6 : Canadian' Governijent oe 'and Municipal Bonds. 3 i Canada Victory Bonds. C Due:1922, 1927 or 1937 .\ "Price 98% and Interest J, H.BENNETT, Barrie Mrs. Fred Warnica is visiting ~ in Toronto. -* Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clark yisited in Toronto last week-end. 'Mrs. Herb Johnson, of Guelph, -'is visiting Allandale friends. Miss Coulter, of Lefroy, fs the guest of Miss Sadie Warnicd. Mrs.-Goode, of Toronto, was. the guest of her sister, Mrs, Es- ten, last week. Mrs. Barry, of Newmarket, has returned 'home after a visit with , her son, Roy.Stone. Mrs. J. Lower, of Woodstock, is visifing Mr. .and Mrs, Geo. Lower, Tiffin Street. 4 Mrs. Jas. Hedgér went to Grav- enhurst.on Monday to attend the wedding of her' sister. Mr. and Mrs. Rash have return- ed to/Echo Bay, after a visit with old friends in the Sixth Ward. Mrs. J. H, Robinson, of New- market, is yisiting .her mother, Mrs. E. DeRtivers, on. Bradford ( St. hie ° Ms and Mrs., Maxwell, of Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, J.. Patton, William St... this. week. Mrs. Geo. Dixon, after a-visit with Mrs. Whilebread 'and' Mrs. Thos. MeMorran, 1s now en route to-her home in British Columbia. Rev. J. B. -Lantb, in. Orillia " on: Monday night giving a" lec- 2 ture, with lantern slides, to the young people »f the Methodist Church. FP.' Whitney's team . gained a point in. the Carpet - 'Bowling Tournament last, Friday night by | 5 games to 4. Scores now even | at.51 points each. | Mr. and' Mrs, Watt entertained { the Essa. St. Christian Endeav- overs at the manse on Monday evening, when a very enjoyable | *. time was spent. | Miss May MeDonald, of Dunn- ville stopped off here for a couple of days 'to visit her sisiter, Mrs. POSTPONED CREDIT SALE. Of Farm Stock & Implements The undersigned' has received instructions to sell by Public Auétion at _ Lot 5, Con.9, Innisfil ~ TUESDAY, FEB. 26 The following : HORSES--1 bay horse; rising 5. yrs.'old, } shout: 1500 Ibs; 1 buy horse, rising 5 yrs, about 1600 Ibs; I-bay horse, 1 bay mare, rising 7 yrs; 1.grey mare, ing 4 years horse, rising 5 ye >. (Gerieral Purpose) ;.1 driver horse, rising 4 yre; '1 grey colt, rising 2 -yrs.; 1. Hackney colt, rising 2 yrs.; 1 browit mare, rising: 12 JT. ' CATTLE--1 cow, 8 yrs. old, due Mur. 15; 1 cow, 7 "yrs. old, due Mar. 20; 1 cow, 5 yrs. old, due April 15 1 cow; 9 yrs, old, with Be calf at foot; '1 red cow, 9 yrs, due Apr.- 1 red heifer, rising 3 yrs. old, due May-1; 1 | red-heifer, rising 3 yrs. old, due Apr. 1; 2 + onteers, rising.3 yrs, old; 3'steers, 1 yr. old; 2 heifers, rising 2 yrs. old . 2 yrs, ald; A steer, rising 2 riking 2 yrs. old. 3.8 steers, rising yrs: old; 3 steers" Jas. Hedger, on her way to Grav- enhurst on a vacation. from Toronto on Saturday even- ing, after undergoing a serious operation there some time ago, Mr. Wardman is slowly 'recover-. ing his strength. _ Guests al the parsonage with 'Rev. and Mrs. Lamb are Mrs. Ves- wetcherick of Glencairn, sister of }Mr,\Lamb; Mr..and Mrs. B. Ter- riss of Everett and Mr. and Mrs. 8. Noble, of Swift, Current, Sask. One of the -worst. wrecks in some time on this division of the G.T.R., happened' near 'Game- bridge last Thursday afternoon, when 14 cats of grain went intd dhe ditch. The Allandale Auxil- jary was away till late Saturday night, cleaning up the debris. One of the'most severe storms in'years struck the north country. last Friday. No. 44, due 'here: at 5.00 p.m., did not get here till 00 o'clock midnight. Another storm was felt-in the north gn Tuesday night. The "south- hound: Cobalt. express was snow- bound near South: River for, sev- eral hours. Percival. the 4-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dinning, Main. St., 'trained nurse, he passed away. on Saturday. Interment took plage on Monday at the Union Cemetery, Six school boys acted as. pall- bearers; Viz, W. Fraser,. J. New- man, H. Garside, R. Godden, L, Hedger and FE. Fraser, Jerry Wardman returned home| 8 A He 3 Ay au years. go when she went tb teside in Collingwooul with' her daughter, Mrs. 'Parks. Altl ough, Mrs, Parks died x year ago Mrs. Paddison continued to 'live-in Collingwood and had been 'in Barrie only two: weeks when she Passed away. She was u faithful member of. the Methodist church for many years. Her "body-.was laid to rest in Gleneairn cemetery beside the remains of ber hushund and two daughters. Surviving members of the family sre: Albert and Wellington, Barrie ; J. E. Alliston ; Seth and Mrs... W. Lambert, Collingwood. 7 Irs. C,H. Carruthers - After an' illness of only two days, Mra, Chas.' Hs Carruthers died ut her home on John St. West, on Monday, Feb: 16. Her maiden nate was Edith Smith and she was born forty-two years. ago-near Utopia, In 1900 she married Mr. Carruthers, who survives with two children, Beatrice and Eldted. In Ut dist church an , being # niember of the. Ladies' Aid. She took a deep interest in the welfare of the soldiers dveryeus, the. work oft the Field Comforts Society par- ti¢ularly haying -her hearty sympathy and and a kind neighbor. Interment. took place yesterday in the Union cemetery, Rev. H. Moore officinting. The pali-bearers were: Thos. Rogers; Wm. Ferrier; Walter McInnis, Jos. Patterson, C. N. Holdsworth, J. R. Guest, ~ Charles E. With the demise of Charles Bell at) Oro Station on Feb. 10 a promising young life wax cut off. Deceased: was the secon son of Mr. and Mrs, R. QO. Bell. and wan bora at Oro Stution' thirty-four years ago. After taking his high school course in Kar. rie Collegiate. and Perth High School he entered upon the study of law in the office of Donuld Ross with whom he remained fer two years and then passed opto Os- koode Hull. When in Toronto he wax with the Aylesworth firm. He passed his tinal examination, in April 1917,. but too close application to work had 40: undermin .| bis- constitutidn 'that he did 'not' recov sufficiently to be called to the'Bar. He.wak of w bright and genial disposition und during his sesidence in Barrie made numerous friends. In lodge cirples he had member. ship in the LO.OF. and the COF.. In. terment todk place at Crawford's church, Oro, on Thursday, The servides were taken by Ri il Campbell snd: Rev. W. 8. Irwin, funeral rites of Oddfellowship alto" being observed at the. grave. A. pro- fusion of beautiful flowers bore their mes- sage of sympathy and. respect. The. pall i ia she joined the Metho- |" support. 'She was a good wife and mother | Mr. and Mrs, onto today ing the' funeral Moffatt, keep, house for Moffatt, Toronto, her death. The missionar: chureh on Sun the 'evening. last by. weekly envelop Ex-Mayor J. Solved © that Teredit entertai o Geo Miss-Agnes Gilchnist (Thursday who died ; F. charge) of the Epworth Lea as chairman, withan attendance of 185 "to hear the-debate. "Re- Environment more influence on: Character than The dehate was very g and edueative, Judges, /Messrs. E. Shear, Jam- Marlin and Secy- Bean, of: the M.C.A.,' brought in a Verdict in favor of the negative. Cowie her father, She was. a sis- ter of Mrs. Jiis. P. McMillan. Of a'bright and friendiy nature and Possessed of many guod qualities, she made numerous friends, who wor sorely gnieved to" learn of Burton Ave. 'Methodist Church The offering was 00.00, which is an inerease year despite the fact that so many members contribute A Station Burglarized -Tottenham:: Sentinel--On Sun- and e in Tor- attend. of Miss Ruby on Tuesday, She lived in Allandale until about three years-'ago when-she went to vell ate took ue, has The jin they home of Deputy-Reeve day night, the G.T®. station was 'again broken into, the. burglar entering through: the west, win dow. Last time nothing but liquid refreshments 'were 'taken; time the till was broken into but it was empty. Some chocolates were stolen. It is to'be hoped a determined effort will be made to apprehend the guilty patty or jparties so that he or they may be given ad salutary lesson as they }will ultimately land in the "pen" if allowed to go on this way un- molested. z | 5 --_-----_ David Vrooman dropped. dead this | yen. bearers were : W. J. McManus, Jos. Pack- ard, Thos. Bell, W. Brooks, 8. Kilgour and Z Crawford,- members of Burrie Lodge, 0.0.F, Mrs. Thos. Hart (From: our Sbenty Bay Correspondent) Mrs, Hurt was born 83 years ago about R, | !¥o miles north of Shanty Bay, a daughter "|of Mr. Flaherty, one of the first settlers in this part of Oro. After her murriage to Mr: Hart she went to live on the farm now owned 'by her son-James Hart, and spent most of her life there. About nine: yeurs ago she and ber husband retired from farm- ing snd bought w residence in the villuge in which place she lived 'until a few months before she died. 'Shortly before Xmes she Went on-a visit to. hér son; Dr. T. M. Hart, Detroit, and. seemed in- good health up: to within @ few weeks of her passing away on Februsry.13. Mrs. Hart was a very has. piteble and kind neighbor, Everybody was tended. Rey. GE. Manning deait| welcome vat her home and received the with Foreign, Missions in. the] greatest kindness. and the-best she could morning and Rev. EF. N. "Brown, | Provide. She will' be greatly raed in this B.A, spoke on Hime Missions. in | Yilsae. | Her husbiind predeceased her four years. She leaves to niourn,.three daughters and three sons, viz, Mix, Thomas Brooks of- Alliston, Mrs; Alfred Patk and, Jos, Packurd of Shanty Bay, Dr. 'T. rt of Detroit, J. J. Hart. of Chicugp, and James of the farm. = . Interment took place af St. Thomas' Cem-. |etery on Feb. 16. Rev, H. V. Fhompson, of' Erindale, her former pastor, officiated at the funeral and\a\berge number turned out 'to pay' a last tribute ef respect to one whom all-knew and had grown to love, who settl ; nisfil, In. he bought a farm on the tenth concession" of {Innisfil where 'Ke resided until . the "autumn: of 1916, when he moved to \Barrie. In' 1860 he married Miss Anse 'Robinson, _ who died hildren, Fran- sin J of Dauphin, Mau; John R.. of Seattle, USA; and Mrs. Donald Iverick, of Labell, 'Thad. to pay. 75 cents for a dozen |' THE -2 TO HUM 20 CURTAIN 8.15 i a Bw -: COM y It is said that new) regulations are to be put into force requir- ing a dozen eggs to weigh one pound and a half. \Sueh a 'change yuld cause a great deal of convenience to those selling eggs on the market Bat would make little difference to the Store Keep- ers, Sale by. weight would "be 'stem. is the present s automobile -- registrations in Canada for 1917 are given-as 199,302, or une for every 38 of the population, as compared with Rumor has it that a movement ison foot:to try atid have the sés sionak \indemnity for Dominion members of Parliament increased. $2500 is the pay now. If the sitting: members don't. think this .is enough, let them resign. There will be no difficulty filling, the Vacancies at the present pay. Whitby High School is holding il- a series' of weekly' lectures, tustrated by moving pictur the benefit of the students and A. northern' newspaper' man, who is trying to' make both ends meet at his old subscription rate ef one dollar per year, recently of eggs, which, he admits, caus- ed him to have serious thoughts 'jthe price of sixteen eggs," * many Policemen Lambie' and Sweeney rper cent. of the city ashes on the _fooal. In Boston, it-adds, whether one should go on trying to send. 52 copies of a_paper for 'The Boston Gtobe says Set save-the-cinders campaign su been_started: in: New York, fol- lowing the discovery that three dumps is practically untouched coal and 13 per cent. good live glanee 55 "OH DOC' STARTING AT A FAST PACE AND INCREASING 'ITS SPEED EVERY MINUTE FOR TWO AND A HALF HOURS TINKLING, TEASING TUNES' ,. AND WHISTLE ENT OF THE WEEK :- al the ash barrels show that those ir ashes are compar- mueh fairer to the consumer than, ed to as well. tax to' $5.00, 'the. rate pai centage basis: 'GRAND 'OPERA HOUSE 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY POLITELY: PROFFERS. 'Puirsday, February 241, 1918. = TTHE WORLD'S GREATEST IMPERSONATOR "AND A SUPREME COMPANY OF -FARCEURS IN' THE: ~~ BIG HILARIOUS FUN AND GIRL SHOW 'OR re} 60----_____. GREAT BIG HEARTY LAUGHS EVERY MINUTE 60----_----_ - GHORUS OF BEAUTY AND REFINEMENT ~ PLAN OPENS MONDAY, FEB. 25th. We only draw atten- tion to this to remind those in Barrie why: have not paid any regard to this method of saving fuel that it will pay.them to, do so, and. be a means.of lessening the public burden. In Oshawa recently the min- isters, theatre proprietors ang pool: room, owners 'met with' the Mayor, to consider the fuel short- age. 'That's a 'new. combination certainly, PRICES :--25° 50° 75° A FEW $1.00. of. COMING MAR. 13--"KATZENJAMMER KIDS." Seats on' Sale at A. F..A. Malcomson's, Phone 447w,.9 a.m..to.5 p.m. incentive collection to' in. the shape of a percentage. From these © vo. sources considerable additional revenue could be ob-- tained and the rémuneration of the police be' correspondingly augmented. eet UE Walk Cleaning By-law : 'Al this-week's Council meetitur an iiquity.from Ald Pearce el-- icited the information that there is a rather stringent by-law' re- garding the cleaning of sidewalks' on a portion of Dunlop St.: This by-law" Was passed. on Dec. 1895. When J.,M. Bothwell was Mayor and applies only 'to- tha cement walks: mended to cover: all the business' section. As: it. nowsis, it requires -that all occupants: of. preperty. front ing on Dunlop St, easter 'and "Bayt me for every 32 in the United States, year's tatal in Gan-]| A misreading of the Fuel Cor- ada was' 12 Ontario leads] trolle order was responsible all the Prov with. 8: for a' considerable falling off in| registrations, as compared with }countty business on Saturday and! 54,375 for 1916, Canada's- in, | Monday last, any apparently be- vesiinent. in motors is estimated |ing under impression that the Jat $200,000,000, - weekly closing would continue up This date" appl only to theatr#s.and pool rooms. Forall the stores, business 'is. a. usual -evecy week day. : 'A miajérity against' the. Board of Education's requést . for $58,000 for collegiate purposes cannot be interpreted an expression. of opinion adverse -to building the school. Rather dg it a protest against the manner'in which the site question -has been .handled and-against' the submission. .of such a half-baked proposition to the electors. The people'of Bar- Apparently the Town Couieil int towns, and -give Ontario he collection of the tax ona per= Give them also a. Ss and all loes not see its' way clear. to in- crease the pay of the policemen, There is a way in which these. officers might receive more men- ley and the Town receipts he add= Increase the, poll;; remove all sno dirt, other obstrugtions from: the wal s fronting and -adjo ing their premises and also from 'the watercourse, two feet from tha outer- edge Bf the sidewalk, ba- fore 9 a.m. every day exeept Sux day . q Should it not he .possible- ta remove the' ice, "the: " propasty holder, must strew on walk. saw dust, able svbstance;. but' no one: shail sprinkle salt.on walk or-chop iae on the pavement with axe or like. instrument. ee =In. gas eleaned: by the sidewa Kk is not townspeople, The Whitby High/rie are in favor of a new colleg- a8 tequired, he' shalt be. notifiod School also' has. night jate on a central site. When the by the Town Inspector, who,chall with an attendance -of oVer 125:/Board can' show. that is has.a prosecute if not done -within. & Barrie will be in a position to en-|suitable central -site for the hours. After 'twenty-four hours joy similar advantages whena new) school, the people -will be glad to" the Town shall' have the: walk cwllegiate: i§ erected on a céRtral/see them go alfiead.. They will cleared and the cost of same. site. The'question is, When? jeven be saNisfiéd to have the | Charged' against the Property ta Council 'Vote: the necéssary fundsi de collected with the taxes. without further' reference to the| Where--a"roof. is -within five ratepayers. * 3: | feet ofa street line, on any street, Fall ice or snow before:9 a.m. aru Any infraction of the by-law makes 'the Offender liable toca fine of up to $50. or as much 24 days in ja "Studies in | Scriptures, Tha' Mystery Explained," 70 copies if. this work we-s seized Ey the Bar- rie Customs. Collector 'yesterday. hee f s have been soi WOODHALL AMUSEMENT COMPANY, INC.: sand, "ashes, sof other suit-- the property 'holder 3¢ must be removed .. In compliance with- the order banning Pastor: Russell's book, -