Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1918, p. 3

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Thursday, March 24, 4918 Friday and Saturday MAR. 22 AND 23 WM. S. HART The Big New Special Wes. tern Drama "THE BARGAIN" A great Western story in Also another very funny BIG. V COMEDY - "BLUFFS" Adults,.16c.. Children, -11¢. Mar. 29 (Good Friday) and Saturday,, 30th : MARY PICKFORD | Caan , unny || RUE ala een "REBECCA OF SUNNY BROOK FARM." If you have any news. items, ring up The Examiner. Phone 194 are GUTHRIE ar,.a donition of 50c. dresses, 3. cotton gowns, 1 house: dress. fuctory yarn to put in the sock legs Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gi 4 grand success, Flanders. 'HAWKESTONE Mr. Wi in the city, John Gardner's, this weel few days visiting his parents recently. end visiting her brother in Orilli spending « short. time with friends Aurora and Angus. SIXTH LINE, VESPRA March 19--G. "Coles, for many™y the Union, Cemetery, hell on Wednesday afternoon Ww. ; Monday "morning. PLANT STEELE, BRIGCS' SELECTED SEEDS With the and: forces and. with the fleet gives solace in the long watch. it fresh- ens and refreshens, steadies 'nerves. allays thirst, helps appetite and digestion. 'The Flavour " Lasts -- supplied As Told by Our Guthrie. Sewing Circle returned for. ship- ment. this month the following articles:-~ Cross--3 prs;-socks, 6 suits pyjam- French Reliel--2 quilts; 31, hospital shirts, 34 'childten"s -- slips; 7 children's eld Comforte--3 parcels of gum' gnd candy, 81, prs. of socks, donated $3.60 for 'aham 'are due y thanks from the Circle for " enjoved by everyone. Proceeds were $38, 'OP E RA HO USE which hus been handed in to Mrs. D. M. | und Stewart, President of Barrie Field Com- | 4K. Irving, is héard these days. '| forts, to buy wool to-help send the much- needed comforts: to our brave boys 'in "Murch - 19--Mrs. - Pugsley and Miss 8. White are visiting in Toronto' this week, Golland spent the week-end A large number of our young people attend the dance. at Mr. Wrigley's and'| Geo. Adam of Port McNichol spent a Miss Chelsea Fellows -spent the week- | Mrs. Ed. Leigh -has :returned home «after |" suddenly: on Saturday afternoon. 'The | neral, conducted by the- Oddfellows, of | more and Sharp which Order he .was a--member, will be |.(reader! who gw | les of Kingston arrived home, WRIGLEYS "| Ried Comforts, .6 dreses and 19 other Keep your boy | celluloid knitting (needles. 2 consid travesty Correspondents 'LEFROY i last 'week with her sister, Mrs. Gilpin. me Wm. Rei and iit was largely attended. -- Rome weeks in' the ci recently wounded in action, for a few days hers mother, who\is in poor health. | Hawarden, Sask. Toronto. days with Mrs:-Sheldon, Patriotic Concert ten's of the boxes were as. follows; -- uit cake, home-made candy, cookies, | stuffed dates, chocolate, . chewing gam, 1 x candles, los\gigar, towel, pair of sx, J. H. Blackmior\bas Very renson to De | praud vf his successful concert, which war pronounced the. most enjoyable ever given in this'vicin- ity. Thos» who to6k part were: Mr, and ist Sharpe, "Roy Jack, Lon Stewurt (Thornton!." The Ori isting af Mrsvrs, Barclay, Boyes, Black- nd 'Mrs. Robert Boyes Billy's Clog" in spleo- 'lid style, Space does not permit of special mention of many. of the numbers but Le- froy is proud of having. a°xinger 'in: the community like Mr, Blackmore, his ren dition of the song "Mona" being expecially fine. Miss Sharpe wus one of the best ue: the evening's entertainment was very gratifying indeed to all who were kind enough 'to' give their time and. talent for our boys in khuki, Following ix the finun- jal Rtatenient of the entertainment ross receipts of concert $ 102 09 Experises 16, 85 {Net receipts in Sterling Bank $ 1 Receiver ater'. 1-00 Total $ 86 15 Expenditure G, R. Ardill, supplies $ Kirkpatrick, supplies ' T. Enton Co,, boxes -and supplies Postage 'on. boxes . Total .. $ 60 70 Receipts 88H 15 Expenditure a 60 79 Balance handed to Red Cross $ Twenty-one pairs of sox were donated for the box by the Red Cross Societ; (Signed) G..C. ALLAN » EDENVALE March 19--Mrs James Crawford bax returned' hos after spending the winter with Mrs. W. Orchard, Minesing. Quite a number! froth here jntend- seeing the O.H.A. Junion Final, in' Barrie to: night (Tuesday) Sleighloads from Midhurst. 'sil Barrie, spent a very enjoyable time at 'Thomus Knupp's last Thursday night Afier working at munitions in Toro Archie McNabb has returned to" the for spring and summer work. wing to the recent mild. weather, the writer ix once more running across the townline in several places The Stork yisited the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Richardson on Saturday, Mar. 2, and left a son (Glen Robert! Con: gratulations John D. Roe has gone to Minesing to live in the house recenitly vacated by Jos, Chappell, afd Neil Bowser-of the Second of Flos is living: in his house, V. I. Pie Social The. Women's listitute- guve a concert and pie social: on Tuesday, March 12, in aid of the Field Comforts. "The chair wus ubly filled by. W: Culham. Mr. Kaupp was very kind in bringing his new Edison down for the evening and the music wis much 'enjoyed by all, also the songs by W. Ward and the violin selectiotix ly J. Rowell, Several songs by three of the little girls were greatly enjoyed. © The fish-pond created much amu mongst the crowd, After. the si "God Save the "King" Mr. Coughlin ane tioned off the pies, which brought the handsome. amount of $77.00, clear of ex- penses. : "The President and menibers wish to thank ull those -who contributed to the nyceess: of the: evening, * especially he teleighload of young people from Grenfel who. contributed so much to the. proceeds. The following report wus also read: by the Secretary, Mra. W: Middleton, of the work of the members from June to'March 12, 149 pairs socks and. 59 shirts for garments: for French Relief. 1 spindle of yarn 'was bought by 'the | Institute. 7. pairs socks were sent to. men overseas, 2 pairs each were given to tes Fred Maw and Horace Hotchins as a fare- well gift before proceeding overseas, -The remaining 2 pairs were sent in with work for Field Comforts, as was also the collec- tion taken at the members' fowl supper, which amounted to $4.00. A knitting contest was entered by three of metnbers'in July and continued un- fil tke December' meeting and as a: réault fis with stand und tadle. Lot socks, 'The.third prize was a set of of women and/ehildren, has been opened under auspices .of the]. Sa '|Roard of Trade, on Bayfiel St.,|° 'Read the advts. and save Barrie, opposite the Vespra Motel.!money. E t « March 18--Mrs, Douglas, who is leaving" Toronto to live in the West, spent a few |, W. M. Society held. its monthly gon the 6th, at the home pf Mrs. | Mr. und Mrs. N. Grose. are spending J. Morris, s. brother ef°P!' Mofiia, wat Mrs. T: Bateman: was up from Toronto | Mrs. 'T. Gilpin is in the city' visiting Mrs. J. Reid left on Tuesday to spend sore months "ith her daughters. at The sound of the circular saw run by |, Mr. and Mrs: McCullough © and _furily ave recently moved from the West to Mise Idi Sloan of Winnipeg spent a few | Thirty-four voxes were packed for over--/' seat' lust Friday by 'the ladies of the Red | Cross Society, who kindly undertook the |work for the concert committee. The ckuge: raisins. 1 package notepaper, a hunch of 'envelopes, lead pencil, leather || Murch 18--Services are being' 'held "in shoe laces, .haniikerchief, trench candles, |St. Fhomas' Church "as- usual,-but no sta- by all 'to. have been one of | Mrs. Joseph Simpson has arrived home companists ever heard here. The result of |Church held their first missionary meeting A FREE Res} Room for the tise Price $145.00 SHANTY BAY tioned minister ux yet. Mr. Raikes is help- ing out till such time as 4 new rector. is settled here. after spending a month in Toronto with her daughter. is The Women's ustitute held w social in the hull on Friday 'evening. lust in honor af St. Patrick. A. nice, crowd: gathered atid: report a good time." W. P» Graham with his, new vietrola gave miost_ of the entertainment during "the evening. Re- ceipts over $16.00. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Hubbert and :fam- ily' and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson have gone West for the' summer, The Junior League of thé Methodist jon, Sunday evening last, "The "meeting under the leadership of Mrs, Robt. Robert- son was Very instrudtive and profitable. Tt ix good 'to see the Juniors are making such s good showing'in our village and it hoped the interest may still keep grow- Miss S.,Palk hax been spending few |days with her brother, Alfred Pulk, here. | A spetial mecting. of the Bible Society will be held in the Methodist Church here. on Monday next at 8 pan, - | CROWN HILL On Tuesday, February 19/the Crown Hill Auxiliury of the Oro-Red Cross Society held ja successful all-day -sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. WT. Partridge. In-the after- hoon the regulve- monthly meeting of the | Women's Institute took place, when Mrs. E. . Drury. gave a very interesting reading from "My -Four Years "in Germany". by errurd, and Miss Enid Partridge rendered x solo that was much apprecisted. On. | Tuesclay, March 5, the Sewing Circle held a | sticceseful all-chay' sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. Thos, Robsdn. The auxiliary me on March 12 for all-day sewing, at the home of Mrs. Thos, Metcalfe: In the after- noon the monthly meeting of the Wonien's Institute took place. when e report of the District Directors' meeting,- which,' she at tended. in Orillia on March 8, was given by Mrs, Metcalfe. 'The Inst of this winter's | all-day sewing. 'eetings. will be. held on Tuesday, March 26, atthe home pf Mre. 8. J. Dunsmore. Work af the Sewing Cire}e sent in daring February :~-Secours Natiogal, 2 quilts; Oro Red Cross Soe fat flannel shirts; 6 suits pyjamas; Field forts Society, 8 pairs socks. =e VESPRA. C CIL The Council met on thezl8 th inst. pur- |suant to adjournment, with- all members \present, the Reeve in tke Chair. g Communication* were read from T. J.-Hannigan, See. Hydyo--Electric Rail- way -Asoeiation, re annual, meeting. Dr. Albert -H. Abbot Sec. Organization of Re sources Committee giving - suggestions for |"Township Organizatiqu A. Quinlan and | J. Cole, Township Auditors, present- ed their-report through the Clerk. \ The: following accounts were " passed :~ A. Wilkes, bal. . pringing. account $35 A. Quinlan, Auditing 2 jWm. J. Cole, Auditing .-.5.. |Thos. Maguire, road seroms lot 4 |. con. 12, (19177 . Posen A. Jary, Creighurst Red 'Crost . Chas, Wattie, expenses to, Toronto~ re Coloniastion Roads... -:.. 6 A. B. Coutts, registration fees... 16 Bertha Reynolds, supplies for indigent earn oie Munieipal World, supplies... The Craighurst Red Cross § granted $15.00 per month. The Auditors' Report wax' adopted. and is now ready for distribution. . Copies of- |seme may be procured at the Clerk's office. 'The Clerk was instructed . to obtain , iS @ A By:Li was introduced, given its threé readings, and passed, for. the &p- tpointment of Pathmasters nnd the, follow- | ing_ other: township officials | Fence Viewers--James Quinlan, R. D. Coutts, A. W.. Partridge, Geo. McDonald, Wm. Howsrd, Wm. Grant; Fred Foyston, Hy. Priest, James Graham, J. W. Ferris, Geo. G. Young and Thos.' Misinikin. Pound, Keepers, -- Joseph Quinl Frankcom, Robert. Wattie, Fred. jest, Joseph: Copeland, Thomas Wallwin, W. Richardson, S. McLean, Geo. G. Young, Geo. Shannon, M.- Caston, Jas. Orok and Alex. ist. Sheep Valuators--Geo. Crawford, W. J. )\ + Dougherty, John J. Smith, Wallace Rich- id By. er's salary -st $800.00 per. annutn, and ors' fees at $3.00 per' day, and he amount pet day to be, charged for statute labor at $1.50, were - given their three' readings and passed. a 'The 'Council adjourned to meet, on April {8 at 10 s a 10 4 BE COUTTS, Clerk. With or without needles to change. * "GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE $Lines of Records--Columbia, Brunswick and Pathe. THREE OF THE BEST. _ ALL MADE:IN CANADA THE COLUMBIA THE BRUNSWICK THE PATHE All made'in Canada . Cost you' less. Price $90.00. advts: and' - save money. 'other than issues made abroad. More complete information gladly furnished on request J.H. BENNETT -Reroof with: Brantford Asphalt Roofing e wall paper, carpets Don't let a ledky roof damage th or furniture in your home, the. crops in your barn or the goods in your store. Tear off the old shingles or other worn out' roofing material and put o Brantford Asphalt Roofing. This roofing is made-of a blend. of asphalts on a long-fibfed felt base. asphalts a roofing o! one that is flexible, kinds of severe' climatic extremes: Brantford: Asphalt' Roofing is, in additi ia sand on' both sides, which adds to its we You may be offered other sanded roofing, but ie will not Have the quality .of material or weight "of saturation it Brantford Asphalt R ie Made in three weights =--60 1!b.; 70 Ib., si and durabilit consists of the same The same quality. as Standard Mj surtace. Used for ail classes of tem houses, camp sites, even dugouts in t and_55 lb. weights. * Slightly "ower same purposes. les of any of these roofings and prices, by either the makers or their agents in this locality. Brantford Roofing Co...... * Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Canada.» _ Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Halifax ETON Dominion of Canada 5%% Gold Bonds PRICE: 987: and Interest Due: st December, 1922, to Yield 5.77% Ist December, 1927, to Yield 5.657%, Ist December, 1937, to Yield. 5.60% Interest payable 1st June and December. "Bearer or Registered Bonds. Denominations: $50,.$100, $500 and $1,000 These bonds are {ree from the Dominion Ingome Tax. and.may be used as equivalent of cach at 10G-and interest 'in payment for Future Dominion of Canada bonds of like maturit ty, oF longer, BARRIE, ONT. ofing. Brantford Ruober Roofing Standard Mohawk Roofing Mohawk Rubber Roofing Leatheroid Roofing ig : 35 Pkg 45 Ib.,.and 55 Ib. weights. 'For sale by. HARDWARE CO. ni' a'lasting, roof of hard and soft - By. blending' the f remarkable elasticity is secured-- durable and capable of resisting alk surfaced. with ight, fire-resistance 80 ib. per square. is the same quality as Brantford Asphalt, but has a smooth, rubbery. surface instead of the sand. It ia particularly. suitable for verandah decks and floor coverings. Three weights:-- Ib. per square. Pp 40 Ib., 50 Ib., and 60. rade of 'materidls as Brantford Asphalt Roofing but is lighter in weight--a thoroughly reliable roofing at Tested for iyears and_has given entire satisfaction. Sanded on one side. One weight:--40 Ibs. per square. (gbawk but. with a smooth. ary _work---sheds,- bunk e treviches. 85 Ib., 45 Ib. ality than Mohawk 'Rubber.. Used for ices will be furnished

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