Canada's Victory Bonds f Se " Free from Income Tax Of the Dominion of Canada. : 5Y% per cent. Interest Payable June Ist-and December Ist. Denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000. . Repayable 1922, 1927 or' 1937. : Price $98.871/4 and Interest per $100 Bond yielding < over 5% %. Canada Bond Corporation TORONTO Limited * CANADA Had to Come To It 'Doring the list three years the' Burk's Falls Arrow has had-a good deal wo ray about the. $1.50 'subscription rate, niain tuinigg that one dollar on an absolutely paid-in-advance basis was sufficient. © But the Arrow has found that the on newspuper ix not a paying propos annotinces that it is 'compelled to increase ite rate to $1,50, beginning Apr. 1st. PRIVATE ALVIN WEBB _ WELCOMED HOME | | Stroud People Showed Warm Appreciation of a Hero of. Vimy Ridge. March 4--The Adult Classes wrranged a "| weleome home for Pte. Alvin Webb, who was budlywounded in May 1917. ~' Pte. | Webb 'came: through the fierce buttle of Vimy Ridge without mishap, but was' un- | fortuniite enough to weet s Jack' Johnion, | when he wax going for water, which ex- | ploded and wounded him in ubout a. dozen | pplages., Two of. the worst wounds were: in the* head card chest and considering the nature of 'the wounds Pte. Webb looked very well. He has to undergo an opera- tion in Toronto shortly ~ Returning home 'on Tuesday, Feb. '19, he "wax given -a wel come in. the basement of the Methodist Church on Friday evening, Feb. room, was decorated in a very appropriate manner.. The Prisidents of the Classes, Miss Hiwura Wright und Lennox. Black, along ith AJ W. Green, guve brief address of welconie. The. visiting ministers were: | Rev nzie nnd Rev: R.-d. W. | Pe esentedl their respective de- nominations... Both spoke in' glowing terri i a of the heim an sqerifice made by our ' Young min for the world's freedom and .:. $B. Be Clean--and Safe. Be tity. 'The Pastor of the Church occupied 12 [Think of the:germ-laden things the chair and replied to the, addresses uf a oat aicla wad oothine "fama the evening on behalf of the returned sol- jdier. A uniform presentation will he male snes tate enatect sith every to each young -man who has enlisted from | day. Then remember thet | this church und Sunday. School at a lster-| there | dae | soap 'TM) |, pelle Ewart Field Comfort Notes | -aThose. who contiibuted to the yarn fund were {"S1.00- Mrs, K. Houston; Mrs Lazefhoy, 'Mrs, Colgan, "Mrs. James, Mrs." Hill, Mrs. | | Mullen. 5 J] LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Use Lifebuoy for the: hand: the bath, the. clothes, and the Its Mrs. Eden, Mrs. G. | Houston, Mrs. Johnson. Reid, Mrs. rich, abundant 8 25e.--Mrs, J. Ferrier, Mrs. Ruffett, Mrs. | fafety. Thess Davis. W, Trnbly, J. Whan. | odor vanishes Total$0 jwickly after use. Contributions received for Belgian Relief BROTH! Xmas, Envelopes 25. Mrs. grr het $1.00 Mrs. Hill, Mrs | Johnson; W.. Trombly | | re J. Ferrier. eee Total--34 Grocers ------ | Read | money. the advts 'Home in Halifax roofed with Brantford Asphalt Slates Ahandsome roof that | 'An added touch-of beauty to any house is a.roof of Biantford Asphalt Slates, which are in soft, harmonious shades-of reddish brown and dark: green. The colors are permanent and unfadeable, being the natural shades of the slate just'as it is taken out of the quarries, It will also. prove a very economical "roof, 'pecause Brantford | 'Asphalt Slates do. not split, get loose, absorb water er fot. | They are strongly. fire-resistant and are classified as non-combustible by the fire insurance companies, and allowed to be used in cities where the | most rigid firesprevention By-laws are in force. Brantfort Asphalt Slates are very moderate in cost. The regu lar size of the slates and their pliability make them easily. and quickly Inia, this saving time and cost of labor. Being made of high grade Valt'gaturated and coated with asphalt, and with a surface of crushed slate, they make a roof that defies the elements and if a permanent part of the building, just like the walls and the foundation, ----~ Brantford _ Asphalt Slates are being used imore extensively: every year for city, country and summer homes, churches, golf 'clubs,. stores, 'garages, and wherever an artistic effect is desired ona pitch roof. "If you 'are going to do any building this year or have an old roof that needs replacing, it will Se to your advantage to investi- gate Brantford Asphalt States. Brantford Roofing Co... d Office and Factory, Brantford, Canada Branches at Toronto, 1, Halifax For sale by_ OTTON HARDWARE co. LIMITED The |f jhe restrained, until fins | away seross miles of contingnt and: ocean. | | Tt was not long antil we drew our little quickly, beequse we heard that you, | . defies the weather : CRAIGVALE SOLDIER "GOT HEARTY WELCOME Pte. Herbert Purvis Who Lost a Foot in France Presented With Gifts. On' Friday. morning, Feb. 22; Mr.and Mrs. 'A. Purvis 'were, delighted on the return of heir son Herb' from overseas via Halifax. In April last he received a wound which necessitated a 'long period in the hospitals and the amputation of his foot at the ankle. He went away with the 157th Bn. in Octo- her 1917 and wax in the first draft to France and come Yhrough the immortal fight in which the Canadians won the day at Vimy Ridge. While holding the ground won he, together 'with Alvin, Webb, was wounded. Many' met him at, Craigysle Strition and were glad to see -him looking as usual, i The happinese of Mri and Mrs. Purvis and family was: that of the community at large. On Saturday evening from eight to ed to its eapacity by not only the imme. ite community, but by many with good wishes from further field. After the singing of "The Maple. Leaf," Rev. Mr. Perry called upon Geo: Martin, who read the accompanying address, which wis intro- dactory to the presentation by James Leon- ard of « signet ring, a wrist watch and $25 in' gold, showin only the esteem in which, Horb: is held, but algo the spirit of the community jn\gegard $9 the war. "Herb thnnked those preset_tof their interest evi- denesd bystheir presence and gifts. Rev. Mr. Clements in. his way joined in the elcome ame." Short addresses were. en, Hewson, Birnie, There was also a yuried programme, literary and musical Tt-was a source of much, pleasure to have Webb, who arrived home a before and who was prevent and suw- Herb when be fell ho have returned to. Toronto, speedy. ad return to the ranks of éivilian | éurly date 'The Address Dear Herb:--When the call came to. qur peaceful' land in. the autumn 'of 1914 to enter the grim sthugele to defend our Tand against the cru-l foe, there were many to 'answer that, call from.among us. 'They wert away with the bsnners Auttering to the strains of martial music. They went with Briton's determination, hopes and resolves. During the long: months since then they have held the line, "They have repelled the foe. They have saved our homes. "They fought 3000 miles away that we might not have to fight at home. Some of them Isi¢ down their lives, others of them were méimefl in body, others .have hen under the good hand of our beneficent God, protected all these months, and still write "Cheerily. to. those who, were. left. be- hind. All of them have purchased to themselves the undying gratitude of the' Canadian people. en, the large and hospitable home wee |_ We wish fot the | For spri cleaning and drains LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS Carroll Mullen in Hospital Mrs. W. J. Mullen recently received a letter from her son Carroll, written from a hospital in France on Feb. 12. Part of the letter is as follows:-- You will be somewhat surprived to learn I am in hospital: Came down here from the Battery a couple of days ago. 1 told you'in s previous letter that.I had a cold 'and that had sort of worked into my bosics. Well the Doctor at the Buttery-thought I We well.remember the months after the had better come down here as I would get first year when it was necessary to incredse,| the forces and renew: the lines, We-remem jer that you were among those who had' to na returned one night khaki clad. In our county town and ational training camp you pérfected your. | If and won' for yourself» good record | infil finally on Oct. 13th, 1916, the 157th nid miggivindy hopes and fears, rolled breath a'! with others well known, were' called upon to enter into the thick' of the fight.. Well, the days and the weeks passed by durine which we'ull knew you were doing your part and more, until Word came that you had met with one of the misfortunes of | nt Vimy Ridge, one of the places where | Conadians won immortal fame for, gpeit country, in 'the defence of the dld Eniggre, whose fag. floats on' the 'seven au flutters unfurled in the, breeze as it sym~ holizes those things which we hold as our most valued possessions, Tonight we weleom home,.t6 the communi the calix of peace which "are as insiekent as those of | war, We may leave unsaid what we mean | Soy nnd ought to say, because in the fiidst of the great issue we are slow of speech, but .be sured. we can never pay | fur. diies to. those noble men from. the | length tind breadth of our great Iahd, from. | humihle home snd the home of greater | privilege, who marched away and. gladly and unreservedly laid down their lives or were willing to lay down their lives that land should be saved, that' the fruits 'of the ages might not be overthrown by the pow: ers of darkness, that God might be glorified, that our King and his realm might' be te fended, our hearths kept warm for ages yet to come. We now ask you to accept these gifts, not for their iptrinsic 'value, but-merely ae i slight token-of our appreciation and grat inule. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors, . JAS. LEONARD, GEO. MARTIN, you home to your | MITCHELL, SQUARE G. W. Jermey has sold his farm to Johnston and has purchased "Spring Ban! Farm" from T. H. MeMuhon. Mr. Me: Mahon has secured the Calvert, property at Hawkestone, and, will move there as soon he has disposed of the stock and implements Bent is leaving the old Jermey jiluce on the JOth concession, for his old farin in North (Orillia. Geo. McLeod. kas bought. "The Heilinds" from his uncle, Rv McLeod, the litter intending to remove to town. Chat. Anderson is anoving 'this month on to his late brother George's place W. H. Rouse, owing to the serious illness of Mig. Rousse, has, disposed of "his property to his brother, Garfield- Rouse, while T. J. Jk:bas purchased the Mitehell Square-pro- ty from G."Rouse, 'Wm. Bent has for saken his farm' onthe Sth concession and now fesides on the 12th line. . Hy. Litster, whp has: gone into partnership with 'his sonin-law, R. P. Merrick, in. 8 grocery business in. Barrie, yill move the family there soon "i \ A Novel Motor Spin Penetang Herald--On Monday, Mayor McDonsld, Edmund Gendron and-F. 8, Grist had an whique joy tide over the ice. The party left here about 1 p.m for Christian' Island. where: they spent a short time. Then they took' in Beckwith Tiland and visited 'Manley Chew's lumber camps. From /here they took a spin up| the bay to thiWatches and.returned home. by Giant's Tomb. Tt is xery seldom the bay is frozen' over around\the /Watches strong enough to hold.a horse\Jet' alone an automobile: We Teel safe in stating that Mayor 'Wright has the distinction of being Wright, Ds better uttention and it would: be a rest for ine, for you know while a chap is uround the battery' and feeling anyway off color-he doesn't get a chance to du much -loctoring. 'As I had-been up the line steady for a year without a day away or going to a rest cum) like some, do for 4 month-or so, the docior shipped ime down here. "Glad of i as @® get good meals: here. and' fine t ent. Am ferling much 'better alre: They will most likely keep me <lown a, month or so, they generally do ad perhaps they will keep me' at the Base a | couple of months, which is a sort vf rest | it, ¥ cami after one gets out of hospital, > b Now I don't want you to worry, mothe as Tam 0.K. as you ein see by my writing, Couldn't be very sick and. do this, el | Glad to get 'away froin "ity for awhile? shy way, Mother, and imaging that it will soon come to an issue of sopte- sort before very long From Pte. FrankLang Following is: part, of ter received by Miss Fanny' Lang, Créaghurst, from her } cousin, Pte. Frank 'LangAwho is in Epsom | Hospital. Writing or/Feb, 16, he said :-- | T just got your most wéledme levter-and | you do not know how pleased I was to get | 'Las you can't realize what a letter from | Canada means to us over Hete. 1 am feel. | ing s lot better, but am still in hospital. 1') sure had, a hard tiqwe-of it-last month. . I} Yo-not know what hisfappened my brother Will. I have not heard from him for over J js admitted to friends last. If Comfort, try the first to make that trip and it will. likely be some time before it can again be made by automobile. Aa |the war ends. largest sale in Canada." Why? Sheer merit. Nothing else. q --it last a long time--and so of course its the new, bigger bar 'to- day, 'you'll be glad Pugsley, Dingrnan & Co.; Limited Torento . \ two months, I have wiitten' to his batta- lion to'see if I can find out where he is. 1 do 'hope he is all right. It certainly. is too bad that cousin Jack cannot go home. 1 hope he will be left. in England till this next battle: is over, for I bave a good idea what | it will be. like. They are sending all the | men from' sround here over to France and that means a big bunch of them, but I hope they do not send cousin Jack over. It is just one year ago -today, Feb. 16, since I vnlisted, . T wish T was out of -hospital so 1 could get my pass. I will have a few days to myself and I am going to Ireland. -- I went to Scotland on my last puss and I had a high old time." T will be-glad when Then it will be, "Hurratt for-home! 'and Iowill go and see you people and then go sailingagain with my brother something' to tone and conditions, and-so reriew Bri pbar's " wrapper have "enorrhously. the It washes beautifully YOU hayen't ysed you did. When Tired and Nervous If the end of the day finds you weary or irri- table, with achingheadand frayednerves,youneed BEECHAM'S PILLS are a remedy which quickly helps in restoring normal They act on the stomach, iver and e strength, 'A few doses of these world-f ng Welcome Relief only, by Thomas Beecher, "everywhere in Cansda and U, S. America, In boxer, 25'cehts, because: we've made the Comfort Soap bar bigger for the same money. Of course the new premiums--during the war' at. economy possible least--but that makes war-time in-the shape of the bigger bar.. COMFORT SOAP he strongest rat-t-Vaki-1 a Will,--that is if we get back 0. only hope we do. : Livening Things Up Collingwood" Enterprise--Bill Holden, the self-appointed purifier of- municipal politics visited Barrie recently und" is'said tor ha returned with a whole 'lot of information The majority * A for his Citizens' Committee of the councillors are. tobe unseated. petition is being circulated asking for. am investigation and a whole Jot of thing are doing. It will be real refreshing to have some excitement even if it costs the ratepayers. few thousand, dollars LADIES! Heard. 15 Ross St. has received 'another. lot, of Coilene Corsets, which. go on. sale Sat- urday at nearly half. price.- Home evenings anid Saturdays, 15. Ross St., upstairs. flat, phone 572. Mrs. strengthen the'system. . 'bowels, ly_the:nerves. d. family pills will and. stead: St. Helene; Lancashire, England. is not good for ene)