Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1918, p. 6

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s 'SIR. EDMUND 'WALKER, iy 7EM.0, LD DCL, Presi a4 ure Carat Pain Up, $15,000,000 ---- BANKING This Bank will open a Savings account in your name " and your deposits and withdrawals can be 'made en- tirely by mail. Interest ie allowed at the current rate. Write for particulars, THE _ DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE BETWEEN MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT ~ _AND CHICAGO. UNEXCELLED DINING CAR SERVICE Sleeping Cars on night trains and Parlor | Cars on principal day train Full- particulars from any Grand' Tronk Ticket Agent, or C, E, Horning, District Puwenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. J. E. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent. 2: Phone '6b Your Reading Needs Are Well Supplied alt - Scott's Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan A number of Vluable Farms and Town Properties for Sale on thé most reasoa able terms. BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING BARRIE 6.6 Si 'Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection BARRIE, ONT: &. F. A. MALCOMSON Represents [Insurance Companie: 'of undoubted Financial. Standins d ALL STEAMSHIP LINES, Your passage booked tw or fron all parts of the world. A. F. A. MALCOMSON THE INSURANCE MAN AND TEAMBOAT AQ! Representing Canadian Northerr ®.0. Square, Barrie. Phone 447s W. D. Minnikin 'Licensed Embalmer " Proprietor $ THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS _. (SucceMoT to the Lalle Meaford Webb) Full. line of all the latest. Caskets kept in-stock, in- cluding Grave Vaults and "Oak Sheil Open Day & Night. -Phons 431 W.R.Nelily, Funeral Director | ~ Phone BROWN 250 FOR a a * Brean Seow aes BREAD. ¢ .- AND A. FULL EINE OF PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY $y Bakery. and- Seleshops '"Gor:.-Elgabeth and Small _Jrenlize little more completely-the slender: ness, of) the chance apon/which "he wax.) | him cross the sinees, glance furtivel Pa HLV.F. JONES, Aut Gen't Manager RESERVE FUND, - $13,500,000 BY MAIL L. F. GROSS, Mansger BLACK BOX By E. Philips Oppenheim (Continued from lasi week) CHAPTER: VII, The Unseen Tertor With little gesture of despair, Quest turn- ed away from the instrument 'which seem- ed suddenly to have become terribly unre- sponsive, mid looked across the vista of square roofs und tangled masses of telephone Wires to where. the lights of larger New York flared up against the sky. From his attic chamber 'the rour of the city a' few blocks away was -always'in his ears; He had forgotten 'in those hours of 'frenzied solitude to fear for his own safety." He thought only of Lenora, "Under which une of those' thousands of roofs was she being concealed? -- What was the reason of this continued silence? Perhaps they hud taken | her instrument away from her--perhaps she was being ill:used, rhe bare thought-open- | ed the door to « thousantl grim and tor- turing surmise, He paced restiessly up and down the room. Inaction had never seemed to him so wearisome, From sheer craving to do something, he paused once more before the little instrument. "Lenora, Wwhere.are you?" he signall have taken a lodging in the Servant I am still in hiding, hoping that "Cr y come here. [ am very wtixious about you. Stil-no reply! Quest drew a chair up to 'the window, and: sut there with folded ms logking down into the street. Sid denly be opting to, his feet. "The inns ment quiyered--there' was a message at Inst! "He took it down with a little choke of 'relief. I don't know: where I-am. I am terri:\| fied. I.was outside the garage, when I was seized fram behind," The Hands held me. T'was" unconscious until 1 found myself | here, I ani. now in an aftid room-withyno window except the skylight, which T cannot ach: Iocan see nothing-hear nothing. Seve Tias- burt me, no: one: Goines neat, Fohd is pushed through.» door, which is locked again immediately... The -_ houise seems-empty, yet I fancy that Tam being watehed all the time, I anv terrified Quest drew: the" instrament towards hime T have Your messuge,"-he signalled. "Be brave! Iam watching for' Craig. Through | him I shall reach you before. lon me_8 niessage every now and then. 'Then-there was s silence, How could she define ber where- is first impulse wax to rush mad ly out into. the street_and search for her. | Then 'his common sense intervened. - His fone hope was through Craig. Again - he | took' up his vigil in front .of the window. | Once miore bik eyes swept the narrow strect with its constant: stream: 'of. passers-by. Ech time-s, min stapped and entered the building he leaned alittle farther forward, | and. at euch disappointment he seemer to | staking /so much. . Thep-widdenly he found | himeelf gripping the Window sill ina mom- | entary-thrill of rare excitement. His | wax rewardéd at,last. 'The man for whom he was waiting Wos there! Qu right and to the left; then enter the club. |He turned back to the little wireless, and his fingets workeds us though 'inspired. Tam on Craig's: track," he signalled. 'Be bravé, He: waited for no zeply, but opened the door and; steuling softly out of the room; leyned: over the banisters, © Hix apartment was on the fourth story, The 'floor, below was almost.entirely occupied by 'the kitchen and other aifices. "Thetmen's clubroom -was oni the second floor: .* From where' hé stood he heard 'the steward of the, club greeting Craig: He was, a big,man. with a hearty voice, and the sound: of 'his 'words 'reached: Sraig, you're ar authority -on,] South' Ameticr, aren't you? " 1~ bought some 'beans in the: market this morning which they. told me were "grown down | there) and my chef don't seem. to know what rele em. wonder whether you would mind stepping up and giving him mur advice?" Craig's much lower. voice was 'inaudible, but it was evident that he had consented, for the two men ascended to the third floor together. Quest watched them enter the kitchen. A moment or two Iater the stew- }| Lenora: gone, and you a fugitive." | instrument into Qurxt's face. hmouth, but you cannot foree mé to: sy vignt | by the door to the right," the "That' right, ee Soaked him over a little scornfully. It was queer thaj\a man with apparently so little nerve sh have art 'and the | daring tg plan such its. "What do you want with me?" Craig asked doy . "First of all," Quest- replied, -"T want to know what you have dorie with my asiis- tant, the -girl whom you carried off from the Professor's : rete shook is head. "T know nothing about her." " and sent for me. arrived T found the garage. door open, Bewilderment struggled for a moment with blerik terror in 'Craig's expression. "How do you know that she Byeked me in the garage 7 Quest smiled, stretched out his right: arm, and his long fingers played softly with the pocket wireless, In just' the 'same way?" he explained; "that Tam sending her this message at the present moment--a message that she will receive 'and understand wherever she is hidden. Would 'you like to know what I ered. His eyes, as though foscinated, watched the little instrument, "Craig is here and in my power, He is sitting, within a few feet of si, and will not this roqm alive until,he has told"me.Your whereabouts, 'Keep. vn your cottrage, Lenora. You shall be free in an hour." The trapped man looked away from the There was a momentary flicker of something that might have nassed for courage in his tone. "Mr, Quest," he said, "you are « wonder- ful 'men, but there 'are liniits to -your power, You can tear my tongue from m 8 wort, Quest leaned # little farther forward in | his chair, his gaze became more concen trated where 'you are wrong, Craig. That is where you make a mistake. In a very few: minutes you -will be telling me all the secrets of your heart." Craig shivered, drew back » tried to rise; little in his "Turn round and mount those stairs. "My God !" he cried, "Leave me alone !" "When you have told me .the truthy ered swiftly, "and you 'will t « . Your eyelids are, getting a little avy, Craig. Don't resist. Something which' is. like sleep is LYou see, my will Craig' seemed suddenly to' collapse gether, He fell over on ong side. Quest leaned over him with « frown. 'The man was in a stupor without « doubt, but it was a phydieal state of unconsciousness into which he bud subsided, He felt his a moment to the Beating of his heart Then he crossed the room, fetched the pitcher of water, and dashed some of its coutents in Craig's face. In a few mom ents the man-opened his face' and regained consciousness. His appearance, was still: ghastly wW ?" he murmured. 'ou.sre here in my room at the Ser. | vants' Club," Quest replied. "You are: just ahout.to-tell me where T shall find Lenova." Craig shook his head. A-very weak smile of triumph flickeréd 'for s moment at the corners of his lips. 'Yur torture chamber trick won't work on me !" he exclsimed.. "You can never The whole gamut of emotions seemed already to have spent themselves in the man's face, but at that montent there was 'a~niéw element, an element of terrified curiosity in the' expression of his "eyes, as he stared towards the door. "Is this' another trick. of yours imutteted. Quest, 'top, turned, his 'heaid, instantly to: his feet. From underneath the doof came .xlittle puff of smoke. There wax @ queer sense of hest, of which both | men were simultaneously conscious, Down, ih the street arose s chorus of warning shouts, increasing momentarily in volume. Quest 'threw. open' the doot atid closed it again at once, place "is on fire," che announced Pull yourself together, "man. We all we can-do to get out of this." Craig turned to the door, but. stageered:| kc almost immediately' 'The-stairs are going!" he sbrieked. ."It in the itehen that is on fire. We.are cut off | We cunnot get down !" Qitest"was on his hands gnd knees: fumb- and. sprang |ling undet his truckle bes He pulled out { a-erude form of fire eGape, a rough sort of erudle with 'a rape'/attache ¢ to use this 7" -he asked Craig quickly." "Here, gutch hold. Put your arnis inside this. strap;" 'You are going to send me-down first #" Craig exclaimed -increflulously. Quest 'smiled. Théri he drew. the -rope round the table and tied it. "You would like to have a chance of cutting the rope, woukin't you, when I was half-way down ?" he' asked gri "Now then, don't waste time. Gee on' to the window-silt' Don't -brake too miyeh: JOf you go ! Yard by yard. swinging "a little if the it, Craig niade his descent. When he ar- rived in"'the street there were. a hundred willing hands.'to release him: Quest' dtew yy igi om Now sit |i and fell back> again | ' me all I want to know in a few momen! iss. | gave me away to the police | pulse, unbuitoned his coat, and listened for | however, ' 2" he | 'the onlookers. Quest ilipped bout monet | them, searching for Craig. 'Where is the msn who came down be-. he asked. a bystander, "Talking to the police in' the car over yonder,"' was the hoarse reply. nor, you only jdxt-made that: Quest pushed his way through the crowd Inspector French. stooped down, . He thé former's words. 'Mr. French, you saw that man come dowrthe rope and swing on to the-cables ? That was Quest, the nian who escaped from the Tombs away yet." Quest drew off his coat, turiied it inside ' out, "and replaced it swiftly. He coolly picked up s hat some one had lost inthe | crowd and pulled it over his eyes. He | paused 'within » few 'féet. of. where Craig nnd the Inspector were talking, 'He "was 'hiding 'in the Servants' Club," |Craig continued, "he had just -threatened |{o shoot-me when the fire broke out." ! | -*T'l send the word round," French de- "We'lf have*him found right en. He stopped 'short . and near enough to hear jared | ough, For a single moment Quest hesitated. He had a wild impulse to take Craig by "the neck dnd throw him back into the burning house. Then he heard Freich shout "to | his, men: "Say, boys, Sunford Quest ix in the crowd: hore smevhire. "He'k the man who jumped jow to 'the cable lines.' A hundred' dollars | \for his arrest | Quest turned reluctuntly away. Men | wers rushing about in' all "directions look i for him. He forced. a passage: through the crows, and in the. general confusion he wed the Tittle line of police without any. | difficulty. His face darkened as he look [behind -at the burning blotk. A peeuli |sense of helplessness oppressed him. His | pocket. wireless wax by now' u charred 'esp | of ashes. His one means of communication | with' Lenora wus gone, und the only mun who knew her whereabouts was safe,urider | the protection of the 'police. | | The Profesor swung round in his chair ard greeted Qhiest. with some surprise but | also w littl+ disappointment. "No news of Craig 7.' he, asked. Quest sank into a chairy He was fresh from the 'Furkish baths, ymd was enjoying tho: luxury. of clean lingh snd thé' avour of-an excell: nt cigar." "L got Craig. alright," came to the Servants' waiting for him, ut, though. The place was burnt to thk ground last night. "I saved his life, andéthen the: brute Thad to ° replied. "He whére 1 was "This ix insufferable," he declared. jhave had no. shaving water; my 'coffee vas undrinkable an find nothing. have a most important legture' to, prepare, and T-cannot find a the notes I made | upon. the subject."" Quest stared at the Professor for s moni- |ent and then laughed soft; "Well," he remarked, egoist, Professor, you 7" Perhaps I the "latter confessed. ill, you must remember that the scien: | tific world on those few occasions when I do appear in public expects much of. me. My Sense of proportion may perhaps disarranged by "this knowledge. © All that T can realize at the present moment ix this. You seem to have frightened sway the one man in the world who is indis- pensable to me | Quest smoked int silenee for s moment. "Any mail for me, Professor 2" he asked | ; ubruptly. The Professor opened the drawer and handed him. a' telegram. "Only this !" Quest opened it and read it through, Tt was from: the Sheriff of a small town in | Connecticwt -- "The men you 'inquired for are both here. They have sold an automobile, and |seem to .be sending the proceeds, 'Shall |1 "arrest 2" Quest studied the metsage for @ thoment, | "Say this is rather interesting, Professor," be remurked, : "Really ?" the latter replied -tartly. "You | must forgive 'me if cannot follow the com- | plications of: your--pardon. me 'for saying | Munchauson-like "affairs. How~.does the [arrest of these two men help you 2" "Don't you. see ?"- Quest explained, [These are the two thugs who 'set upon "|me up at the section house. They 'killed | the signalman, who could ha been my libi, «and swiped my car, in which, as it heantiot be found; French -supposes that "I | returned to New York. - With their arrest | the case against me collapses. I tell. you }frankly, Professor," Quest continued, frown- ing, "I hate to leave the city without huy- ling found that girl; .but T am nob sure that the quickest way to set things right would not be to go down, arrest these. men, and bring them back here, clear my- self, and then go tooth and nail for Craig." "agree with you most heartily," the Préféssor declared. "I, recommend any cour which will ensure the return of my man Craig." "Leannot promise you that you will ever have. Craig here. again, obse: "T rather 'fancy that Sing-Sing will be his next hom: iu are after an | Af iny pense of humor were. de well, I should normaé Hi lenght - | you have really done, you and that. young | lady: 'assistant of yours, is to terrify 'the prison, He can't have Bt "outs 88¢.:00c. | confessed. Barrie, Phone 681. 'or terms, ete., call st. | studio on* Wednesdays. . Voices tested 'free. * Arena nt ee eenee naan n to. where Craig was speaking eagerly to | MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T-C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In vocal work. special attention - is given to Voice. luction, Pupils prepared for A.T.CM. in-both -pisno.ard vocal; also ele- jentaty: exams. of Toronto Conservatory ot Music. or- University exams... Studio: King' Block. Phone 424. . : MISS ELSIE. NELSON TEACHER, OF 'PIANO: AND -THEORY. ere: petpared, for, Satins ions in the different: colleges. Also. painting. Studio . Bertram's; 23 Owen St. LEGAL. JALEXANDER COWAN ."' i for obtaining probate wills, guardianship' and: administration, sad NEAR-BY. MARKETS (Feb, 14, 1918.) ALLISTON--Wheat 00-$2,10,, barley $1.45, peas $3.25, cats oy 'by $10.00- $12:00, butter 36e: 50c., po- fatoes $1.50, chickens "poeee 5 BEETO! he 04- ran 08, oats 86 barley $1.45-81.50, $3.50-83.60, ve $6.00-87.00, butter Be -40c., eggs 55c. buckwheat' $1.50, hogs' $18.00 ewt, hutter 86c., eggs 556. CREEMORE--Fall wheat $2.00:$2.07, 5e., barley: $1.55-81.60, ryo $1 peas $3.25 $3.50, hay $9.00. 39c., eggs 50c., live hogs $17.50. ORILLIA~-Wheat peas $2.75-83.50, butter. 40c. 43c., ergs 4Be.-50c., potatoes $1.50-81.65, h $12.00-816 00, = 'You do not know Lenors, Mr. Ashleigh," | remarked, "However, if it interests you, I will-tell you why 'F know she: has | been "ubducted. "Only a few hours ago I} was talking to her." The Professor tured his head swiftly towurds 'Ques'... There was & queer 'sort of surprise in his fac "Talking to her ? Quest node "Our pocket wireless !" he explained. " fie nora has. even described to me the pes in which she is hidden." 'And the-neighhorhood also 7" the Pro. fessor deguanded. "Of that she knows: nothing." Quest re- plied... "She ix in a. roori. apparently is in. the roof. nothing. who put 'her there," Quest continued, slow: ly, "It will be my "ambition. to 'sdpplement punishment 'the law may personally any | be able to: inflie pe'ulance, He. looked - st with admiration. Quest your infallibility, Mr. Quest, ning te believe son, this occasion, at i rate, you will triumph over. your: enemies Quest rose to his feet. » Well," he said, m that from Be me good luck "My. friend, T'm off now, Professor. littl» peevishly, in' peace. : (To Be Continued.) --Upholstering and furniture repairing neatly dorie by competent workmen Dougall 'Bros. 454 ~Pictures framed hy Dougall-'Bros,-45tf Te organs in: har- mony. Soe, nee in Dae 'BEECHAM'S PILLS Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. | Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25¢. PROTECT -Your Family 'Your Business. Your Future - With an. Annual. Divi-. dend 'Policy in the, Sun Life | of Canada |; Canada's Greatest Life - _ Insurance I? J. REBURN, $2.10, barley 31,35; | Mor at the top of a house, and the only window She can see nothing, hear When I get hold. of -the man 'The Professor's manner had lost all its almost "The idea of yours is wonderful," he mi beginning. to believe in I am: begin: "Tesin, keep out. of friend' French's way for' few hours longer, T think that. I can promise 'you T shall be free man when T. return ish the: Professor replied, "I wish you the best of luck, but more than anything else in the, world," he added, a, "I hope you may: bring buck my servant Craig, and leave us. both | Genefal Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete. Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop' St. Money to loan. * BOYS & MURCHISON veyancers, Ete. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, Offices = 13 Owen St. (in the preinises formerly. occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch' office, Elmvale,. Ont. W. A Boys, KC, MP. D.C; Murchisoa CHARLES W. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, 606 Coutinental Life Building, southesst corner Bay and Richmond Sts, Toronto. DONALD' ROSS, LLB. |BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Bank ot Toronto. Building, Barrie. Money to. loan: CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR THE TG00, Later | Supreme Court of Judicature -of Ontario, Proctors, 'Notaries, Conveyancers, - "ete. Ross Block, ney' to- loan; - Offices: in Barrie. |W. A.J. Bell, KC. MEDICAL DR. H.T. ARNALL | Office and - Residence Corner of "Toronto \and: Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth |St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. DR.W.A. ROSS. LRCS,, Eiinburgh, F.C.P,, London, Phy- siciai, Surgeon, ete.' Office 'and Residence, Dunlop St, Barrie. Telephone 165. DR. E.G. TURNBULL (McGill) (Successor to Dr. R. 8. Brosd). Office and Pesiderice, 'corner Elizabeth and | Bradford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. W. A. LEWIS, M:D., C.M. SURGERY AND: GYNECOLOGY, espevial- ly... Phone ,W1.- 56 Collier St.; Barrie. BR. VICTSR A.' HART Graduate of Trinity. University, Toronto, also, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty-- Diseases of Stomach. Offiée? Corner Bay- field and Worsley Sts, Office open until 8 p.m. daily, a DR. MORTIMER "LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be Owen' St. Barrie, every Saturday. Die. eases of Eye, Ear,-Nose and Throat. Con- sultation hours 11: a.m. to 5'p.m. and: by appointment, » Toronto. Phone 'North 3826, Barrie Phone No. 2; CHIROPRACTOR ' DR. VYLA M. FINLAY U. C. C.'Graduate. Ontos and residence, 22 ) McDonald St., Bhrrie. ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & COMPANY © CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, | Crows J, F, Lawson. H. J. Welch. JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simcoe. Prepared to com duct Sales. at reasonable "rates, Satisfaction guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St. Phone 191. Orders left at A. F. A. Maleomson's ofies will receive prompt attention, Miss' Doane is the only orie in Barrie and Allandale who handles corsets filled with Spirella boning. It -is* unbreakable, non rustable; flexible, hygienic, sanitary. Fit 'gusranteed. Maternity and nursing festure 'specials.' Brasgieres," blouse. { a ae waists. At home: octane 16 Chariptte St; Barrie. : Corner Sophia and Manufacturers of Bas Water Troughs,." Plog ete. We carry in. stock arge assortment of Rough and Dressed - Lumber, B:C. Shingles and ated Roofing. Wood Turning and iin Drying a Specialty. Decne };doné promptly. Consult us with your building.» THOS. ROGERS, 'Phone; Office 163, Residence FURS! VLEANED, ALTERED AND -- 'mise m. -- Barristers, Solicitors, Notary. Public, Con- Life Building," 59 Yonge Street, Toronto. t| Telephone Main 5874. Frames, Flooring, Ce: ng, Nec ji if od

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