well tailored; sizes '$25.00. $5.00 up to $15.00. to $3.00. Agency Works AT _--_--_---- NEWS OF COOKSTOWN _ Basrie Exaniiner. and Saturday Morning in Copkstown fs George F. Thompson. News items 'for Cookstown and adjacent handed er phoned' to, Mr, Thompson and wi 89 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him. The representative of The Mrs. Ged. Filde panied 'by her to sve her sister who is ill. « Mr week. Fred Apperley, sold 29 will «entertain . the all members of the Fisher's. Mr, Mills .of. Melancthon Sta- daughter tion -is -visiting his: Mrs. Qgle Marling, ° + 4 'The Missions Study ( < Methodist Chureh' have "Our South American on Thursday night on the 'following: w Rev, Mr. Graham Chureh on Sunday last. Miss Whi of -Toronto, ery department for season. Miss' White 'town. on Monday. Mr. Buyer of Baxter We are showing for ~ EASTER Ladies', Misses and Children's é Ready-to-Wear HATS - New designs, natty. trimmings, ~ + exclusive shapes. FOR SPRING : Spring Coats. . Caps for Easter Borsalino Hats for Men. HATS AND FURS. , Cookst has taken charge of Fisher's Millin- the .conting | arrived in| has Jeased the, Watson Farm on the ---- L.,B. Avery attended: the funeral of her-aunt at Bright this hogs last week, which brought him' $1380. The Cookstowii Epworth League Bethesda -League on Monday evening next. Rubbers, Rubbers, Rubbers,. for family at sof the mpletod the study of the hook entitled, 'eighbors." i" 'A review of the hook' will be made} and a debate} of 'Toronto, took. service at the, Présbyterian | Men's and.Boys' Hats and Most complete range we have ever shown. All the newest shapes and best-makers. Sole agents for the Famous SIMMONS & C0. WATER LILY makes the nic MOSS ROSE makes the Beauti "We manufacture Graham Flour, W 'Wheatlets and' Germ Meal for _CHOPPING:;- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays i We have on sale this week with mohair linings and 1 f Tom 35 to 44, worth: $32.00 - for Boys' Suits at all prices from 40 Blue English Worsted Suits worth $37.50 for $30.00. . Workingmen's Blue and Black and White Striped Shirts. We have just received a ship- '. ment of Caps, in the latest styles.from'50c to $2.00. New Spring Hats from $1.50 Carhartt Overalls and Smocks. for Parker's. Dye "R.A. STEPHENS ~ CLOTHING STORE ill be forwarded to this paper. , Sr., accom- |2 daughter, Mrs. 'Tait, went to Orillia,on Saturday | Pacific LADIES' COATS | Be sure and see our range of 'railroads of the Dominion. |N.R: roads, and. their respective Se Brin: your. "Wheat and Exchange Far: MeEYPS,. for Flour, Bran and Shorts. se "WE GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR 6 Sweet Moitt Loaf. 'Porridge. ' Investi s Lsome'ég@s which he-bought at 60 {com per dozen. Mr. A. J. Clague, own Flour Mills _ 9 | ROBINSON BRO cently vaedted by John Raitey. Orange Grand Lodge at Chatham during the past week. ted up with 'motors ready for: the chopping wit he done weeks. the window, a German pipe. which was sent hy Private Clifton Kell to derry Cunningham: day, Feb. 27. to Major and Mr Knowles, town Knowles). G. Campbell's farm in Tecumseth an extended visit-at Alex. Arnold's with. friends, ae country may~be Phone No. d'line of Innisfil, which 5 re- Will -MeMaster «attended the Our up-to-date miller, F. a. Robinson. is 'having, his mill -fi1- Hydro. Pow Owing to this, no for twa Bishers have now on' display in Born--In Barrie, on Wednes-| a son (W red Ce Chas. Harper has purchased F Mrs. MéMann of Tornto; after has gone to-Hawkestone to visit Institute will the Town Hall The" Women's hoki a concert in on Wed. Apr.-24, under the dir--jeaution to buy frank twe arug- Oo eet Mise Barton of the Alc [aiste so (al the "among put-| liston Conservatory of Music. |Chased should not be so notices) Plan of Mall will, he, at Harryjable. | 'The spree tasted three or | her's Store. 2 ltour days and ended in the death The Belgian Embargo has been [of Thos: boxe, whe wits a-Seateh- lifted. and all donations for the | hale should be handed inte: the| Women's Institute before April 4. The Women's Institute wish' to make known that any one who left plates during the time the sold- jers went through town, may ¢a at Gollop*'s: store and select their own. ------ Maintenance of Way Agreement Ottawa, March 6--The Depart- ment 6f Labor has received word of the conclusion of an agree- ment between the Grand lway Company and ils maintenance of way employees as to wages jand general working conditions. "The agreement concludes ne- gotiations which haye,-for some time. past, been in progress be- tween the maintenance of way empleyees, and, all the four great The differetices between the men 'on the C.P.R., Grand Trunk, and-C. companies were adjusted. ------ juch=Travelled Eggs 'the history of 192 Scarboro 'road, Toronto, found that.the eggs had heen. sold by T. J. Urton, of Duck Lake, Sask. & months. ago, at 20 cents per dozen. ful White Crisp Pastry we all like. nole\Wheat Flour for Dark Bread." 'Fo Let us all feel we're ty 'Of one Than only to banish the spake. Then here's: to the land' of the [And her sons who-are now |You canbe what you like for to= NOft'as I teal my engine swerve, Hor what awaits me there. 'Trunk | § -|safety and comfort. the /, adoption -\ 'THE BARRIE BL Patrick's: Day) (March 17, 1918). » To-day we remember St. Patrick, So let his true color. be seen, i ior one day I'll. ask the kind Jairies a minglé the orange withthe, green. icotch, put you never would ity Z it of the blarney, they say, | rock, * Im. sure" that . Saint Patrick -is worthy sake, if he never. did anything better shamrock, ' in the fray," . . Geo. Hy Gordon, Barrie, Ont. "will 'The Lights Be White?" By Cy Warman) 'As o'er strange rails we fare' I strain my eye around the, curve, When swift and free she carries me. 'Phrough yards unknown at night, 1 'look along the 'line to see Hf all,the lights are white. The Blue light marks the crip- pled i 'The Gree ght signals slow, 'Phe Red light is the danger-light, 'The White light, let her go. Again the open fields we roam, And wher the night -is fair 1 look up into. the starry dome And wonder what's up there. Kor who can' speak for those who dwell Behind the curling sky, No. man has ever lived to tell Just what it means to dic. t towards. Lile's terminal 1 trend, ¥ The run seems short tosnight, God Gnly knows what's at the end, IT hope the lights are white. Fatal Wood Alcohol Spree Being 'unable to secure the reg- ular brands of 'fire-water, "two sailors in. Renetang last week, sought exhilaration from meth~ ylated spirits and wood alcohal,| both of whieh may be purchascil Without hindrance at. the drug stores. When they found. that} sufficient resalts were -not" ob] {tained from the -- methylated spirits, the. men laid in a supply of wood aleuhol, lake the: pre- man; and a' salt water 'sailor. On Thursday: last an' inquest} was held, Mr. Cotter appearing) for the Crown, The verdiet of | the jury was that Love came to his death. by indulging' in wood ricohol, administered by -himself. The Railwaymen Lindsay Warder--And again we repeal that railway men-are est of great men, They are to be found always at the post of duty. dsay is to a certain extent a MMiway town and as such weap. preciate having such' a fine type of citizen. They are among the best citizens in the town' and. among the wost progressive. They bat- tle with the raging and unkind ea sprig of your sham_}, Irish to-day. |; y 4 day in' the year for his |; to be nutibered among the great-|is efuployed by the central EXCELLENT VALUE IN * BABY CARRIAGE - For only $23.50% Cannot' be duplicated for less than $27.00. A Snap. THE CHILDREN'S AID APPEALS FOR HELP This Organization is Doing a Splendid Work for Neglec- ted Little Ones. The following circular, has been' issued by the'. Simcoe" County « Children's, Aid Society i We wish to bring to: your: attention -the work which is being done. throughout this Coutity. by our Society. You must-have realized that there are a great many homes into. which children are born where the conditions are entirely unsuited to child welfare. When such eases occur -the law has provided, that failing any other remedy the children. may: be removed from, these homes to a more suitable place. i The enforcement of this luw "has been placed inthe hands' of ,the Children's Aid Society. In this'way it has fallen to the lot of the Society 'to adjust many family difficulties. The children, are, when neces: y, removed to the central Shelter for the y, und: as soon 'as suitable private nd; they are placed there as wards of the Society. 'There are now in the County some 188 wards, distributed in all parts y] = While the 'Shelter is sit@ated' for conven: ience in tHe county town, it almost invar- iably happens. that the. majority of the children fhere sre from other municipalities of the caynty.. It "will thus be seen that the. purpdse.of this central shelier is to serye the throughoist The maint secured 88 f ounty. ance 'of this work has been 8s (1) The /Gounty is required by law to provide a 5 33.00 table Shelter and in_sddition per week for each ward while an in- So e municipalities have mide an- for this purpose. donations. : (4) Churches and. Societies," especially Women's Institutes, irave also contributed For the past. year.we have hed the ser- vices of an Reet, Mr. W. J. Justice, who society, and bas done splendid. service in ritory, and the needs of the work now make it imperative that the whole time of} this gentleman shall be devoted to the chil ren for whom the County of Simeoe » sponsible. |. This necessitates an increased budget to meet the larger expense. In view'of this 'growing the County Council has made an additional .grant, but insufficient for re- cold' winds of winter andthe Sizzling scorching heat waves of ihe summer; they are-the'knighls of-the steel rail in-whom we place every 'confidence: watch for:the Blue, the Green, the Red and the While Hghts and pilot. us 'safely to our journey's.end. Long live the railway men. May"every trip in the future .be. completed "in --__---- Free Men for Farm Work The Canada Food Board is pre- paring plans for the: mobiliza- tion of labor for spring seeding operations. Men familiar with handling horses will be specially neededy, and it -is essential - that fliey se secured to work on the lan For this. reasdn employers of gvivh labor, .in urban. centres, will| be well advised':to consider of cb-operative thethods of delivery in order to free the men. capable of dri ing horses atid especially thos with farm 'experience 3 Vieat Consumption on Decline The consumption of beef and mutton in Britain during: the, last year' of peace' was 150,000 'tons per 'month, During 1916-17 this | the purpose. | "Attention may be drawn | owing to the increased cost of living, $3.00 | per week is no longer sufficient for child maintenance. E Practically no provision has been made for mayment of Matron, Agent's travelling. expenses, heating, lighting, ete. We would mention thatthe officers are working with- /Sut 'salary, saving a small honorarium 'to \the Scoretary-Treasurer,' who is responsible under audit, for details of receipts 'und ex- penditures. "We are therefore- appealing to Friends of children's work, to ehurehes, und to societies, to help us this year by ontri- Butions, "At. least $900 ix necessary if we ire to complete 'the year without 8 deficit. 'The problema which after-war readjust- ment will provide will, we fear, bring more work and greater expense for this Society. Meeting as we do the. needs of every munio- pality, we feel that -we can, appeal fairly to all alike to help in.what' we. are under to the fact that taking. : Donations may be sent direct to be YOUNG, Barrie, or.through local Treasurer. $4.75, $5.00, $5.25, $6.25, $0.50 t0 'BOYS' BARROWS The 'Toy Barrow from '75c OTTON! Is of children's rescue work rous friends have given private the interests, of | the County werk. The extent, of the ter- | att and Wagons ee _ SEE OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCK BEFORE BUYING iy OUR GO-CARTS 'are the best value We have them at $15.75 Suitable for light garden work $2.50 3 eee ieee, : STROUD 5 'The Methodist Quarterly Official Board at its February meeting in Lefroy. decided, owing to-the higher cost of living, to taise the stipend 'of their pastor, Rey. Wm. Clements $200°00.: " This wili bring: the salery'up to $1200.00, Mr. Clements will Ie: te cireuit wt the end of June, baving ined the four years allowed: by th discipline of the. Church. me "Read The Examiner Adlet Column. --SSS-------- SS NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'Notice is hereby given pursuant to the 'Trustee Act that. all persons: having claims. against. the Estate of-Jane Elliott, late of the Township pf-Oro, in the County of Sim- coe, Married. Worian, decessed, who: died on or about the ninth day-of June, 1917, are' requésted to send particulars of their claims:to the undersigned on or before the twentieth day of March, 1918, after which date the Administrator will distribute the assets of the estate among those, entitled thereto, having tegard only to, the claims. of 'which they shall then have 'notice, and that they will not be responsible to. any. person, for the gssets of said Bstate,- whose claims shall not then' have been received. DONALD ROSS, . ARDWARE CO. Limited "The old Firm with a new Name." " $1.60, $1.90, $2.60, $3.25 to $6.00 each.' FIVE POINTS PROPERTIES FOR SALE IN-BARRIE. Five-room. Bungalow, 'Donald St.,selectric light and 'water. Price: $900.00. . B-room Cottage, John' St., flowing well water, a neat pfoperty: Price $950.00. Large Boarding House, McDonald St., Price $1250.00. : 'Six-room House and lot, Cumberland St., Good Brick House and lot, nicely lecor- ated, Frederigk St. Price $950.00. ix-room Cottage, brick veneer; Dunlop St, Bamrie, "Price $700.00. Broom brick house, .with all the. Intest conveniences, coal, wood and electric man- tels, finished in oak. Can be bought. right. Sever-room brick house, Owen St... all conveniences, with good: stable. "Price $2200.00. Neat Six-room Cottage, with electric light and town water, large lot with nice chicken house. Price $1150.00. Six-room Cottage, Donald St., with nica garden. Price: $700. Can sell any of easy terms. APPLY TO Ww. C. THOMPSON & SON Real Estate Agents Solicitor for Administrator Dated 28th February, 1918. 9. - During convalescence, and when appetite lags brings to the hot. dry mouth a freshness and. a- soothing balm that coaxes back the enthusiasm of health. Thousands of soldiers: in Europe have cause fo thank Wrigley's for, its tonic effect. it ! 5 amount has fallen to 420,000 tons. per. month. 'Fhe total available supplies dt present in sight for 8. - Proprietors the -current year ate not more jthan 88,000 tons per month. -- AI fei Le WRIGLEYS | ) Keep your 11|15 Owen St. 3: Barrie "fighter supplied Town water, electric light and gas. Price, $900.00. 'above properties om.