Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1918, p. 7

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Page Seven - | BACKYARD POULTRY PAY How Seventy-six Hours Gave a | . Profit of $58.29. i SUGGESTIONS FOR FARMER Early This Year--Keep the -Farmn- img . Mill Going--Work, In 'the Dairy, Stable and in the Orchard. (Geutributed by Ontario Depart: t | Agriculture, Toronto.) mente OW A PROFIT of $58.29 was 'made from twenty-six 'hens, which turned the table scraps, and $26.13 worth sf feed inté $84.42 worth of, eggs Is de- scribed in a recent circular of the @entral Experimental Farm, Ottawa. 'The birds were not selected witb a view to the-greatest production pos: sible, but rather to' the securing of such a fiock as. any amateur migtt « fo out sind purchase. The flock con- gisted of twenty-six birds--four of 'eT 5 'which were three-year-old Black. Leg-' | ST. PAUL'S, INNISFIL. horn hens, six. White Leghorn pullets: |. The. annual meeting of the W. A._ took s . ice on Monday, Mar. 4, at, the Reétory. 7 = ; and one Bléck Minorca pullet hatched ied froma' the" Lo . TORONTO HAMILTON WINNIPEG RO 'i ed | Interesting reports were rec i | fm May, and the balance were cross- Secretary, showing a membership of 54, -- breds Black 'and White Leghorns, | meetings during yeur 22. After the usual x hatched in June, They were not put | missionary sewing wae completed;*the mem- ¥. into winter quarters until well on in jherx have been meeting weekly for Red November,-and'it was December 7th |Cross work'at different homes with splendid THE CAR YOU-LOVE-TO OWN before.the first egg was laid. results. However, during the year ms t \ 3 $825.00 F.O.B.: Oshawa. : eh os How the Flock Was Kept..+:" [ef the mecibers ove hem engaged in «bie ' a ; +e Ti An.old wood shed about eleven b: Ke. sy A COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE, possessing all the essentials for comfort and convenience--electric lights and | ggg 2d reed sted about cleven Oy wat Car the Literature Seéretare, re- dimmers, starter, demountable rims, one-man top, tilted windshield, speedometer, ammeter, tire. carrier, electric : |hause. In the 'south side, fifteen |ported that 117,missionsry books hu' bren " : 4 -in-hi 6r--i 7" incbes from the floor a line of win} j read. jontiry .tendings. and _informa~ horn, etc., etc. And they can't get away from that valve-in ead mot6r--its power fools them all. dows two feet wide: was' placed 'and |.tion 'had been 'given at most: of the meet- ee 5 . sate above these an opening ab igh- In the diocesan. missionury corapeti- NO EXTRAS TO BUY, she's réady to fly, up-to-date and pleases the eye. Buy now before they advance in price: tase incor wide yonannda anrden-che.| Mon St: Paul's wan Beer clues With 4 Pe entire front. In this a fraine, covered |centage of ¥5 in contest No. 2. In eom- G. B. MCLEAN, PHONE 298, BARRIE with light éotton, was hinged, This | petition No. 3 branch took 7) per. cent. frame was kept hooked' up-to the ceil- |No. J branch took 65 per cent. In No. ing through the day, except in the | branch: took "seventh -ploce 'This year =e -" severest weather. * branch «is entering three competitions out -- ------- = ws x Hoppers.of oyster shell, beef scraps jof five. ~ : WESTERN NOTES guests he made' successfid exit through was calved in 1912, his sire being Gray 'Lud | time these places remain 'open till two or | 22d dry. mash were kept constantly 'The treasurer, Mrs. Cal Feb, 27--The Maryland Hotel in Fai eee of the second storey windows, losing s'| 6th, the undeftuted grand champion bull of | three o'clock 'at night. with the result that | before-the flock.. 'The dry, mash -con- cash receipts of. ubout $: beats fe al Hotel in Ralihdn, | portion of 'his personal belongings. >| America. Rg | the frequentera eat an extra meal. Food sisted of bran, middlings and corn- | paid on missionary pled A fre wave fire Soak piace' bane One 2. '4 One of the highest 'prices paid by any conditions 'are too-serious to permit of this| meal, equal: parts, one-half part glu- | machiné was purchused, together ¥ Pgens Raving started in the basement of un adjoin: | Canudian breeder was, that paid by Frank | | waste and henes the proposed setion of the | ten and. one-balf part blood flour. A jeral weil) atte, Sy, eet a tant ot pee iting, Clarence Carey, formerly of Collicut, of Crossfield, Alberia, for five: | Orilia News-Letter--The Council will pro- | Counell: Munition workers on night duty deen tee Uae ae eee ee BO Pe Sea 4 the clbllnee the Carey Shde-Co. if Barrie, who is now | year-old Hereford bull, Gray Lad 20th. The hai at its next mesting. pass a byl he the mniduight je eee ene poets et all whole grain feéd er a ane ia oe atacd ag Soe any tom Shoe Merchanty was a guest | price paid was 620,00) and Tom Moore, of | whereby restaurants wil -be: compelled 10 | wi se rf See" yout $40.00 wis' prepared, in awldition to at the Maryland. With most of, the 115 | Claresholm, was the seller. Gray Lad 16th se at 9 vgck at night. At she jpresent oe to serve under the lice att ios sp) tine, mized grain, 4 about S100) wee Se poaual parts, Was given, At the:same | _, Mr. Fo Robinsiw ri A Meal Too Much ted for > Babiek time warmed water was given, At | Brauch, 20 member, 'prt eee i if noon the water was renewed and'all |~ The officer: s ye President = + the' kitchen' waste, such as vegetable tet Pres , a legis ice ee dents B é Ts | Mrs. Perry; Ist. e President, Mrs. m. parings, was fed. Usually at-this time es, Vice Pasian an: Tae! a few handfuls of mixed grain were o Nightings ; i ¥ eo also scattered. nox; Treasurer, Sirs Jo 'A. Colors Rec, 3 The methods followéd were such as | Secretary. Mi Soh tons Goreme ° as e lobe s essace aie ethos Tollowed were such £8 |ronsing Secretary, Mine Flacnér, Nightin : ? a very small place for a house aud gale: Dove no yard room.are required. By 'buy- | biteratu {ng pullets. in the full and' selling | Brave | them when poultry is high' inthe | Miss F Leonard, early suntmer the most- will'be had | Reached You? h, Miss Florence ia gale out of the flock. without Interfering | Mig Spit, Mee ee ida rates in any way with either-your own OF |i. Gf the A.Y-P.A: will be held in the your neighbor's back-yard garden. . a stement when illudrated views will bes : : : , =- 'own on Irelanil, 60 slid's, Everyone is Py Timely Agricultural Suggestions. ipvited to these meetings. Seed grain 'and root seeds secured naire any gaa from the best sources available and in MOUNT ST. LOUIS ample quantities for spring 'seeding'|. y, : ae ih inmaed are a most profitable investment at bone Sean Meshes, Be ennesving in For the past six weeks Bie tue of he Year i nol 00 fe Walk of Stnuer pent few dave = . sy . Kinds of farm' crops.to determine |"'y" }; Fitsser ; i oa ¢ THE GLOBE has been presenting certain facts to the readers of ' Hiatt' apitabiiity. tor-epring seed. °/A |qrsss Fitsgereld': ade «brief, visi to s . . ;. rs 4 Toronto and rors this paper. 'The object has been to convigpe the people of this Boorse sown: |s_s-teed wasted -- | Mux: Con. Frawley: i in.» vepggaticsl . Pra Hea ; 2 <_< Pa J 8 cendition,' _ district that Canada's National Newspaper Bas : ( of it this year. Thofaux Miller took, a busines trip to oe ; - \ 3 -- Barrie. A telegraphic and cable service unrivalled in Canaua.. This includes éx- \ >| "Plenty of exercise for the breeding | Fitzgerald Bros, sold one of their thor- ' Clusiye rights to,all cables of The London Times, The London Chronicle, The animals will insure. stronger and:| ough-bred huckneys New York Times and The Philadelphia Ledger. i more profitable young. - Pa Hussey. is supplying our school with . svoail. A "War Summary," based on the world's most authoritative information, About fifty guesti-gathered ut Geo. Burn- When the work is not too pressing, | g.14. x get the fanning mill busy to ensure che' tet hur a good supply of sound, plump seed ' grain free from..weed seeds. Tne oftener the seed is put through the 7 fanning: mill the larger end plumper |. CRAIGHURST 'the grain will be, and the fewer the | Thy many friends of W. F. Richardson' of weed seeds in it." Always avoid sow- | Rowley Saition, 'Alta, formerly, of Craig- ing sunken grain and. weed: seeds-- | hurt, will be they are about the poorest, invest- "has undergone ment a man tan make." fremoval of an 4 Toronto, y mening' and spent a and giving the reader a clear and concise survey of the situation on all . . cardsplaying and dane- fronts up to the time of going .to press. A domestic news, service that is truly national, with unbiased reports from Ottawa 'and Toronto press galleries featured during Parliamentary sessions. 'The Legislature is in session now; Parliament meets in March. Financial information and market reports that put THE GLOBE in a class by itself; a-full page daily of editorial matter; a special section. devoted to the latest news of sport. A Woman's Department, a daily feature supplemented' on Thursdays with a) Homemakers' Page. THE GLOBE, with its strict censorship,_is a particu~ larly desirable family paper. ' Secure an amply, supply of spray- | === ing-material iow. Bluestone will -be required for spraying potatoes, iron sulphate for spraying mustard, lime sulphur for the fruit trees and' paris green or arsenate of lead for potato beetles and dther insect pe: Be sure to-secure the supply of formalin for treating seed grain to. prevent gmutt and for treating potatoes to prevent scab. One. pint of Formalin is sufficient to. treat from 20.to 30 bushels of grain and the same amount wil. treat from 40 to 45 bushels of potatoes. Keep the Formalin. bottle well corked and do not leave it ina place where it is likely to be frozen: An Industrial and Business Section evéry Tuesday. and Farm and Country Life pages on Wednesdays, both of them invaluable features, and consti- )-tuting premiums.to be had only with THE GLO Saturday features, such as the Young People's Page. the Religious Outlook, and other spécial departments, that make THE GLOBE of Saturday morn- ing-worth the full subscription price. Give Your Order to Your Newsdealer To-day ~ -" Are you convinced that Canada's National Habit is something to acquire right now ? . More thar 80,000 people are subscribers to THE GLOBE daily--how many more would be regular subscribers if they realized how small was the cost i --1.28 cents per day when mailed to your address. 'That's why to-day's'emphasis is put on the "big value"'--the most-for- ,your-money reason why you should delay no longer in sending your. order. Oa em heGlobe * Canada's National Newspaper . 'Securing farm, labor will 'be the orkers great problem in agriculture this ts year. Write to the Ontario Govern: , Women who ere unaccus- ment Public Employment Bureau, 15 tomed to hard work, such as Queen's Park, and also consult your ietletlad Pabthe factory, agricultural representative. Put in ibaa ay pi senate your order early with these men and eoeay ineysare nt working - you may get the help you reduire-- |] T"Hndrads of women would have had to give up their patri- otic work had it not been for ! The ideal temperature in the dairy stable, combined with good air, is je 1 between 50 and 60 degrees Fabren- heit.. It is a good plan to have a reli- | [i able thermometer hanging. at some FOR KIDNEYS Toronto central point in'the stable and' note 2 r snag a the variation in the temperature from . . Perhaps you have had per- OR day to day. 'On fine days "turn all sonal experience cf these dis : 7 ' the cattle outside for an bour in the | jf} tressing. symptoms--pas GiOBE-PRINTING CO, 'Toronto: = | sunshine. It may, mean. a little less the sides and back, Rheuma-_ " pronte's tnilk. but' it will be paid 'for in the |q) Ss™ of Lomliago,: Constant Pansies himprovement of the health of the ede, roles Pe young stock. by. the example of "ptser ri for ssesese MAIL - COUPON DIRECT ye -» dollars, for which. send me THE GLOBE daily months by mail (er delivery). 'The trees in the apple orchard nay be scraped down now, so @s to make re effective 'the' later spraying of the trunk -and the maim branches. Egg snasses. of the Tussock ' moth, | eonspicucusly white against the dark bark, may be'removed by. means of | | @ wire brush or hook on a pole. . | Gatarlo 'Agricultural College Notes. "Pictures framed by Dougall Bros, 45tf Name .csccevevncececee sense nneeeeeseeeenceee Street and: Number' .. City' :

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