uk oy home in Dauphin, Man,, ufter spending the + vill few from' rheumatism for about seventeen years, bee had. just been confined to her bed for a sides her husband, Mrs, "Muir leaves two | sons, Robt, of the West and Sergt, Wm. V. Muir of New Lowel Mabel .{Mrs.- Coo] Tro. daughters Maud 'dnd tbl (Mas. Toronto. o ic a Wm, Mansbridge) predece; er a few|: Anthony Huth is hauling timb hie put the day in at home, as many of t years. The funeral will be held on Wed- ie ne for hit.) Toul churches had to. cancel their: services. Cemetery. © 7. - - Mrs, Julius Scott and her niece Priscilla Wilton spent s few days in Toronto. this week. ; th + Rey. Mr. Totten' of Tottenham and 'Rev. "March 13--On 'Monday. morni nite, Mui, wife of 'Thos E. 63-6 The easy-riding qualities and ample leg room of the. McLaughlin Six-Cylinder Touring' Model makes it.a car of unusual merit. It, meets. with the approval of those than-ever. Expert engineering, the beg of material and skilled 'who have use for a full-powered, economical and well- i tones light touring car. - F ake it more beaiitiful in appearance and more efficient Many-improvements jabor have produced in this McLaughlin model a medium weight car at a medium rice--a car of the pleasing stream-line body type, well and comfortably upholster- (ed. While this car is moderate in its price, it has a style and finish that immediately. puts it in a class: with the Automobiles one is proud to.own. Its 44 horse-power Mc! name implies.~ Laughlin -valve-in-head motor and light weight, gives it much more power than ordinarily needed and: assures econom: This valve-in-head model has become a it is a McLaughlin from every standpoint and all that the in operation. 'avorite because It stands unchallenged in, its price class for beauty motor car value. , of -design,. efficient mechanism a rid general. all-round With this car in their possession, the family enjoys to the fullest extent.all the benefits to be derived from "the ownership of an automobile, at a cost well. within the limits of the most conservative.buyer. COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER C. H. BEELBY Clapperton St., Barrie, Phone 249 News from Neighboring Townships ANGUS geant. Muir of this age, passed away after an illness of a weel Deceased had beeh an- invalid rt time, Shevwas 63 years of age Be- so one 'daughter r McCracken),.. Azigus. day from her residerice to Angus Union 'A. Leece will exchange pulpits on Sun- Adams. , March 17. "Tilson andl daughter left tor: aheir | of 'Mrs. TAILORING DEPT. Having: bought our cloths ° months ahead we are able to offer high-class Suits and Overtoats at old. prices. Blue Serges and. Worsteds guaranteed : Bc aa.elee $35.00 to $40.00 Old Stock T weeds... $25.00 Fancy Worsteds in Browns, Greens, Blues and Greys... . + + - $30.00 to $45.00 Toronto. be given' in aid of the As Told by Our Correspondents Winter. with the former's miother, Mrs. Sar- 'Mrs, Legge sccompanied them to VIGO March 11--Edwin Priest leaves for the West on, Wednesday. ° Wm. Rainford of Barrie,spent s few days 'V, | last week with friends here. Miss Hannah Slaven has returied home after spending some time with friends in 'The Messrs, Coles spent the week-end with friends in- this section. s Michael King is on the sick-list. Quite' a number from around here have sold horses to the Montreal buyer, Mr. 'The Women's Institute meet at the home: ital shower is to D. Kerr. A he Cross. ILME & SON | MEN'S OUTFITTERS -- i ae OFFER THE NEWEST STYLES AND CLOTHS FOR TAILORED AND READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING (FOR THE COMING SEASON his home here. 5 4 + Mra, Bateman snd children of Bond Head spent over Sunday with her mother, Mrs: ivens, 'Mrs, Lot Webb and Mrs: Thos. Nightin- ale were ii ito this week' attendin; sawing machine. thas returned home from : janes has returned alter spendin few days. in the city. es West. Fe 'Norman Wiee is improving nicely after his operation. 'Miss Mary Duncan spent s few days last week in Barrie. 'Allan Black has taken a cHange for the ronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'Webb omthe arrival of.s young son. (From: Another Correspondent) Mar. 12--The roads are again. made. diffi- cult by King Blissard. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, W. Robertson are in St. Catharines. ? Miss Wonch is visiting Mrs. 8. Reynolds. Rev. Mr. McKersie. of Atherley is with his sister, Mrs, Thos. Reid. 'Miss Mabel Jacks is attending. busines college in Barrie. The U-Try Club, 'an organization in con- nection 'with the Stroud Presbyterian Chureb, met on Monday. evening ut. the home of John Roberteoh. There were raar- Rey..D. A. McKensie, B.A. presided. and a fine program was given. There were vocal solos by. Miss. Bir- die Warnica and, Mrs. Telford Sharpe, ipstrumenital. selections . by Miss Sadie 'Warnics. and Miss -Elsine Lennox, read: ings. by Miss Marian Reid," and. speeches by Rev, Mr. MeKersie and John Robertson. 'When the program wan concluded. there were various amusements. Refreshments were gerved. The evening was very nioy: | nble..© The U-Try Club are sending many boxes of eatables- té the soldier boys who have gotie' overseas. : ly fifty present, March 11--The Sixth. Line contributed to Barrie Red Cross Rooms onggeturday last, $1.50 cash and 544 dozen eggs. Yesterday was another stormy Sunday. Most of our citizens had' to bé contented to Russell McMaster: and Miss Viola Mc- Master of Hamilton are holidaying with their parents, Mr.'and Mrs, M. McMaster. " A number of his neighbors assisted W. Harris in -hauling his effect' to his new home on Wednesday last. - ence is omitted this week 'as the correspon: Gent. neglected to fill in the names. of the people, simply: giving initials.) : READY-TO-WEAR March 1$th we will have on display the newest and most up-to-date -range of Men's Suits and Overcoats shown to" the men of Barrie and vicinity. These garments are made . with a finish, fit apd comfort, that gives them that superior 'Allan Black is seriously ill in: the R, V. | 'UTOPIA 4 (Note--One of the items of correspond: |' THs advertisernent those who have never'owned "a phonograph. 3. = Qur:aim 'This is how choice. in keeping with the P.O. son of Toronto are weeks with theit sister, Mrs. F. C, Bishop ed cher und 'baby spent part jof last' week with the former's mother, Mrs. M. E. Dutcher. 'The Women's Institute will meet.on: Wed- nesday, March 20, at 2 p.m, at the home of j, Everyone welcome. Rev. Geo. Kitching will preach a speci Seen09 '0 the young people inthe Methodist Church at 10.30. Regular 7 pan. On March 7, fire broke out in Milne's lumber mill" and before 'the flames, could be put out it destroyed 'quite a bit of the engine ahd shanty around it, -It is expected that the mill-will be runting sgain by. Fri- day, March 15. ; a 'Mr. Patton of Toronto spent/part of the: past week with his brother, John 4. i Miss Evelyn Coulter bas her home in Gull Lake, sfter- spending the two months with her father, Alex. Coulter. <- Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Jamieson have re~ turned to their home in Loreburn, Sask., after spendi couple' of months 'with friends here. LeRoy took a carload of horses with him, e Mrs, Frank Grey of Barrie called: on friends here last "Thursday. ._ Rev. G. L Craw-of Springville spent a few days recently with friends here. I. T. Lennox spoke to the. Farmers':Club last Monday night. His address was much appreciated by all. CUNDLES March 12--J. Bowman, who-has farmed 'on the old Gordon place for two years, sold. the farm to Mr. Graham. and has moved to Battie. : 'A; Cameron, who 'recently sold his farm to Mr, Miller, has purchased. M. Robertson's farm and intends working it himself. Mr. Robertson is retiring and. is moving to town. ; 'A social evening was spent at the home of Wallace.Brown, Cundle Farm, last week, number of friends from Toronto and Barrie, being present. It was a most fair. and Mrs. Fred. (Chappell 'of Toronto visited friends bere before going to thy S ad nent is intended as. well =~ for those who already own an old- style one-record talking machine as: for is is not to argue or. debate,. "but assist"'the intelligent and- good the | eee in your own home. you hear it, tr salesmen, sales talk orarguments. , AND IN ADDITION you may: compare it directly. with sonie other phonograph--any 'make, any price--your 'choice or your friends' "HIDDEN beauties in yor "SNOTE- any kind of 1 A 7 J carefut buyer to. purchase a phonograph which will play ALL records-equally well. _- So we éffer: you the opportunity to place a Brunswick in your home with any or every other phonograph and then'de- cide for yourself. B FS Meds Canada ny YOU PLAY on the Brunswick ALL records, any make. ALL YOU DO is listen. NOT TO A SALESMAN--but to the FIND' OUT--with your. owit ears--how the. Brunswick: discovers - ) ur own records, and'develops a.brilliancy and teality of tone-that the other instrument does not. Be x : FIND OUT with'your own ears how the Brunswick does away with 50-p.c..of the "surface noise," the scratching of the needle. MARK YOU, the Brunswick Phonograph/will 'do anything, play any- thing, "look". anything that any other instrument Reseed do it play it and look if BETTER. Prove it yourself. . WE DECLARE, without qualification;that the Brunswick is. the phonograph of 100 p.c. VALUE--and we know that the prices are economy of the times. IF THIS IS TRUE, you ought to know it. WE OFFER YOU the sure way to find out. LET OUR PHONOGRAPH talk for us. We shall be pleased to haye you call and inspect for yourself. GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE phonographs. THE LEADING HOUSE: FOR EVERYTHING IN MUSIC _ LOCAL SHOW ROOMS FOR HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS Box 178 , MIDHURST spent Sunday with friends in ti Miss Mary Cochrane of Barrie . | ing « few days at her home here. John Gray' of Barrie is the guest of Thos. Spence. : Owing to the.storm on, Sunday end at.""Apple Grove Farm." France and was -wounded sent to England where -he.was' in mmerson Cook" spent the. visiting friends in Penetang. rounds 'on ber of them and mill-on his premises Toronto spent the week-end with ents here. Walker in Barrie. . 'the summer... dal her sister, Mrs. R. W. Metcalf, 'MINESING a ap will be able to cut, his pine. which is valu- able. : HAWKESTONE Miss Eva Priddle and Frank McMillan of BARRIE, ONT. March-12--John 'Cameron of Orangeville village. 'is spend- there was no service in the Presbyterian Church. Frank Moore of Toronto spent the week- Pie. Peter Shaughnessy, who hasbeen in and then was the hospi- tal for some time, has returned home. week-end. 'While the mail courier was going on his yy, he. captured good- their par- ts 4 Mrs. C, E. Priddle is visiting Mrs, W. J |" Miss E.- Smaliivood left this week for Burk's Falls, where she intends 'spending |. Miss Beatrice' Adam of Fort, Willigm is visiting her parents for a short time. Mrs. E. V: Kendall. is visiting her-sister, Mrs. Jos. Pound, Mitchell. Square, this week.. Mrs."Demoline hss returned home after spending 'a few' weeks in Barrie and Allan- le. 'Mrs. Kell'of Barrie spent a few days with Last Saturday were laid to rest Phone 259a. FARM FOR SALK--50' scres within th miles from Barrie; one mile: from' Pains- wick. Soil is clay-loam in 'good state: of cultivation. Bunk barn; frame house, good young orchard, never-failing spring. 6 acres fall wheat sown, 12 acres seeded down, Fall ploughing' done. For 'par- ticulsés apply to J. H. Nixon, RR. No. 2, Allandale. 10- Gr FARM FOR SALE--Pareel' No.°1,.200 acres, Lot 28, Concession 3, inte; approx- imately 160 acres cleared. Good brick house together with outbuildings. Also Parcel No. 2 consisting of 80° seres, com- prising. Lot 24, Concession. 4; Medonte, nearly. 'all cleared, property of the Inte' © 'Win, Fraser, will be offered: for sale by fie 'Auction on or abont March, 29. FOR SAEE~ (Or exchange on sbhe ternis, for small house convenjences 'and ygarden, near "St. Andrew's), the premises' 160. Peel Street, attractive, .Iatge, commodious, tind 'substantial: two- storey brick house, 'with verandah, "bal- eony, bay windows, cdaveniences, large double parlor and' dining-room with nian- tels, nearly -acre garden' land, fruit and shade trees, barn and garage, easy walk to. bay, front, st post-office, free fron: discomfort of smoke, noise, dust, and heat cof lower' streets; bargain if so}d- soon. Easy. terms. W. Enstnian,: Box 94, FOR SALE Double brick héuse on Dunlop St, be- longing to the Estate of the Iste Dr. B. 'Patterson. This property has to be sold to wind up 'the: Estate. Beautiful 'location, modern improvements. = ' For bees to * W. J, PIGGOTT, "Bxeoutors unswick is! 'y it--fairly, impartially, without ih,