Thursday "POSTPONED | / OF) va. 10s CLOWFS 2 i ALE V3 m._; [little 'son' are visiting with the latter's eee es parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bligh, en route to , February 21, 1918. ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PEOPLE OF BARRIE of $2.75. 'The rém their home in the West. é 'arm Stock & Implement 4 eo he ' ee : onthl Mrs Frank' Hunter of 'Port MeNicol is rOF Farm Stock & ts : 7 . z : * visiting, wit arent, 'Mr. and Mrs. ' eevee x 4 Will move into new Shop, in the Ross Block (first c Charles 'Chure. P 2 "ae thg| THE Mnderiened has received instructions ildi C i i 5 . ~~ a a rs. J. forquay of anison ypent tl from. y _< f} building east of Post Office) about 1st. of March, with a lez cightyecten gainer 2a woterty | The-Prices are verY.teasonable | week-ood with her sunt and uncle, Mr-and| -- CEZAS.- McKERNAN ; full line of Serges in Blue, Black,.Grey and Brown, also ~ | bss 'eighty-seven pairs of sod four: | ' : Thompson, --'- ( : Yo Public Auction at : asd teen pairs: of socks for Field Comforts: ~ | Newest Models' and Materials and in all' the | George Thornton has returned to his IN Get anr Worsteds and Tweeds:: Good .assortinent to chogse he ee An ros ieee Best Selling Colors: Ree poem: Sak fag Ba Lot 17, Con. 10; Vespra _ from. ° Your'order Solicited early. ' ; . Harold 'Trusx saying he had received |: Hing the summer with -his uncle, Elmer|- "ON MONDAY, FEB. 25 : the box sent by the Sunday school." He rt Coats from $7.50 to [ark on the farm. -x. The following : : Workmanship, and fit fully guaranteed. also received the box packed by the young $15.00 - - HORSES™1 bay' mare, 5 yrs, 'heavy; 1 | 5 E Indies from the Trench Shower and. was 2 STROUD grey inare, 5 yrs., in foal, heavy; 1 chestnut : z fi "Roe pores 'weckend with | W€ Have a complete range of |" Feb. 18--Miss Alma Ferrier it in Toronto. Been re tee Ebay: hose, 10 y,- \ ° e. ° Ivy friends, Black and Blue Serge Coats. |; 4i%,Bertic Pattern of--troquois Fall | 4FG%% 5 a Miss"Ruby McCann -of Hamilton spent j "| #8 Bolidaying 'at her home here. ~ a Tal over Bundayl ¢f ber home here, Wpent |" WThe values are exceptional, in iis, Jessie Robertsoi, spent/the week-end a Ladies' and Men's Tailor. 1 é that-J. Beckerto ges 3 P eg Tel 731 is inproting en," "°° Newest Materials in Young |. Mim lca MeDateld is pending few - 'elephone 731. Mrs, P. Connor is under the doctor's care. People' ' Cogs iB Torsato.s. . = Mr. and Mi 'Geo, 'Ellis are spending a 'eople's Coats e ea visiting her sister . Mrs. few days with Elm Grove friends'. | Velours, Popli bard : 1 ; agen : eee =| Mr. and Mrs." Alderson of Elm Grove; leona Cover: secs nes Bedford, Mis: M. Coulter -of Gilford is visiting -- ; z a Te Berne eect TRATES MME ron, | NEMEy. Band Cob ee 1 eee Dae Pe oes WS "wacked : * 5 . « . . |lof Barrie récently' visited. with Mr, an » Navy, |, Fawn, - Burgundy, 4 Fe '|News from Neighboring Townships ||i.°5 "si" : "|hxe, Brown, "Blues, and many. other WRMI® F. Robertson. Sr SI pn a Quite.a number of Utopia young people') new. and popular shades, 7 o> \ing ser snotnes GEG Wan, ok net ; Fee Rye in id olin Hed] Theis ary all' cxshusive designs' Galp-one.| ene ee As Told by Our Correspondents poe Sea y-on tay pe "GB eech coat. a MOUNT. ST. .LOUIS ' - ~ (Not. from our regular correspondent.) * as 4 Wm. MeQuay. is very ill. _- | |rows,. 1 sulky plow; Oliver; 1 gang plow, CRAIGHURST CHURCHILL Miss Ruby McCinn visited her home over [2UY YOur Spring' Coat NOW. gq lifort Miller" is visiting relatives, in Gockshut, J do Bw Four pion Aes 2 Sunday, F 5 ' : Stayner. Ree b A gril, > ag t d |. The We 's Instit 5 -Mrs: Jas. Fitzgerald is im 'Toronto st- nip pulper, 2-wagons, 1 Grey buggy, new, J 'ete atthe ase mchagn elias oy e cc weai e| SUMMONS & CO. ii arc org re me ie Se hese ° evening 'of Shrove Tuesday. Misses E. and B. 'Canning are -visiting'|-H. Brown. a HATS AND FURS ' thal E. ee is' under the doctor's bouiiee meet sees alge, pang pang t 2D eee ee peat ey he wig: ta] Mes aed Me te ice spending-0 few |, Senne cutting Rew logs ior. Mr. Mise Mary Walker" of- Stiviier visited [pgotom' "1 soisee plano, (1 ditag rom Toronto, where be was required to report | weeks among relatives in Toronte. 's. McMaster has retursed hime from a | --------S eyes | relatives in this vicinity, table, 6 dining-room chairs; 1 couch, 1 | on the 18th under the M..S. A. ct is Eee King is visiting her aunt at! business trip to Minneapolis, U.S.A. ' GUTHRIE ae 'Thomas' Frawley is improving grad- hanging lamp, J bee eee = oo 4 i - ; 'Cobourg Heavy Ar- | Keswic : via . ly. pi te i; 'sewing' machine, 1, washi i ; faiey we "ral "Leeds lage SOhorie|. seer AiKGvaaie 'of: Grates) isha hee eoueet Arnold visited D, MeGanih lest | 33," 19." stter Nelie Mearing of Severn | "Mr. und Mrs, Simeon Miller of. Toronto | and clothes wringer, 1 'box stove, 1 heating & Jat werk and expected to el immediate'. Jon, Rey, D, A. MeKrose, last rene | Blt W. Norgate has recovered from her BARE has returned "home ater visitng org Ning Mr, Millers parents here stove, coal or wood, DeLaval Separate, ¢ Young People's will hold. a i a Besse. : ! ; necky : + Send dere for engraved 'Visiting [accial in hid. of "Ried. Cross on "Tusaday MO NETEEE (ruts hese took ix thé Red |, Mis Bestrice Corbett of Toronto is spend.-| stenber. : etc., and many other articles too numerous Stead your orders ni evening, Feb. 26, at the home of H. Pratt. | Cross d Ivy. Friday. ni "All re- |i28 ® fortnight with her parents, Mr. and| SeeErnpencannemeed to mention. s eards to The Examiner. t Mises Lillian 'and Dorothy Sloan, who | coer a pone fie Pres i oo "Mrs. 8, Corbett. a Estate of Late Thos. Sproule Terms of sale--All sums 'of $10.00. and 2 - are attending Barrie Collegiate Institute | °Mre ft Connec in-very il i pee 4 inde the floctor's care. | In order to wind up this estate, it is neces- ot aaah over thee amount ! cecil f he : . A. Caldwell has sold hisfarm to Alex. [aury II outstandi ts paid | credit' wil ven' to_psrties farnishin; "Stee Truman ot Midland is visiting er : = Graham of Crown Hill, 7" -." "'™ Hoxghwiee Any ascosin ipesd on Has | Gietived foitt eiten "8 ar oat per ase $35: 40 a Year brother, W, Sloan. ; rt LEFROY tite, GB Crevford it visiting her par: | th, 1918, will be placed in other hand for pum off for eash on credit sums ' q ey Reive 70 - ents Mr. and Mrs. G. Radcliffe, East Oro, | collection. Albert. Purvis, Administrator, | Sale at 1 p.m. : _-- ' ier Mater ee ee ee SabSG Ae TO cae Sundty | Mian Kates MoArtvur' of Baris erent ie [Genera pps eae W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. : payable for twenty yeurs only;"will pur- |] ove, Sun * | Sebool at 2020 km. | Everyone ia Woloone. | weekend with Mim Mary Bae 3 thave a $1,000 Insurance Policy. in the 7 e ross al ipment on an lay The Guthrie 'Se Cirele have returned ------------------------------------------------------------ nit-West Life Aasurancé Company consisted of twenty-three suite of pyjjindh | ,, He, Guthrie Sewing : ' shipment. : Red Cross, \ EDGAR On attane ees Tribe: vite "és |4 pir socks, 6 suits pyjamian ; Field Com ; Feb, 19--W. A: Gray of Orillia was | Blackmore, of a daughter |forts, 88 prs. rocks, 1. puir mitts, 3. parcels ° ' visitor heré recently. Norman Marshall writes that he has |Te#ding ; French Relief; 6 quilts, 45 hox- Limited Payment Life Plan, 'at age . At -the end of twenty years the In: wirance will be paid for, and a i . 7 " : pital shirts," 3 women's dresses, 3. night © 5 . f Policy will'be insurd for, $1,000. "The Ue I tana ia "Hetaitane, MPT) Minded in Frances se inc visiting | {786% 18. children's dremen, ad aso. a Now is the FARMER'S opportunity to aid our then be puptbie unless aa maybe [Mrs R. HL Brandon in visting her' iter | friends in Barre tad: Delton igh nen ne grey cee armies and. benefit himself by kegping more chosen if desired, these profia have been || Mex: P. Blough «Hamilton, = piayyeveniag, Feb: 3mm the Grange ember in Tormnta =" *™™. "™™ "1. LIVE STOCK and increasing the production ald at tbe end bf oath five yaar period. oot her home: af Coping | Tea eee e teste OMNES | A. parlor iociel wil be heli: at 'the Bowne f it : During ,the twenty years the Policy | Wk ® Hayes was in Orillia this wetk to ie the bon pried "ithe Sharpe Dreher of Alex, Grahsm on Friday: evening, Mar. OF th ah ip igeriee eral gap: valued 7 said at £06 I soe lp iuptiyee who ie ill tra, Stroud Male QuartetteJ. Blackmore | }it\ A, Rood programme und. refreshiments LOANS. made to responsible men. to aid 'in . Gi deaictes ther sontradt: tony. be. vur, [fm Caldwell of Barrie way in this vil: | und Mrv.R. Boyes will amist with the |fToceetls towards buying' wool for soldiers this work. rendored and the. total. Cush Value ob-} 466 one day this YR Stemser visited in {PrOSTAmMe E i : : tuined, nee Personal rates' and full details will be furtiished on request: i * CALL at our office. and' enquire. THE BANK OF TORONTO ; 2 Established in 1855. Barrie and Allandale Branchés-- __ H..A. SIMS, Manager. Hamilton recently. . ' Har Bal hae returned Deli BRENTWOOD F DALSTON "ow 4 a oe bert, after spending » month at his home} rel, ag w. T. Clark ie a bixy man |. copeett under the auspices of the W. WEST LIFE })""G these "ayn buying ajand potstog for | taealay, Feb" 26) Soar at THE GREAT- 1 Quilting bees sire quige the order of the | jholesalers in Toronto. 'The crordh ee | 2 ; i id day: : s « ee lm. °A mme will be given "ASSURANCE COMPANY |) "Sissi ois were'sorty to learn of the | Mi. $1800 for No, 1 hay ang M70 "A vated. program ret th hag th pr Ke To Head ° Office: ' Winnipeg death: of: Mix. John Miller of Opillis, who 7." Joh Desjardine and M.. Daley are pre: ig "BOON : the Oro Red Cross.& 2 ly: lived Edgar, CET a 'iety for February ' OR SEE fhe Wilton 'McG ot Shanty Bay ix rer gic elt ne hee eee mmovements | 15° ute pyjaman, h eesecloth suit, 12 L A. H. BROTHER ending some time with her sister end |""Some of the farmers here. are hauling | SEY, fennel shirts" 12h of socks end " é brot re, cordwood to Burrie, a_jlistance of about sixtien miles and report'selling it at very fancy prices. " Miss 'Sarah McCarthy of Toronto spent a few days at her home here last week In :anticipation of "another cold, winter wise farmers are. storing up lots of 'wood in the back yard, aS Ss fe ° Zz ; : N77 Wt iif [Ue CRAIGV. Pa MO, Mt Feb. 19M. Goodfeliow of Kinley, Susk., visited friends here last week Fred Stott of Wyevale spent over Sunday with Yriends here. % Miss Leola McDonald" is holidaying in Toronto. x Mis. Purvis gréceived a telegram 'from Halifax on Safurday; 16th, from her son, Pte. Herb, Purvis, saying that he had ar- rived there 'sufely, from England. His many: friends will be pleased. to welcome him: back. to' Craigvale again. i+ Mrs. Wilson has returned home after spending several months with, relatives: in Toronto. ' Miss Elizabeth Patterson. is visiting -in Toronto. 'Barrie, Ontario. oe HOLLY Feb.18,--Rev. F. L, Brown of Cochrane preached a most interesting sermon on the wed of missions. The collection umounted to. $30.00. * Miss Mary Lougheed is spending a few days at Mrs, H. Reynolds at Stroud: Mr, and, Mrs. C. Campbell visited Mr. Mr, J. E. Robson of Shanty Bay" st week. AFord Car Takes of all These 7 : FHEN you own a Ford you can do away with many articles. 'No false steps to mar the plea- sure of the dance wi ¢ _music is furnished by "His ° Master's Voice" Records the Place "A Silver Wedding A very interesting event took place on Friday, February, 15th,.at the home of Mr. and "Mrs. W. E. Lennox, Iv}, being the Occasion of the 25th anniversary of their, wedding day. "The tooms were appropri- ea Hi si be es ion. , that are a source of continuous expense to the man who still 2 Bihy, Rio~ eden Oar Getheanne 10334 tee oe pores a : drives a-horse. For instance, not only your driving-horse a Ziegfeld Folliee--Mediey One-Step * Elmyale. Mrs. Lennéx was formerly Miss and , but the single harness, 'blankets, whips, currycombs, : Smith's Orchestre Annie Lennox, daughter of the iste Thos. brushes, pitch-forks, feed-bins, etc. $1.89 for 12-inch, double-sided Fennor and: Mo. Lapse now reskling at mae ee a cagea Seah : oe: sires, id Elmvale. At 6.30 about forty 'guests as- in their place you. have a speedy, lependable, dignified, roomy : : [beg meet ay SE err 2 : 35600 ego gallina pape Ford Car--compiets in itself. It is vastly tothe narrow, . " Fou Tret i pes cramped buggy that travels soslowly. And 'a Ford is: i to the happy couple wis proposed by Rev, J. Dew which. was 'heartily honored by all Mr. Lennox responded in ® very appropriate manner.° Jas, A Jamieson of Thorziton, who had been groomsman for Mr. Lennox 'also responded in \s very: able manner"re- calling many incidents of interest connected with the event twenty-five years ago. Those Present were Mrs' Jane Lenfox; Elmvale , mother of Mrs. Lennox ; Elwood Lennox, Elmvale ; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Broley, . | Twe Bewitching Red Seal Records Scherso-Taraitelle (Op. 17) Jascha Heifete 74562 + The Rainbowof Love - John McCormack 64732 Hear them at any "His Master's : Voice' dealer "Write for free copy of out-584-page Musical Encyclopedia li soe dos not eat three meals a-day, and it requires no "looking ye A Ford will save you time, trouble, and-money. It is the utili a car forthe busy eile and his family. r ty isting ever' 9000. Victor Records. Berliner Gram-o-phoneCo. "MONTREAL LIMITED