Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1918, p. 12

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SHOP EVERY DESIRABLE FEATURE IS FOUND IN OUR SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF - We are showing quantities of New Spring Hats in stich a diversity If you want an inexpensive Hat, simply l i if-you want'a moderately priced Hat of the better grade, you can Hats for Dress and Street wear in many shapes and coloring, are TRY THIS STORE FOR MILLINERY. OUR CURTAIN DEPT. Is complete with the new Curtains, Scrims. and.. Nets, in White, Ecru and cdlor com- binations; These are all "shown to great advantage in our New Curtain Room; ad- joining the Millinery, where "you can make your selections away from the busy air of the main store, : MEN Buy Vickers' Clothing of the better kind. Our values tell the story why there's such an increase in our - clothing Selling. ' You can get better values through our Cash Buying Policy than you will get in many other stores--Come and make comparisons. Judge for yourself, R: MALCOMSON, Mgr. AT EMBODIED IN OUR -NEW SPRING' WAISTS We are showing a repre- sentative collection of Spring Waist Dainty, and in the, ing styles and als imag- inable. Waists of Voile and Silk, Silk Crepe and Ninon that will delight every. lady ° who sees them, as well by their quality and style new- ness as-by their moderateness in price. ~The prices range from $1.95 to $8.50. but smartly trimmed, to put. ! VICKERS"-IT PAYS BUY YOUR GLOVES NOW. \ A complete assortment of Women's. Kid atid» Fabric Gloves' in Black, White, Nat- ural and Grey. ' ' In real'. French Kid Gloves $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and.$2.50 Chamoisette Gloves at $1.00 and $1.25. = Silk Gloves at 75¢, 90c, $1.00 and $1,25. 'T SATEENS._ AND' CHIN. / ly decorating the Home, in a grand array, Light and Dark colorings. Prices 25c. « to 95c. per yard. ' of Styles and rimming effects at so many different prices. immediately and wear at any time; we have these. chooose here to your heart's content... sill included in our peerless array at very moderate prices. | EXQUISITE . LOVELINESS "VICTOR VICTROLAS AND RECORDS | CHOOSE FROM. STOCK HAVE YOU A CORSET PROBLEM? Bring it-to. our Miss Davies--or. Miss Nash or Miss Tymon. Théy will help you select the Model best suited to your individual requiremerits. Each of these 'young ladies has graduated-in the Canadian School for Corsetry. . ae We have the sole agency for the*célebrated "GOSSARD CORSETS" 'made by the premiers in. the Front Lacing Model. These Corsets are worn and recommended by many*and- are the only Front Lacing 'Corset that. we can recommend to-you. "The reason 'you should buy your Corsets here' is that you get expert advice, which ensures perfect comfort, ease and style contour. We also'sell'select styles of the A La Grace; The "Nemo" and.D, & "A. *. Comparisons in Your Favor. ._. "TRY OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE _ Your shopping:is done as well as though you were here to choose-- . orders of $5.00 and up sent carriage prepaid. A& we keep tio books for this department; orders wilt not be acknowledged without money to cover purchase, also sufficient to cover postage: If too much' is sent balance" will-be returned. pee ; : Nothing T know of « Pill. give such prompt Telief (row - this dia- enn. ak Chembier- Cough Inin's tdy. The pain in the chest. diesppears, goes down, '< while body ther. After effects of the diseane. can also, be avoided by. taking «4 Rem- " deca. fone of Toronto spent avs here last week. vester Ben Gilchrist and the |whonk we at home: also one brother, spicher of Stayner, all of The-funeral-t6ok place on Sun day afferioon, Mar. 10, lo Bhen. Asaph left on Wednes.|ezer Mennonite ehuret, 12th of he obher or years. woman Svl- lof character, y present al (h funeral, in vontacte, Preshbytérian deceased lives and Mrs. of the very fingst traits whom friends become ve |seH-denying, and-2enerous she OF everyone with whom. she caine actively interested in 'all the aux=|tawn, and Wm. McKinley, Prine Haries 61 that chureh.. "Most of] Albert. Tho funeral tock plac all she 'will be mourned. by those on Tuesday after . intermet who" knew her best for "she was|heing made in the Unitn one of. those rare person: lery. Services were conduc he hoine by Rev. M. F. Cree arge. nutiber of} frie 'ased tuted out as a mark of respect 'lu her memory. friends. She pslevived ber husband about three MeCallister was a Kind sacri considerate. ieine, amiable was a friend attached Mrs. McCallister Survived by five Sisters and brother--Mrs, gos. G i ion: Mrs. Jas. Speers, Barriv; A. member of the |Mrs.. Thomas' Gibson, "Phornto church, she was }Mrs. George Cunningham, You. will, like Cross Buns 'best Bryson's. Hot Kine 4 Chamberlain's Cough' Remedy a ver known a nimglo Gade of re pneumonie, when rely. given, and jowiug in@ucnsa speedily, splendid 'remedyse Yours-for health, a fat ee PROTECT Your Family -Your Business Your: Future _ With an Annital . Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. day- for. a visit to relatives: in Cookstiywn,t Mrs, J. Lewthwaite has > re- turned) home after, visiting in Angus for two months. Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Tomlinson have gone for' a week's. holiday to visit relatives'in Sutton. Conductor Wo THant is retier- ing Conductor G. Clark who is visiting in Florida for two months The GT. painters ate 'husy painting and decotating. the Al landale station arid waiting roonis before dhe summer work starts. 28 for "The Minis- character sketch entertainment hy Burton Avenue Ladies. Aid: Proceeds. divided equally with Field: Comforts. Robert MeLaughlin, a returned Soldier of Tattenham ix: y his uncle, David » Mel. Cumberland St. He has been dix- eharegd -on account of 'trench fever and rheumatism. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Walton rea ceived word on Wedne: that an old' friend and shopmate, Mr. Crossland, died én Hamilton on The: evening... Mr. and Mrs. Wallon are alfending: the funéral, Elmvale Lance--Norman Prest, GT. R.-seetion foreman, Elm- vale, -has resigned his position, fand will movevhis family to Maple, | where Mr. Prest lias accepted an- |} other position. "W. D, Ritchie jwill be Mr. Prest's successor as} . {Was made in the cemetery adjoin- (| mixed congregation; of Presby- Sunnidaly, 'of which the deceased, was a 'member, Rey, A, 'T.-Gooil- ing of Stayii lelivered a brief serinon, after which. intermont ing the chirch. 7 a | : e 7 i 7 | With the Churches e : Last Sunday marked the close 2 ar y pring y es of the splendid series of union ' Mlional services between oe Pa ge vterian .and Methodist | churches: he s the weather is - i . i Auch milder, requiring less fuel ES . and the expectations aré thal for, the coming .Easter Sunday 'both churches will be filled to capag ily, a 4 Rev. JR. Lamb took charge the morning service at Essa St. Presbyterian and in the evenin Rev. Mr. Watt (Himself a Scot) breached upon an Irish theme to torians and Methodists, a combin- ation, which surely denotes «a spirit of .Christian unity and a wider' cconveption of Christian brotherhood. On the Sunday previous, under the auspices of the . "Gipsy" Simon Smith, known evangelist took charge of, the:services of the day at Burton Ave. Methodist, and on the follow-, ing Monday evening: gave a very entertaining leeture "The Adven- tures 6f a Rolling Stone." * --On Monday night of this weok the Burton Ave. Methodist League wound up the recent contes! Quality counts more now than ever before and in this respect Moore's Shoes : | maintain their high standard aid also' that attractiveness and originality which meet both the iemand and admiration, of well-dressed women. We quote here (three of our most popular lines which are the Jatest pro- + ductions from the Fashion Centres. eal Sa emes /SCCLON foreman, iwhich aroused much' interest, py --_----__ PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN BARRIE Five-room Bungalow, Donald St,, electric Jight'and water, Price $900.00. G-room Cottage, John St, flowing well wat neat property. "Price $950.00, tor of Toronte, pid -hi isit_ lo Lodge Kempenfeldt, No. with a concert and lunch, An inter-;one hundred and fift; esting address was given by him/sent and thcroughly enjoyed the to a lange number of members Refreshments and games follow-| Large Boarding House, McDonald St,{¢d-and all voled the meeting.one Orchestra made a decided hit. on Friday last. - Official taining Supreme President' D. J.. Prge-|the' losing side, the Blues, enter- the winners, the Reds,+ excellent programme. et MeLaughlin and his. Symphony About } were pre- Conductor irs 50 is a.pretty, high cut Boot, in a nice shade.of Chocolate' Kid 'with tS medium and high heels, light sewn 'soles, plain vamips and. with toe caps, sizes 2 to:7. ; comes a pretty 'Boot for growing: girls, in Black Kid, with Grey Price" $1250,00. of the best ever held by Allandale Town water, electric light and-gas, Price Bt, Burtie: , Price $700.00. Six-1 House and tot, Cumberland St, |8:0.R: sits Death of Mrs. John McCallister Mrs. Frank Hill Bereaved ~ Alliston * ie -- Mes. John i se js After a month's illness, an old | MeGalli d suddenly on wel FEE Oe Ee a WOE ot euch? megpening Seruant ot Sunday, March 17, after an 'Six-room Cottage, ' Sunnidale, Ira Spidher, passed a-|ness of only a few hours. tS. : sienna. ee va ay op ely Meco Beat the| McCallister was in-her usual good | S:room brick. house, with all. the Istest |residence of | s_sdn, Wm. F.|bealth and was préparing to #0) convenienees, coal, wood 'und electric man- |Spicher, in his 'Y6th year. The|to church when she 'was suddenly tols; Gmiahed in oak.. Can be bought right. deceased was horn in Scott, York|strickén with apopléxy. She suc. Saven-room "brick. house, Owen 'St, all County, in i841, and about 1866{cumbed about ihe middle of the Sronoo NR Heed: sible: rie |eottied on a farm. in. the 10th{afternoon, Tes sister: Misa. Me. "Neat: Six-room Cottage, with cleetrie (Concession, "Sunnidale. . Three|Kinley, was with her and: hefore : a sgoniege See ae years later he married Miss En-|the end. came, a et manag house. Price $1150.00. phemia/ Watson, who predeceaged |sister, Mrs. Geo. Zanningham of jhim two years. Five daughters|Cookstown 'accompanied chy' Mr. and two'sons are left to mourn;|Cunningham, got here. The death, Mrs. Albert Naylor, Owen Sound:jof Mrs. MeGaljlister was a shork jMbs. Francis Stringer; Port Dav-j to. ber friends: #hroughout the + Mrs. Geo. Moore, Alliston;,| distrtt Frank Hill, Allandale; Mrs.jed on as ~ |John Pilkey, New Lowell; Joseph |appeara B Spicher sind William E. Spicher (health. We have also many néw lines in. Boots, Pumps and Oxfords. \ AT $6.00 Cloth Tops, medium weight, sewn 'soles, newest Shape toes. and low : heels) sizes 2 to 6. * j Le : AT? 50 is a distinctively dainty Boot in Black Kid with extra high Grey Cloth - $6 Tops, light sewn soles, ; A to D widths. » Military heels, plain vamps, sizes 2: to 7, in es, tx We cordially invite your inspection,

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