi | 3 expected ty reagh home Friday noirtnig [Mrs John 'Lambie anc iJ. Armson, nd" Commande others fired 6 <Not after him sid h i y Ralph B, Johiston iis Mas « Ladge Kvn a] te fey peril lioi the visitare |" "ices Sahiayay@ Pee ae Bek ara 1G re Parrived ome from thie wick | HRB. Sohinten as Makler of 'the La fi Woltid ont of tie backer, coped two goats, the Colts had chute Jy Friday Judge Vanek sentence two | Pte FU Reid. ited th ae nilisted in, € 1914, He raien of Spry ter, Race Crom sending ap revolver bullet into. the "stows juarters.of (ie play, Wut the frish 'defenee | men, for sat Port} all eRoy a i igi . ME | reached the trendhes in May.19%5 and re sie Ce pipe as a parting sevenir trace of Hackine lroke inte a howe and stole siuce Sept. Ist, WTF He is a suneot dohn é * |majn direction of ths pre : were tikingann chances and. atuaval -rysht |Hpebines broke inte ah an . mained there unti} Nov 1917, /when he } A thom hae yersboen diseave . fsitods. He will. seeve months Rok Colber St. ane went, averse with ° J At the conclusion af th the at hime. Thy west two period: tuculs | t BS was Knocked out by a' severe, dose of gas | peng te Cayer, offend and vals stale the 17th Bn. firmer wisp when M. |, had it adlititer the Visidew and with "aly c iy from the effects of which he is std suf A Tathepe and ES Ls wane Sank. Bailing Panerak hike, an even break in the. luck.) Yerware f Westinouny,. sv Mrs, ROM. Ness, Maple Ave, "neaved"| ing. At Vimy Ridge he won the miligary |). ely oirecented himewith aw ISth Decl 7 py Palling s unerat ald have nutehed bilf a doen more, [tere was male px mont word on Suturday that her Sen Gunner W. [inedyl Before enlisting be bid 9 exrtage | gy Pee tee ages Sechp neg: ENE Glneethil the Wsec . Before the match started, Referee Monte | "Teco Ro Max Ness, had 'been admitted to Tht business in Killam, Alberta: having xt j wal take arro) 'i, who quite knows his job, warn. | ----Upbolstering and furniture repairing | Catustty Clearing Station, on Mar. 9, shell [to that, part of the éountry, from 'Midhurst ac SECT RTT 3 nat from the the -pliyers thit there must be neatly done by competent' workmen ® 1 has been in France twenty [twelve years ago. & | G. C.Coles Sr.. Suddenly Taken owen renity Chay how writen, the "Areata game's style Aougall Brae 452tf | niinehs aiid luring that: tue "hud only one | Si Peath came syerycaulienty to the ene] ne cote oon "y How Lieut. Morgan Was Killed caretaker of the Cnion Cometer eee ae itd ean % A letter recerved this week from w brother | hist Saturday aftefnoon. In eat Lo ae rn funeral he ut on a 'fire aitieer af Lieuts J VL. Mergan' gtwe par Heulirs of his death ny, follows hail " he wes found plead 1 y was accidentally Killed |) ie fe an Fe 21 atid wae: bode oo ite te ath a Me fly Via Feb Mahe line af hiv deathhe | "Cirmalley, Charles, Cale sei Hiri the nm ogo at Whetstine, Englund Rect ed hake ie he came to Canada, Ioeuting in ry front his party, af RSENS where he worked with W, B. Capon WB Athen ee ee ea ie puifies Whe trade af painter for several ears, Wen | Lewin, Son . This week we present a, compre- fered yarn foi ote ane gri| the Com Coneaery wal Yay Bt sean | Tenaga a ery tnatil at, (AEE Be Wasp B cyrerdker? a posi KEATING ROUERSON ry IStL hensive splay ol the mendes that" en tea cin i tle Se Ee hn Sines Ghrelin th are likely tobe in highest favor dur- eave bat sie ag gerteleon" meme ' rehy ane ae be Novthrid i i | jeer there : 1 ne Keating, Bua B:\ ) 4 the 'coming months. Without () the stfirersatded, °F chart kro ativan eau Heras LOG tad f Rahentiri¢h, Kells, Co ing too.much attention to extreme Jwho # ae te attentive duty er did Jat the veteran's jewel fia this so y Chorigh,. second $ : c 7 his 'work with) a better spirit His first wife died eu thie way Witibledon, Surrey creations, such mide more tor ¥! -- dis ine barter Ak so Thur RogetebibE. Bort display purposes than for use, we Another M. C. For Barrié ER a ea | nevertheless. have arrayed for your Another Burne soldier hss won che nob ii are h i DIED s, ' ry eross for "his sistinguished servues nISTA he marred) COUPES | At oMinesing, San Siture inspection. many delightful novelties fs titue not ine the field but in the sir nis of Apmwich, Faghinl sta |" sateh 16, Mucgatit Jane ¢ hiest from the world's best fashion' shops. Bhat Connor GCL T Wh |e dot wow am Fee Nolet | UNIEN eettalkny y Ber . Ivis to the inspection df these Hats Wright .-Mulewster 81. Enletine: with the ot geri Sevkesnon: Wine | sear - ' i 4 ie ities (Fath Bn. he tansferred the Engitieers "Sachin BP ans REYNOLDS At Holly, Mor M i and-also at the complete showing of (ey crtuiea' arid, wept -evereewn? ith fiers. | Cc we Thea Meyil, daughtér of Mr and Sil Suitings and Ladies' Ready-to- 8 Franer several rionths,- he ohaige: bo Rabe Holds, con. 10, Tn at se = i os sain alle . for 4 com place W | 28 years. 3 mas. citeruent at Penetainy ; Wear garments we cordially invite Completed his eotirse=seven 4 Tuterinent ek ty ap ili can shen am Murch 20 : stan = you. 7 ga. Brine that tune he: hag: te 1 | offic ting clerevinan, and the Oddfellow SMITH. Cn . Wed nents 9) 5 om a 1 Fiankin, Pac, Sips Smith, Hf "the Lite Sore continuously at work on the w vessful «© é & fiw narrow [hele th and also furnished the followin pr in the chupe piles ers: Charles Jones, B. W chart, Win. | MeManus, B.A. Harris; Roe Degeer, AH awe. view of their Or | Feary lustisin ine War [frout, with om | ploits to his? ére | On ong compelled io laid withinlhe: German lines, but 1 aged to. get: hig machine yeorking. «eit flow before the-uns could "hug! hi CARD OF THANKS {Mri ahd Mis Collins desire to thank thei 'The Village, Doctor" Feet al ole First and Foremost Comes 'the Hats# far their kind expres ' ° Half the joy.of the Spring lies in 'Choosing one's new Hat, [what pwrticubde Spat wy him Bie Gehl. for thet Sind exes . anit is with the-utmost contid ence we promise you a big mea- tion: has-nat, RA, athe Geld jepiatire Plas ot totic stepet their: reeefit bere sure of this joy > at our Opening Display this week." Me P : Huet ¢ Biving mE setareue - SCMEMORIAK Miss Londreville, who is certainly, an experienced expert in | tastes feening shiek wax. somoiehle | paaeacua tame oe Millinery, has gathered front the best markets and created, with Prisoners Bet the: Pateels Me ee ee eee eaan att Mocs sbluieied. tb Ait, 1917 Shean 'evidence 16 the Deenertan Murchisort and Hook. Heath, resp ¢AThe flawersswse pobioe jared Tiel gaie the work -beiig done by the © [Criss Society" for (was given by: two the meetin ghe Opera Ho day-night woof the expe ut. Douglas and Pre. Taovell hay appeared in. print new fo most of the aac the help of our clever 'trimmers a unique colleetion of Hats for 4 Lda the new season, which is, sure to lord an exceedingly elegant is ': vi ariety. : ' As always, our chief aim has been to create styles of true "individuality and then to.offer only a limited number of these styles to insure distinction. terestin May wither a Dogar' was giv. But the live for hin v is a doubt Shall never. fides away The Phikithens and) Barseas, py MOTHER, SISTERS AND) BEOTHERS Jrsinige ability of yo mean. order SIS ES The "New Doctor was" anpersonated by 1' MEMORIAM |Mr. Heath, who splayed bis role Well, hand: | ; [Hing his nang andl varied jrattents inca tn iay Js were given to arouse tl | nt be Shee: ost Hlewx for the poor fel. ner which showed much aisyht inte th plows Who have' hebn so unfortu to | Phgeael THE WOMAN'S MAGAZINE.) ire of the Hime Te decor yr tic patient Next Comes, Suits, Coats and. Dresses |e eee eee tenth: trtrit efeat [MaMa yt A ai fe : Huitily to you te renew your sub ment---of the sorely wound wanted treatment for bic wife' (Mik Tool these The: Vill ia style which proved, sinory af our: dear Mother. tied. March in loving Mra! Clarke --_--_--$--$--$<--$----$--$-- tig pati Wethink, of thee, in sl eyes. tiny SRE MS we p within' oar y we will {was' harrowing and would be 'unbelie y sled} P, "ND CU c Phere "ie alwags a | seriptien do the Woman's Maga- Q4vere it aot for the monstrons crueltien of and MU Mincsere abedinn cue ttf © thy. rest, ileair audther wealth of pl able ain gine, our popular gusty, af the [lt kinds sehieh have been-proven peat sneer ait comedeintae heed weet to breathe thy nate Ueipation ip Ane pe nen taal pee nee I eonditions ae | ny to. mate: | Hit ee eliines «Gar the: Duetars "trp bh we do the 4 New Season's Me amt Pye at hoc tides te eee Shed |thme who: heard realize the great necewity | put a iy ' FAMILY Wieohave been prepar i is higielt ae 4 of sending reeular food supplies. Things | © was hot adiogelincenee * ~ hae been brenaring ; L quarterly withteoupon cer: were offered to the risoners that-a Se ee ee. THE. WEATHER for yore Visit fur mouths SP pattern... ; 20 here would refuse to eat in his well-being. 'The test' Rein Snow nd witte it is ever be. he 'ne nah 2 nt, in quantigy ors preference, howe®er, was made' March 1 mim mare diffieult to 1.60" [thes soldier greed thar, p |munifest in his attentions towards . the |"'* ; . Irie Spesdat Otter GS pi iheparpelh-eent by the Ree Crew |diaughter of his landlarly, Mrs. Crane, Miss Ms obtain miterials; fhe sues fe Spevial Oe - hread from Switzerland are deliver this part well ind her'd +s, Widdifield, performed Lord pla: her remarkable thing. "Iieut. Dow Said it would be impossible'for the soldiers a reatner «cle Bier oriebek to five ix months on the foo@l supplied | Si henci the villag Es Oe hy. the Huns ce, fhopes that he, sme 'diy, ;mnight win the gate preg lle € THE EASTER GLOVES.) "irvine tories of the iuman ind Jehan dni fGen, the HEROIN] For PRACT NIL are interested now Hinital treatment given. the jirioners and cherished ambitions son, vanished ints thin |the terribly severe punishment meted out')ir. when the Doctor came upen the scene. eess achieved in; getting together such a range of fe Save asitiful garments at re sonable 4 Suits: and Goats Vthat vad Wwe lare proud aft when they -rebelled, were told, . ¢ ee . ¥ Brief took his mevdlicite play will please vou with their 7 vf Chasnoisetty at 900, and $1.00 | Juvige Vance. who: acted as. chiirman, fed the part of chairn i socfal adel on perfection oxtine aud Thy Fine Kid in bight weight: Frenelt laid strong eniphadis upon -the claims of | given in honor mariage" Obstet ne, wuality- at ......$1.50 and $2.00 | the Prisoners of -War Furid, und urged | Doctor and Miss Cre.- 'The fanny char | gene : mi Cape Gloves in'sizes J te 74s for ninfe generous support "for it acter of the play, "Mr. Wayeuere iy | i ) Mill A 4 is & Dresses: fui all oeee hae atte ah ae oak 1" Some excellent. views were given show: {handled by' Marshall "Freek. His' reference The Ball Planin Co. Lid: Boys amd Linths at two price | Ls Conie to the teil Scheal Board ig a | ing. military hospi twork being carried Lop..in-t desighed. by Las po XS" nT seme cna $196 Ss ° Dust. eatiractive i {| < (under new management) yall. Betw wae thoranghly 5 eeing Silke Gtiwps that are promised a {Arthur YanKoughnet of, Toronto gi the sts; Miss 3. Burton | Manufacturers of and Dealers in iy favorite place, so we're well supe xplaniatory remarks and M:, Laidman rendered thotion song. Tymber, -Flooring; Ceiling, Sash, Novelty Skirts in Weel plied. Kayser ayld Griffin Gloves Principal Henry. of the -BIC.L-exptiined'| Portiaying the trouble of retainmg washed |Doors, Frames, Blinds, .Tanks, _ was clevert ve eee eae eee illingeks, -Mia'| Water Troughs, Mouldings, Wood 'aldwell. and \B. Partridge, } Turning, Columns, Shingles. wat Pair, Miss 'Ge Re Watson) Mi Sika seed ae bie Laban and also contributed ably to a. suecestful pro-| Board, Roofing, ete. : % \ duction of the play Our M: is ae : } os [Frank Oldfield of Taronto, one of the best | *ti8 ee oe x nir Manager. a. regi = ' S AR EAN I & ' K N f ; aie ies a ere in some. fe get ys aay Rig any the larchitect.and'is prepared i0-dre% ; ' . d q | fifty sl ae = 2 plans, and "specifications. 'Consult epee » pea = . \ S BORN. S him.on your building: eA . Tee UGHES. At'Stroud, Mar_17, a daughter | Send your ders for eaaed visiting |» 'Phone 199. "Night Phone | elle Sy to Me. and Mn HL. E. Hoghts. oe Jomice: wayneis St. St, Barrie, Ont. & Ana Poplin. aba. o.. 506 asked the co-operation. of the -auilience in enlisting boys for thik' work, | | c:, 75c!,and $4.00, )/,the "Soldiers "of the. Soil" movement snd

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