Owing to a change in the 'personnel of the Sutcliffe-Firm i in Barrie, are- -adjustment of the stock becomes et, Stock-taking has disclosed the fact that many departments are too heavily stocked. and decisive price reductions are necessary to move these goods out 'quickly. For seven days: commencing Saturday morning, March 16th, until Saturday night, March bag p you can buy at greatly reduced:prices many Jines of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Men's and 'Boys' Clothing, M Fur- nishinig . Women's Ready-to-Wear, Hosiery, Underwear, Etc. We are 'not cutting the price of every "article i in the Store, but you will find sufficient inducement i in this list to make a visit. worth your while. ~ The sale is for cash only. 5 5 'No premiyms given on the advertised lines. Misses' Cotton Hose Child's Cashmere Hose 4 Sale Price 18¢ pr. | | . Sale Price-15¢ Pre. Or 2 psirs for 35¢._ Fine ribbed Black Cotton Fine 'ribbed Black Wool Hose, sizes 434 to 6. Torehon and Val. L: Hote, tises 6 to 9. Worth 25¢, pair wee Bs are sces.and Insertions. Worth Factory Cotton Sale Price 14e | Bed Comforters. Sale Price $3.90 Curtain"Scrim Sale Prica 12% | Full 40 inches wide, fine; even weave, strong Full size, id quality ore, filled with 36-inch colored borde: eats, el wer Ie Jad Se er ee ed bee Sa ee. dato SAVINGS ON MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS Not old styles but some of our newest lines selected for price sacrifice at this Sale. Men' 's Heavy Undershirts Men's Tweed Suits Men's Corduroy Pants , Sale Price 59 Sale Price $10.95, Sale Price $2.95 Light Ground Prints Heavy Ribbed Wool, Unshrinkable, Undershirts |. There's all sizes in the lot, but hardly any two | "Yéu knoi the good wearing qualities of these |" Sale Price' 15¢ yd. only, Regular 75 value. ts\alike, leff' over from our bet, selling Tine. | dark Brown Corduroy Pants sizes in stock, 36, 37, A splendid strong Print, 31 inches. wide, ia Tight Men's Heavy Braces Sale price 39c | im sneraP sin 00 O° MO than the regu-| 38 and 40, Regular price $3.75 'J: colors only, The price of this line now is 25¢ ya Sle Price 15¢ doz. ; ~ _-- Guipure Lace Collars Sale Price 59¢. At this price' you can afford to cut them up for yokes or trimmings, They are worth up to $3.00 each. Sateen Undershirts . Sale Price oe Splendid . bright finish' Black 'Sateen Skirts, nicely made, good value now at $1.00. Child's Fabiee 'Petticoats « - Sale-Price 25¢ 'Made of excellent quality White Flannelette in a ts bed ee Well worth the-regular price of Ladies' Waists Sale Price $1.95..| ° prira heavy Police and Kitchener Braces. Reg-: Boys' Tweed Suits Sale Price $4.79 Men's Overalls - Sale Price $i 25 Sideboard Scarfs Sale: Price 50¢ ea 'A clean-up of many .of our-best selling lines of ft ular price 500. ys' we IES O rs This is an extremely low price for'such a good |" Linea 'BD ize iSx72 inchen 2" 4 Black Taffets, fancy Japanese and White and | was won Gy Sale Price 9Be| yf, zee Tange, of splendid wearing suits for [Overall sizes, in "Blue and White asd Black bicse age pia em nora Colored Crepes and 'Voiles. "Former prices $3.00 en's Wor loves Sale Price boys, sizes, are 24 9,8 6 to 15 years. Former | and White Stripe. Worth now $1.50 to $1.75. Sideboard Scarfs Sale Price 40c ea . } and up, "Heavy steam proof mule skin Work Gloves, | Prices were up to $7.50. ; strong knitted lining, Regular xalue $1.25 pair. | Men?s Cloth O: Men's Corduroy:Caps Besutiful fine linen task, size 17a45 taches: Ladies' Dressing Jackets Boys' Scout Gloves Sale-Price 50c s Cloth Overcoats : Sale Price 39¢'| Wort Sale.Price. 79¢ pea a7 put he ta shes ae oes ety Sale Price $15.95 Fornier prices 50.and 60c. Linen Table. Damask Si J, icial Boy Scout style, fringed gaunt - en you discard your fur cost you should. : 25c Se eee eroe® Metli, Kimone.cloth, "1 ular Brice 78s. have one of these coats. This price is $10.00 les | Boys" Sweaters Sale Price'39e | yssteached Lives paale hace sie ol Boys' Tweed Overcoats than they are now worth. 'A heavy Gtey Sweater for boys in sizes"30-and' |: Regular price '35. yard. ; Child's Spring-Coats Sale Price $2.95 *One t6, ten-year sizes, made of Tweed, Corduroy, Pony Cloth, Ete. Former prices $4.00 and $4.50, Corsets Clearing At Sale.Price 59c¢ " 'The manufacturers have discontinued the mak: ing of many linés, so, we are clearing .them at . : . a 42. They are extra value at"60c i ' 5 Sale Price $3.95 |Men's Work Shirts. Sale Price 59¢] iy oi Roller Towelling Sale Price 1244¢ "These are this season's lines, made of splendid | Iron frame Oxford and Black and White: Dritt |Men's Heavy Socks Sale Price 25¢ Extra heavy Crash 'Towelling. Worth 20e- yd. warm materials, 3 to 7 year sizes, worth, $5.50 [Work Shirts, all sizes, 14% to 1744: Good value | Heavy Grey atdKbaki Wool Socks, worth 35e. =e abies ' seb ae pte Infants' Bonnets Sale Price 19¢ op . We ae learing be all lines of Bearskin ae nets at this price, 'ormer prices up to You.:know the reputation of this store for reliable advertising. You will always find articles just'as | each. advertised. No sensational or exaggerated statei.onts regarding values or prices, but the plain truth. Laundry Soap Sale Price 5'bars 25 above prices, all. Hes. - For Sa Re Re Eee No. premiums will be-given on the advertised 'lines during 'this sale. A waive pF Sake Screening. Bey Sapa: he -- will: few frou but 7 shor The regular prices of'our Footwear are much Jower than asked i in most places, and we offer you the following special as inducements to trade here. Mui " . « ae . 7 Mat Misses' Lace Boots Sale Price $2.29 , Men's Work Boots "Sale Price $2.95 | Women's Boots Sale Price. $2.95 Twr A splendid line of Bax Culf Lace Boots in sides 11 to 2, Black and Tan heavy grain leufher, one of the best and 5 9 % We j former price $2.75 pair strongest working boots mail, sll sizes, worth $400 pair. | Calf' anh Dongle: KA cine S16 to Oh nee ea yeni : . x , £ &. = nest Youths' Strong Boots Sale Price $1.79 | Men's Heavy Rubbers Sale Price $2.09 | 45° p#ir- a : Cen Sizes 11, 12, 18, good~ftting, strongly .made,. well worth .One buckle, solid heel, gum rubbers, sizes 7 to U1. Reg- .| Misses' Rubbers Sale Price 39c nh a the regular price of $2.25. ular value $2.50. +] "gists 3, 1% and'? only, Regular value 7 . 0 Wil Childs' Waterproof Capes . Sale Price' 95¢ | Boys' Strong Boots Sale Price $2.79 |, me eee ee es ee! , ae nt Od ic oa "Des. H Navy and Red only, 8, 12 und 14-year sizes. Formerly |) Black only, mada of heavy grain' leather, sizes 3, 4 and Women's Toe Rubbers Sale 'Price 35¢ at me ae + $3590. ench.., 5. Worth, $3.25 pai. : Toe strap or foot' hold rubbers. Regular price $1.00 pair. : day M LBA SALE BEGINS SATURDAY MARCH 16--ENDS SATURDAY, MARCH 23 SEs STNG THE'ADLET COLUMN FOR-SALE--Yorkshire Sows, five monzhs old and tegitenad, price restonable, Ap. FENSTITCHING done. at Singer Shop, | _ply SV. Jones, Oro Staion. 2 T2Me: to 1c. pee yards" -15 ; -- "| FOR SALE OR RENT--Residence, 8 rooms Two | electric light, water, 38 Mary St. Mrs Petar Warde Bk sii ag family. Apply) Webb, 26 Small St, Phone 119." 49-tf SESE 'GREEN PRICE TICKETS INDICATE LINES ON SALE WD, iene: (( =i y WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADE the Toronto counsel, ed by the Mayor to SEED gis OR SALE--Gray's: English N 5 : d will hold a special Bug-proof, fine sample and good yielders, Loc ews sale of corsets. for stout dadies, Also a fe bnshele of Field Beans. 'Apoly al News Mar. 16.and 23.° 11-12p}give an opinion as to the pro-* 7 P, C. Sweeney has resigned his|pdsed \B.C.L bylaw, has 'not. vet CHESTER WHITE Sows F ALE--| a ; eae position of the police force, to}been heard: from. Dagesl wk wees ee Sus There is an important 'sale-of}take affect Apr. Ist. He has se-| 'To assist in. the "production some pigs, both sexes,. just weaned. |COWS at _Marrin's Yards von Sat- cured a situation: in. Toronto. campaign, the Horticultural Soc- Edw. Carr, R.R. No. 1, Aliandale 10-13 |Utday. See advt, on page 4. 'Ywo. representatives: of the ¢, fiety bas setured A. H. McLenna 5 WANTED--: A Sténographer capable' -of assisting in general office work. Reply eee ee Oe eee WANTED=-Millinery proparérs and appren- Co. tices. .Apply Powell & vgs A. special canvass on behalf of p.R.Telegraphs were in town this [Veeétable specialist of the Dept. aon, ST tating age and experience to Box ',"|FOR SALE--Automobile busines in good | the local-hranch-of the: Reck Cross eh morine Over the ground to ff Agticulture, Toronto; to give a mR eA ge for fo Tousen PIANO WANTED TO RENT--Muist.be in mature Gunde He ay by {Sociely will be, made on Mar. 20-/decide ax ly the advisabitity' of [Practical talk Jon vegetable grow. 22 Cs nella ties ke asia ea fo A opeemion: We be ea eis letter only,to Box Barrie Examiner.! St. Andrew's Emergency Corps}opening an-office here, ing, illustrated. by. moving pic FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED-- | _ 0 CNSR Apply BS on | - ---- will meet at the home of Mrs. R.] At the Orange. Grand Lodge (tures. . Mar, 22 was the date fixed yimeeting in Chathan) last. week,jbut 'this 'has had to he changed suit 'and overcoat can be mide-to look} School, good water. Lot 21, con. 12, evening next week, the Barrie lodges were 'represent_jand the meeting. wilt F probsaty be like new by Hurry Twiss, Owen St. 8:tf; inc g ic jhe gt Bee Owing | to the inclemency of the |ed. hy Dr. Oaks of 432 a {held onApril 4, | 6-17 weather, Andrew's communion [Leslie and. Wm, 'Rusk of Miss A. McArthur, King Block, upisit| Si eaNING AND PRESSING -- Your old FOR SALE--80 acre farm for sale, near J. Guthrie, Ma Se CaS ee a | _ TO RENT.-Suitsble building fora garage, 100-Qwen Street. .Apply -on premises, : 11.) WANTED PORTABLE SAWMILL-- Com-"! service was postponed and'will be} Wim, Moore has purchased the PERSONAL MENTION plete, without power. State particulars FARM WANTED To fent or buy, 50 or held next Sabbath residence helonging to' the estate RES WANTED --Lady/lbr bookkeeper and clerk | snd price. Address Box "M," Examiner. 109 acres, of good. pasture land, with 2°! : oe 7 sidence belonging to By = in proeerytieres poly Box" "Ls ghia | 1-Up!. plenty of Puente water anh Two cars of hogs and one ear |sif "the late John MeCosh, and) Miss Eva Weaymouth is y + in erorery tia Feary, Of good yunning water and 0d of vaitie were shipped at the Jocal lgats possession next month. This iting is Toronto, = > = _________---- | FOR SALE--Five young Yorkshire Sows, ! Utopia, Ont. 10-12p Stockyards. On Tuesday. . $18.75 |is one of the fine residential pre, Frank LeRoy was' among olf FOR SALE---Two good Work Horses, ready | nine months old; also two Tamworth ¢§ nn ng at was paid for hogs. perties of the town, friends in. towh on: Friday, Sows. Apply to D. J. Miller, Utopia. WANTED--15: to 50 ith buildin chure! : oie ee i HOME | eas eaten fee eee eB WM. of L.OL.,|- In St. Andrew's, Chureh last] "Mrs. Will R. King. is spending : transportation preferred. Itemize partic. Churchill, and Wilfred Stewart, of Sunday night, a very, impressive|a few: weeks. with relatives in WATCH FOUND--In Allandale, on March') -ulars, lowest cash price. Chadwick, the InnisfilsScarlet Chapter, were|memorial serviée "was hel "in |Ottawa. for the Spring work, Apply Examiner J.. Gamble Office, ae 0-t 'TO LET---Brick .house, centrally located, rent modetate. Apply Mra A. 5. Owner. may have same by proving| "Gravenhurst, 10-11 delegates to Grand Orange Lodge, [honor of those from .this congre-)W. H. Grover of the. Dominion 38 Bradford St. <5 properkyi andl PerInE- seperate Pen | s held in Chatham last week. - [gation who have fallen in the|Steel Foundry, Hamilton, Ont., is, FOR -SALE--Prize winning driving mare, = Mr. Frost of Hamilton, Pres- {present war. A report.of the ser-|in.town. ard palit erg Sal ean lend 90 -Rk SERED Seay bio teed ton: bugey al Kay, eee, ident of the Associated Boards of|vice is unavoidably held ever till]. Mr. -and Mrs. Loree and Mrs. Ball Planing. Mill, 3-8-tf,| you want converted into Junie? <Write | Simeor and will be sold cheap, G.B, Trade, is to address the: Barrie next week." __ Crispin left lasSaturday for Ro- : - W. B. Quants, No.1, Allandale, Stroud | Metecn, Phone 208 Barre 1011, Board of Trade on Apr. t1, when} Goldwater Planet--The anni-jland, Man, : eee ator ae x mee ie C2 \ Phone: 1-1p. the second of the season's busi-|versaty'. services in connection ss Mrs. Robert Moran and Master for sale: "Apply J I 7 a Si EQST--Black colin pep -- white throst nessmen's suppers will be held.|with the. Coldwater Methodist/ Vincent have gone to: Chapleau Rote Kot, Barvie ee eo ee eel ramets. ar| aod tan. face, please communi- |" tp the past week about 75 loads |CHurch were. held'on Sunday: last.|for a. few weeks. - [HOUSE TO RENT OR LEASE=All on- | landale R. R/ 1. Phone Stroud, ~ Selby | ctte t0. ic oe wie WA Bro. of hay: were delivered in town.!The Rey. R. J. Fallis of Barrie,! Mrs" Allan Bonney, Midhurst. iencés, central, immediate possession. |; KE. Carr." 10-46 S f ss hth preaching. morning,.and evening|spent last week with her -sister, Bite 8 High ST BRING YOUR 'AUTO TIRES to us for Fi hecendna bs Rates so AS iar ahowiay ad realy time of it{! large congregations. 'The ser-/Mrs. Sinith, Mary St. ( us for re- pdarge pougreget ' FOR SALB--tron bed, white enamelled, | pai after Apsl Is. All_work gusran- | LOST--Mondny, March 11, between Barrie 'owing to ithe condition of -the vices were very. interesting. a Mrs. J..W. Weeks of Sydn oak dresier and stand, child's white ir | teed, Bari. Vueanising Plan, $7 wic| - Hotel Stobles and Kidd's /HM, gentle: jroads, one man having his joad|.. Scott Bros. lost a horse while |Cape Breton, is visiting hep' si = Apply Examiner. 11 | -gabeth St. 443m mas, a eal eaten te at- | overturried four time: engaged in ice gperations down ee gee Piaggio a ee : e bie Clyninia |The Bradfotd. Witness reports|the bay last week, The man in ritton, of: Libby, McNeil TO LET--On Basfield St, fornished rooms | SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SWLE--One §| Candy Works and receive reward: it-ltp |. }. y Ritzhie has bought the{charge of the horse drove it over!& Libby. Chatham, Ont., has been with use of kitchen, balcony and veran-| mos, the other 12 mos.. Also 500 bushels |- mm pa rat tMcenetee 4eeeat aaa ' Apply Examiner. e 4 jsnner," Dun- SALE-- Stoddart .farm of 185 acres, forjsome thin ice \and. it went weel Sos --- ue es 'he g 3 erage " ue aoe fined dwaling $15,000. "This is the old Stéddart|through. Although the animal! Miss Beulah Wright and Miss hemestead, situated on. thé Bond}was pulled. out: on solid 'ice in a'Irene Allward leave on March: 16,. Héad Road, about a mile. west of|few minutes, the shock, caused |for,, Toronto to enter -upon a dford, and was owned by Harry |by the plunge into the icy. waters, 'course of nursing in the ae Stoggert, County Gaoler.. proved fatal. i [Hespital. ae ok house: : yseell, 409 Markham Sty Toronte. paredhaapes