Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1918, p. 2

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e have on sale this week! i ) Men' 's Grey Worsted Suits, with "mohair linings -and well tailored, sizes from 35 to' 44;. worth' $32.00 for. ° $25.00. i Boys' Suits 'at all prices from $5.00 up to $15.00. 40 Blue English Worsted Suits *- worth $37.50 for $30.00. Workingmen's Blue and Black Ken White Striped Shirts. , We have just received.a ship- ment of Caps, in the latest Styles from 50c to $2.00. New Spring 'Hats from $1.50 to $3.00. Carhartt Overalls and Smocks. ° Ageiey 'for Parker's Dye --AT-- RA STEPHENS' CLOTHING STORE BARRIE LOST FIRST hi: team Sunde a TO DE_LA SALLE, 6-3,""1;,, | ja harteehecking one Played the Men Too Much-- i heir bodies effectively Contest Fast in Spots and vy'siy, but if they hoped ini Very Rough. flimidate the Barrie team at all *Th y use |by Uiis method, they failed. The Colts came back strong in. the Mad and Empire second and third period-and mix- \ splendid erewde saw the game lod if ganiely, st out be- and vie sup aogreatlsiuse of this nin choking Humber Af them, The Dyment was ineffective, ind they paid the pGells, winter Gordon Mecking's' toll in, penalties, whieh 'gave th ¢ ine havecimprovedk alot mM drish their chances: Barrie gave the Jast three weeks, They have Hnptived.se nuteh that Mey ba sale Irish oon the ran. in. the: fi Ioand. if they Shade main. Fils style of play that they inthe firsts period, they he now. nearer on equal Fis with their oppanents. Tt mnie andja wey ex- up for hip but in doing: so the Hol to play hockey and Dela Atle. using their heads. kept th inder a handieap in the greater tout the journos, (The three-best men on-the ice were Meeking' Catin and) While, Whivh diy deserves the highest Jronors if is indeed hard to. sw a redigh CINE one aim) theovisitors threw: Mecking outylasset every man « aWay ThSiy chimnees hy eontinuals 'the ige for slick handling and for Hy hatllitie during 'the second and tireloss'offensive work. His com. | hind peieds and putting them- binstion. in and around the op- Selves lin the penally box, rela Suth- Hvis (he Worst 'offender and apparent Misregard- for the ioportant situation nelped to pyt posing defence wag a treat to see and he looked:all that his many admirers had-declared him to be He. earned numerous penaltié What the Boys Sing Over Tiere is yours to hear over here "His Master's Voice Records 90 gents for 10-inch, double-sided Sussex by the Sea,* Alan Turner) Pa Take Me Back to Dear Old Blighty Alan Turser) Thie Further it ig (rom Tipperary Billy Murray | I'm Going 10 Follow the Boys" Elizalie-h Spencer-Henty Bure 216920 \ 33 hi A : § _ W-inch Blie Seal Record $1.25 * jLortaine Re nald Werrenrath ) 45143 Chiines of Normandy" Lambert Murphy i Two Fascinating Red Seal Records Clarence Whitehill 74536 Frances cg 64092 Two Grenadiers Rule, Britannia! Hear tliem at any "His Master's Voice" dealer Write for free copy of our:620-page Musical Encyclopedia, listing over 9000 Victor Records ~ Berliner Gram-o. phoneCo. - MON'PREAL, LIMITED a J E73 Lenoir Street "His Perigo Voice" , > GEO. 0. VICKERS a "Don't Forget There gee fi others' You carmot purchase! Vietrolas, Victor Records gt any othér "His Master's Voice" --- seany but our-authorized ¢ = ae vere handiz! | De ta Salle-is a treavy team and! and stren-| "|the ice, ao THE BARRIE which did-not help. back-bon His heatyrushing, nis grand de- fensive work and his all-round hockey playing held the Irish 'up, when: his team-mates threatened to throw the game away. White | is_one of the speediest 'skaters, Cain was the been seen in.the junior ranks th season. He is a. zreat puck- car- rier and althgugh light, hie is tail and tangy alid took bis" bumps good-naturedly and handed them pal with the 'same light-hearted- hess. The credit for holding Dye goes to Clark. He is a short chunky Jad with a burst of speed and hung all over bis, wing rival ii the first period \and 'had him stopped. "The Irish gave hima 'terrific grueling, but he came back Hor more, and. although a stiff body check took a Int out of early in the second period, he-was going strong again in the third session and more than held his own, Moore in goai for Barrie played a stellar game, and despite his youth and inexper'ence durned shots aside lime afier time that had through tickets on them, 'The feature of his work was his abil- ity to-come ott of the net and get the man after the defen |heen bedten. Bogardis has aneat shot and is a fast and he was dangerous ev and a handler, Played | wel dlthough from.an attack of throat trouble. Sutherland flashed in sputs and earned the plaudits of the crowd jance for a lone rush and some drand stick handling, but a ree- ord of five penalties in the game are eh ithe leds | 'There ed to the other side of little differense be- [iver the teams, and what the }Barrie boys may lack in weight jand experience' they. make up in is their, speed and stick handling ssisled by (heir gameness. Théy, are never-beaten until the last hell, ax. was shown Saturday. Phoy, had a: big margin. in. the first period, vind were making. the Irish defence, oom up badly, bat j instead of sticking fo their game Mhey tried to play De la Salle at Htheir own game and lost much In the second period, De la Salle regained: inugh of their prestige Jand showed' some very nice hock- ale jess but in' the third period, though the [rish looked best: in the. eatly moments. -- Barrie jstrengthened in the deelining to. [ments, secthat: there was) little hdiftoreiiee there. | Opening the first pe inrie [soon "assumed the offensive, and for a few minutes they! were ally over De li Salle. Four minutes after the play pened Clark beske eh passtul atter vel tallied, and shiek handled. his way in This put-Barrie righ they kept pressing. "Then fwas benched for tripping and with the odd man Barrie x crashing through, White "yeliev- edea counter rush on the netcand easily ouldistancing his opy ents, skidded around the detenee and tallied. This put Barrie tw goals in front within six minutes of play, jam the De la Salle deferte was jlooking askanee al their oppin- ents, Green had returned and In goldshy "had replaced Me 7 but"Dye took a bump when fried to stop lark, and althy fiised to countermand the penal- ly whiebs the Dela Salle man de- MeCurry therefore went to serve his'team-mate's penalty, Dyment feplaced Clark, bat Suth- erland earned his first penalty for tripping Spring. and in deine ed his team jo ease up in ek. Clark returned, Dy- ment going off, but Meeking anid McCurry ran ainuek. and they fol- lowed the beaten path. Suther- land returned and' Spring tonk a (rip along the kamé road that the others Had followed. The refer- ee was having a basy time, and the penalty box was generally. oc- cupied by 'two or more. Dye. having: made a quick re~ envery, came back and replaced Ingoldsby, bul Sutherland was penalized again, and the teams were playing four to four, © Bar~ Lrie. was fading under their ag- gressiveness, and: Green breaking found no défenee to bar his put Moore came out and a wonderful' stop. Green banished. for slashing, but y cand Meeking returned although Rartie had four-men to} three for a few seconds. .The other players began. te refrn. to. but Meeking wax penal ized again, and De-la@Salle had the advanlage (when (iteen res turned. . Meeking duinned 'Green, and made. his third "tyip. to the penalty 'box,-and with Ahe Barrie feentte off. Green romp ted through. and tallied, |Meeking returned shortly afterwards, and Spring was: benched; so that rrie was Aeetianen on age 4) ine Of the De la Salle team: yetuses.so little effort, that has + HORSES--1 'Chestnut ~ | weight 1500 Ibs. ; re Theavy; 1 AMINER "Amd Faster Sunday gleamed uponithe sky, And withnew fervour Filled tive heartsef wen: MOUNT St. LOUIS of the dify here Mi. Peters left on Thursdyy honie in Toronto. Richard McDonald of Orr' Lake spent a few days at Mr, Sullivan's lait week. Harry Carter of Big Bay' Point ix run ning the general store here for Mr, Heart of Toronto. | 5 her Haydden-spent Saturday in Oril- for hiv Miller hus sold one of his farms to Mr. "Heaslip of Moonstone. The farmers are busy getting. ready: for syrup making, CREDIT SALE --OR-- <7 Fein Stock: and lapdaete The undersigned has received @Reuetions froin THOS. F. CALD' to ell ,by Pablie Auction East End, Barri THURSDAY, MARCH' "28 The' Following: Geo, Hone 7 1 Bay. Hoye, 1 Chestnut Driviog, Horie; "3 avy; 1 Brown Driving | old, weight 1500 Ibs.; Bay Mare,' rising 3, 1B ¥ APTLE--1 Red' Cow, fresh; and White Cow due May 23; *, fresh; 1 Red Cow, milking due July 4th; 2 Red Cows, 1 Black and White Co Heifer, fresh;.3 Heifers, 2 Spring Calves; 2 Yearlings, PIGS AND HENS--1 .good Brood "Sow, due by date of sulé; 25 good Hens. IMPLEMENTS--1 'M'Cormick Binder, 7 | ft. cut, nesrly new; 1 Scufiler; 1-M'Cormick Mower; 1 Frost '& Wood Corn Binder, nearly' new; 1 Hay 'Tedder; 1 Manure Spreader, nearly new, Cockshutt; 1 Plow, LX.C.; I Dise Drill, Deering, nearly new; 1 Noxon Seed-Prill; 1 Sulky Rake. 1 Spring:Teoth Cultivator; 1 Corn ator, new; I Dise Harrow; 1 Stoneboat ; 1. set Iron Harrows; 1 Percival Plow, No. 12; 1 Wilkinson Plow, No, 4; 1 2:furrow Cockshutt Plow ; 1 Land Roller; Cutter ; Surrey 1 Wagon; T Road Cart; 2 Cutters, o1 1 set "Bob-Sleighs, heavy; 1 Stock Rack; Bain; 2 Hay Racks; 1 Fan- ning Mill; 1 Set Scales, 3000 ths.; 1 Pulper; 1 Grindstone ; 1 Cutfing-Box ; Dog Churn; 2 sets, Double sets Single Harness; Clippers: 1 Slush, Seraper; der; I-Fence Stretcher. Posts. A quantity of ensilage. A 'quan tity of potatoes. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE--1. Parlor Suite, { Davenport; a number of, Kitchen 'Chairs, 'a number of Rocking chairs, tab: Jes, 1 Washing Machine. All will be sold without reserve, as, the | Propriétor' has: sold his farm. TERMS OF SALE--All sums 'of $10.00 jand under cash; over that amount nine |maduths' credit will be. given 'to partirs "furnishing approved 'joint notes. Fives per cent per annum of for eash on credit pins Sule. at pm. I Ww March, 18--Clover threshing is the oril+f el and flower--bright sunshine--Spring, and the dawn of new life throughout all Nature! Fitting 'it is that such a time should, be joyously welcomed. -- Let your Easter table be in. --your mienu as attractive as adomit. _ i HAM--the one ham that is outstanding in culent fat and exquisitely flavored lean--that mild, acteristic, satisfying savoriness it comes only with the exclusive Swift . process "of selection and curing. You can ape no. better. Easter breakfast', dish than ham -- you can' find no better ham than T'S. PREMIUM. Swift wift Canadian Co. Limited Edmonton "A FREI ey re and childrei, has been | uiid of. thie Boaired of Trade, on Bayfield St.; ie, opposite the -Vespra Hotel. pened. under Board of Trade, ae it. this work. ; CALL at our office and eriquire: THE: BANK OF TORONTO Establi 'E. 63--6 CYLINDER The easy- of unusual merit. proportioned light touring car. \) than ever. Automobiles one is proud to own: : name implies. motor Car value, to the fullest-extent all the _the limits of the most conservative buyer. ' _ COME IN ANE LOOR:T ee ¢. H. BEELBY %. MeCONKEY, Anctioner. ASTER--redolent of bidding leaf keeping with the day p the flowers that Start with a breakfast of SWiFT's PREMIUM -lence because of its firm, juicy tenderness--its suc-. 2} Rest Room for the use f women. and chiliren, auspices on Bi Barrie, opposite the Vespra Hotel, Now is the FARMER'S opportunity to aid our armies and benefit himself by keeping more LIVE STOCK and increasing the production LOANS made to pesponsinle men to aid 'in "LAUGHLIN VALVE-IN-H FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING CAR iding qualities and ample leg room of. the . (McLaughlin Six-Cylinder Touring Model makes it a car it_meets with the approval of those . who have use for a full-powered, economical and well: Many improvements '| make it more beautiful in abpeatance and more efficient Expert engineering, the best of material and Skilled labor have produced in this McLaughlin model a medium ° weight car at a medium price--a car of: the pleasing stream-line body type, well and comfortably upholster- ; ed. . While this car is moderate in its 'price, it has'a'style : - and finish that. immediately puts it in a class-with the Its-44 horse-power McLaughlin valve-in-head motor and. light-weight, gives it much more power than ordinarily needed and assures.economy in. operation. : This valve-in-head medel has become a favorite because |° =! it isa McLaughlin.from every standpoint and all that the i It stands unchallenged i in its pricé 'class for beauty of design, efficient' mechanism and general albround, ' With this car in their possession, the family enjo joys enéfits to be derived from the ownership of an iia at a cost well within has been of the vfield' St., EAD

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