Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1918, p. 7

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rearres ur es i § ad th Bs 'it re - i 7 DN FE + * tion of the County of Simeos was regis = a 4. ceaas '4 iy ui i me oF iase 8) eee ee i Eat Be! tt He ae Thursday, February 24, 1918. Found New iar HEALTH {). F grenter value than, gold and fiver, is heusth festored, Up fn the miniuy district of Larder is "Thad heard of ypur about ob ailen and T fabout 6Ormiles) and Tam pie f that a tess thd @ hours Fue Testimoatt St oe epee er Sart ie) 'ER SAMPLE of All dealer's sell Gin Pills om our Money Back Guarantee, goete box, 6 boxes for S220. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada' Limited - Toronto U.S. yoo Address: Na-DroCo. '202 Main St., Buffalo, N.' COUNTY BY-LAWS BY-LAW. NO. 1256. of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice is hereby given' that, a By-Law was passéd by the Council of the Corpora- tion: of the County of Simcoe on the 23rd day of January, 1918; authorizing the County of Simcoe to guarantee: debentures to be' issued by the Corporation of the Village of Tottenham to the amount of $9,000.00 under. By-Law No. 259 of , the said: Corporation 'of the Village of. Totten- Jham for -the purpose. of paying for the installation of a system in the said Village of 'Tottenham for the transmission and supply of- Blectrie Power and Light to be kupplied. by. the Hydro Electric Power- Commission, of Ontario, bearing interest, at the rate of five per cent\-ner annum,' And that the said By-Law of the Corpora- tion of the .County_of Simcoe was' registered in the Registry Oifice of the County of Sim- coe on' the 13th day of February, 1918. 'Any' motion to quash or: set aside: the simeor any part thereof must he made within_three. months from the first publi- cation %f this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated 14th day of February, 1918. + 8-10 R, J; FLETCHER; Clerk of County of Simcoe, RE BY-LAW NO. 125) Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice 'is hereby given' that a" By-Law was passed by the.Council of the Corpora: -tion of the County of Simcoe on the 23rd day of January, 1918, authorizing. the County. of Simeoe to guarantee debentures to 'be issued by the Corporation of the | Village of Bradford to the amount of $15,600:00 under By-Law No. 444, of the Said Corporation of the Village of Bradford | for the installation of a system in the said ) Village of Bradford for the transmission and supply .of Electric Power and Light | to be-supplied by the Hydro-Electric Power | Coinmission of Ontario. 'And that the said By-Law of the Corpora- | ¢ in the Registry Office of the County. of 5 coe.on the 13th day' of February, 1918 'Any motion to quash or set aside the sume ox auy part thereof must be shade within. three months from the first publi- | cation of. this notice and cannot be mude thereafter. Dated 14th day of February; 1918. | 8-10 R. A Clerk of County of § BY-LAW NO. 1261. Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice -is hereby giv was pasted by the Coun tion of the C day, of January, County. of Simcoe. to guarantee debensures to 'be issued by 'the Corporation, vf Village of Beeton to the'ainount of $15,-,] 000.00 under By-Law .No. 359 of the said | Corporation of the Village of Beeton, for the. installation' of 'a- system 'in' the ssid, Village of 'Becton for the transmission and supply of Electric Power and Light/to be supplied by the Hydro-Electric Power Com- quission of Ontario, bering interest. at the rate of five' per cent. per annum. ' 'And that the said By-Law of the Corpora- tion of the County of Simcoe was registered in the Registry Office of the County 'of Sim- coe on'the 13th day of February, 1918. 'Any motion ,to quash of set" aside: the sane or. any part thereof must "be" male 'Within three months from the 'first publi cation of this notipe 'and cannot be msde 'thereafter, "Dated T4th day of February, 1918. 8-10 R. J, FLETCHER, Clerk of County -éf Simcoe. RE BY-LAW NO. 1269. Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice is hereby given. 'that a By-Law was passed by:the Council ofthe" Corpora- tion of the County of Simeoe on 'the 25th ad of January, 1918, authorizing the ounty of Simeoe- to guarantee' tures to the amount of $32,000.00 to be iss by the Corpotation of the Town of Allis 'No. 823 of the said. Corpote- the ° Alliston | of western Cana |eussion: foHfowin, Heft the booths (4) 'Now 'Lerminal Station, Detroit. (2). Tcnnel 'under Detroit River: HEN. Canada was an outpost of, French Empite and k pF cose . Great Lakes and Ottawa Rt St. Layren by the: barrier of the Alleghany Mountains. After the War, of Independence the lureely to the young Canadian business men who have helped to' built it up, and FailWways provides. the modern link between Canada and the lost' Canadian Province Qe _gend many tourists each summer close business relatigus with Canad W. T. Ritch, the 'Australian wool expert will spend several days this month in Al- berta lecturing on sheep 'and wool topics under the-atispices. of the provincial de- partment of Agriculture. Three lectures will be delivered in Calgary in one day Mr. Ritch stands without .a peer in the whole world as a sheep and wool authority. He has been in intimate contact with both breeding and wool marketing conditions in. practically every world and has studied these conditions minutely. .. His advice and opinions are sought, almost universally. A man with such broad experience-cannot help attract- ing wide intérest; especially in # new coun- try where the- industry is barely 'started. A shipment of 21 head of cattle arrived at Dappa, Alta, a few days ago. This shipment was botight by maney loaned by the Alberta: government under the Cow Bill Act. Marly districts in-Alberta are taking ndventage .of this act to increase - their cattle holdings. No more canvassing at thé fair 'grounds Delegates to the. con veritions of the Fairs: Association, .at their closing session in. - Calgary * recently passed -a resolution to this effect, and what is more they took a decided slafi at subscription solicitors. " The practice 'of offering premiums to visitors at "the Vuurious fairs, as an ifiducement to 'subscribe to agricultural und-other publications has é been somewhat--nf muisance if the dis year's convention it was decided to restriet the operatiais of 'these solic but many delegates reported that\if busi- ness became slack, the canvassers invariably visitors considerably in. the "following mostly objectionable to visitors and ex: hibitors, be it therefore resolved thet: each member of this association be requested to | prohibit such practice, except from:-bona-| Bde exhibits of concession booths; and that Hctice of. soliciting for subscriptions | the for publications be' absolutely: prohibited." gh imran nto to secre fo | aru by this bul, and an Ray pe the C.P.R,, G.T.P. and C.N.R. 'The Bell. Touring Car, a Barrie product is exhibited in well appotnted. show rooms | graphs, the first 'being taken at Btaples, on Centre street in Calgary.. 'The lumber industry of the west is bei tremendously complicated by the rilit demand for ship and. 'seroplane timber. Indirectly this has forced up 'the prices of 'all lumber generally about 40. pér cent and spruce suitable for constructing al hips is practically off the market" as far | white' thade generally is-concerned. For | back to Calgary, and when he was seen by instance, Hon. J. D. Pattullo, minister of |y representative of The Herald he did not British Columbia lands, asserts: that the requirements for seroplane spruce approxi: mates cin cageord feet per:month, a fond .." 'Thie material comes' from | scious "that he was carrying 4 chunk of the hern British Columbia, and the prob- rar jg a Boge 3 large order. Nort! country in the] he introduction of the | résolusion counis for anything, "At last) ors to 'booths, \d "annoyed the farmer | Hence the resolution | to eliminate.the ambitious, pestiferous, per- | sistent subscription agent, which is included "Whereas \the practice Of canvassing on the exhibition grounds is and included most of th vers and t ja to-day, and lem of getting it out' of the forest lone is labor and congested transportation ~facili- ties. The cost of getting ot this material, of course, is not yet definitely known, and the government cannot establish a "best" price until these figures are available. 'An effort is being made to install Auto- matic machines for vending cigarettes in Calgary and application for license to oper- ate has been made to the City council. The regular snnual license, fee for' slot machines is $5.00 and the cigarette license of the 'Aldermen ¢xpressed the-opinion that the City Council' had no legal power to, prevent. the' machines being installed. In, the inter-provincial competition in | butter meking in connection' with the con- | vention of 'dairymen held. in peg a few days ago, Alberta captured 'first srice, Manitoba second ,and Saskatchewan ird, The scores were Carlyle Dairy Co. | I 97.62; Crescent Creamery, oosonrin Creamery, Moos min, Sask, 947, | Intense 'interest is being displayed in | Winnipeg over Atberty coal. All the. papers feature thé-statement \by John T. Stirling,' chief inspector of Alberta mines. He says that Alberta can easily furnish all the coal required west of, Winnipeg. He is of the opinion thst all coal 'coming to Port: Arthur should for the present be diverted to the | t for it is a mutter of habit',more than | ni he thinks, that Winnipeg insists on Pennsylvania: coal. So long as they can get the American coal: they will use it | in' preference to the Alberta-product. Later |reports. state that Alberta coal is being |burned as far east <as Ottawa: 2. To carry a shrapnel bullet about the size |of-« child's niarble in the muscles of one's | heart -shd to'feel-but comparatively slight ill effects, is something 'altogether unique. The changes are that in-nine cases out of ten jeuch @ wound would almost: instantaneous- lly 'prove fatal. The Jatter, however, has not been the case with Sergt. Alex. Walker, a-mfember of Lieut.-Col.' Mason's. battalion wheh it proceeded 'overseas, and who is now > | back) again in Calgery. © 4 es | "Oy the Somme in October,' 1916, he was graph shows that this is deeply. imbedded in the muscles of 'his-heart. As a matter of faet he has a Jurge 'nnilmber of these photo- .|France. 'Fhe doctors there strongly recom merided that the billet be left where it | was. as an attempt to extract. it would al- most of a certainty have a fatal termina- tion, . Later Sergt: Walker was sent, to the Stophill hospital, Glasgow, Eng., gnd there } medices were also of the same: epinion. Tt was in this condition that he was sent sppear. to 'suffer. any great intonvenjence -|from 'his remarkable wound, 'although be stated that hée.was at times $50.00. Chief of Police Alf. Cuddy objects to liceising the machine -on the ground that enforeement of the law with -reference to "minors would be made difficult. One @ : ' THE BARRIE EXAMINER' fe a chee eed St Fe and this doubtlee id: physique is doul ac- poston pap mgened proving fatal-- _ closed down-all plants for five. days, and also have "RHM--W." 'same: or any, part -theredf must. be made | Calgary Herald. . within three months fromthe. first publi- : a Children Ory cation of this notice and cannot be made Dated i4th day of February, 1918. wl odor tioe! CASTORIA (8) The Cqnadian. (4) Kelamazoo Station, Mich. (5) Battle Creek. Station, Mich. wn as "New" France," it gtretched less far td the' west than it does 'to-day, but on the-/other hand Jt included all of the territory ississippi-Valley, The he Great Lakes, whereas the English co) Michigan was part of French Canada, boundary between Canada and the United States id French pioneers found their way into the interior of the Nerth American Continent by way of the Yonists settled on the Atlantic Coast-and fora long time were prevented from penetrating into the tnterior 'dnd the lumbermen and coureurs du, bols from Quebec ranged the forests between Detroit and Chicago. si readjusted and Michtgan 'went, into Uncle Sam's pocket. But Detroit owes its phenomenal prosperity the\egpress train known as the: "Canadian," operated jointly by the Canadidn Pacific and Michigan Central ' ¢Michigan. Detroit; Kalamazoo and Battle Créek are three progressive Michigan cities which' have to oly resorts in Ontario and Quebec . lem of geting it out of the fort Hen? | 0 0 0000000000000000000000000090000 060000000008 CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED . . é January 31st; 1948. ALL CHEVROLET: DEALERS--ZONE NINE. uF The manufacturing situation, with regard to Motor Cars: is getting more difficult every day, and it has been deemed advisable' to write the dealers. giving information: as to the future outlook for deliveries. 5 * You 'appreciate the fact. that we get, a' great cdeal of raw. material "from the States,-and you also no doubt. know that the Goyernment there. recently ordered. them Closed. every Monday in the week for Ten weeks. icult one, for a'great deal of raw material in fact 'fhere are many embargoes .on The. freight situation is also a di is tied up by lack of freight equipment, practically all parts -at different: times. The result-is that our: production' is naturally limited. . The aboye state of affairs will not influence production within the next week or ten days, but will: influence'the production of. the future. The dealer, therefore, wants to give this matter considerable thought; and find. out in what position he is going to be when Spring. comes long--Are you going tobe in-a position to take care of your Spring business, with the cars you have on: hand, 'or will have by the time'Spring comes--Do you realize that with the conditions as above outlined, there can be nothing but a tremendous shortage of cars.in the Spring ? : The deatér who takes cars when he tan get them is. the 'dealer who is going to make.a profit this year. : = ' We simply want to put ourselves on record with our dealers advising. them to take all the-cars:they.can get at the present time, for with the Himited production we feel that it will be impossible for us to take care of afl our dealers orders in the Spring. ' is Yours very truly, 'CHEVROLET MOTOR CO.,. ----_--_$------_ ~ The above letter to all Chevrolet Dealers will apply as well' all. Customers. If. you are considering' the purchasing of a Chev- rolet this year to assist you in "Jess waste of energy and in. saving your hours of time on' the 'yoad,--Now is the time to order. G.B.McLEAN, : Phone 298 : BARRIE

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