Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1918, p. 10

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MANY PEO PLE REPORT = "BIG GAINS IN WEIGHT " THOUSANDS. OF THIN FRAIL PEOPLE ARE RE- STORED TO HEALTH BY TANLAC--AMAZING (-GAINS IN WEIGHT ARE RELATED--POWERS OF MEDICINE CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN. INE of the most noteworthy features in connection with Tanlac: and one' which stands 'out more prominently than men and women from all any other, perhaps, is-the large number.of wellknown patts of Canada who have te- cently reported astonishing and rapid increases in weight as a result of its use. Thousands have testified that this famous medicine has completely. restored them to health and'strength after every other medicine and: the most failed. One of the most. remarkable cases on re- cord-is that of G. W. Miller, of 232 McNab street, Hamilton, Ont., who was for twelve years portmaster ud merchant at 69, Cor: |" ners, Brant County. Mr. Miller declares that he has not only gotten complete relief from theumatism and stomach trouble by taking Tanlac, but that he has gained thirty-two - Pounds'besides. An extract from bis state- ment follows "As a result of rheumatism und stomach trouble, I hud fallen 6ff to. one hundred and fifteen pounds. My legs had perished away until T couldn't walk without a cane and had to sell out my business and-give up the Post, Office." aoe "I now weigh one "hundred and forty: seven pounds, gained thirty:two pounds, by taking*Tarilac, and can go any place I want to without 'a stick "and feel better than I have in yeats." Fireman: Gains 20 Pounds. Alexander Gange, fireman-on, the Cana- dion Pacific, residing on Keele street, Tor- onto, "siys : Sy "I have gained twenty' pounds since I "began taking Tanlec und I'm feeling fine now. 1 certainly was in a-bad shape from stomach troublgsand disordered kidneys be: fore' I. used "Tthlac.. T-had gotten to: the place where I-couldn't stoop over without getting a-catch in my back that burt like my back, would break, and I was almost disabled for'work: I started taking Tan: Jac, every sign of my troubles have dis- appeared 'and J am in better shape than T have been for years." +. Gained Twenty Pounds. Wm. §, Pickell, paint contractor, Jiving ut 51 Windsor Ave., Windsor, Ont., says : "I have 'actully; gained. twenty. pounds on Parilac and I feel like. a different man * About) a year ago I began .to sitfer with stomach trouble and I just couldn't -des. cribe toyou the misery I went. through with. I fell-off in weight to- one huiidred und. thirty pounds and I just 'felt. worse than I. can tell, "Besides my. big gain in weight, F have improved until 1 am hardly like the same mari," Salesman Makes. Big Gain, Walter F. Brown, traveling salesman, 132 Yorkville street,. Toronto, Ont., says "I gained seventeen pounds by..taking Tanlac and my recovery has beens sur- prise to myself as well as to my 'friends, as they'had given.me up to die, and all the money I 'had spent for treatments and medicines' had failed to help me. 1. spent eleven' months in hospitals and fell off to ninety-six pounds, 3 "To say it is wonderful the way. Tanluc hax helped me doesn't halfway express it. T'm already feeling 'thouxand times bet- 'ter and am on the road to health «after five years of suffering. My appatite is tne. the ges and indigestion has disappeared and da eling better than in years.' Hamilton Woman's Gain. Mrs. Wm., Green of 141 Hunter street; Tlumilton, Ont.; says ' . "I -have actually gained twenty .pounds Since taking Tanlac aid _my-neighbors and friends seem amuzed ist the wonderful change in my condition. I'was almost a ner- vous wreck from, suffering. from stomach trouble, For-two solid yeurs T wasn't able todo 'a thing about the house, and my stomach be *0 upset, that T° couldn't retain: the. medi scribed for me. anyone vould feel like-a ney per. Udo, Since T began -using "Tantac: 1 have a splemlid 'app tite, cay' eat just any. thing T-want 10° and my: food 'nourishes me und does me good. My nerves are in atine shape, [ sleep like @ log at night, TO ALL WOMEN WHO ARE ILL This'-Woman Recommends. Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vege- table Compound--Her Personal Experience. andi Tl leb.--** I. want' to recom- E. -Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te- ail women who suffer from'any functional disturbance, as it has: done than fi Hi FA == t nothing: could, be done for Skilled medical treatment had and can do almost everything there is to do about my house.", More Remarkable Gains. The foregoing statements, from' these Well-known citizens of Ontario, while as- tonishing,. are not really remarkable, us thousands of people. all" over the. United Stutes and Canada have tuken. Tanisc -with the same results and in somé cases far grest- er. Take for instance the case of Mrs. Viola Ives, 315 Cross: street, Little Rock, Ark., USA, who gained forty pounds ; Or thu of Mrs: G. W. Williams, of Gadsden, Ala, U8.A., who gained forty-eight' pounds? that of O. H. Mahaffey, Nashvillé, Tenn. US.A,, who gained forty pounds ; or thut of Mrs: 0. C-.Caso a, US who gained thirty-five pounds ; or that of Mrs, Chas. Peden, of Huntsville, Ala., U.S. A, who gained twenty-seven pounds'; and thousands of othérs too numerous to 'men- tion, Tanlsc is sold in°Barrié by Geo. Monk- man, in Orillia by M. H.:Cooke & Co., in Elmvale by W. J. McGuire, in Lefroy' by G. R. Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West, in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay, in Waubau- shene by Georgian Bay Lumber Co., Ltd., in Port MeNicoll by P. H. Beattie, in Al- liston, by E. B. Schell, in: Lisle by Robt. B. Little, in Gilford by. James A. Blain, in Tottenham by Chas: A. Weaver, in Bene- tanguishene by Chas. A. Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos. A, Stone, in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble; in Coldwater by.C. G. Millard, in Midland by Geo. Gertie, in Bradford by W. L. Campbell, .in Stroud by Chantler Bros., in Craighurst by TT. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury & Gregory, in Belle iwart by A. Trombley & Co, and in Mt. St. Louis. by E. J.:Peters & Son.--Ad. : Next Winter's Fuel The fuel situation is nat likely to be as serious in Beeton next winter as it has been .this season: A number of citizens have pur. chased blocks' of half an acté or more of standing. timber on the low lands a few miles northwest of the town und are now' cutting 'and hauling' it hoine to. cut into stove lengths fater-on. The timber. is prin. cipally poplar and birch --World | Freneh River is, in reality, ito-Sudbury Branch of wi SHANTY BAY Shinty Bay friends of Rev. Duncasi P. Cameron will be interested in the following item from-the Edmonton Bulletin of Feb. 8 :-- On Friday evening in the Ardrossan Methodist church, under the auspices. of the Ladies' Aid, Rev: D."P. Cameron, B. A. gave e very. interesting and highly' instruc. tive lecture on "Germany and the German Reople." 'This wag a study in the. rise_end development of the\present German empire. The audience was:tiken bgek in history to 100 years before the ~€Xristian "Era, "and gradually brought forward by the lecturer tothe. present: day. For over an-hour and 8 half, without -apparent effort, Mr. Cam- éron spoke in eloquent and forceful lan. gusge, "holding the intense interest of his audience to the last. At the conclusion of \the lecture a chéarty vote of 'thanks® was tendered: the' speaker. It was announced that next month Mr. Cameron would lec- ture on the "Transformation of England." UTOPIA Feb, 11--The Sixth Line contributed to the Red Crosson Saturday last $4.25 cach and one dozen eggs. There were also taken to the Red Cross rodms forty-two pairs of sock, : Quite a number of our young ladies re- ceived lettérs from the soldiers-who. redeived j the 'boxes sent'from the "Trench Shower" held before Xmas. Everyone enjoyed the contents of the boxes and heartily thanked hose who' so kindly' donated to the 'Shower: Mrs. J. Dobson recently spent a week with Toronto friends, Mr. and Mrs, M: McMaster attended the funeral of the latter's. niece, Marion Bush, in Angus on Saturday, last. Mrs, WxA. Miller spent over Sunday in Barrie at J. A. Miller's, whose mother is very ill. Our teacher, Miss M. Ellison, spent the week-end with Toronto frien KNOCK Miss Florence Connell is. progressing favourably after an operation for appendic. itis in the R° V. Hospital last Friday. Miss Wilda "Martin has , returned home after spending a 'couple 'of 'weeks with friends at Bond Head. Mrs. Pearce, Allandale, visited Mrs) Wm, Robertson for a few days lust. webk Mrs, H. Reynolds wtid Mrs. F." Bowman leave Thurslay for a week's visit with friends in-Toronto. he pleared to know that she is able to. be around again after an illness of four or five week. cy A sleighload of about a dozen young tudies went from here to Mrs. Villiam Woneh's, 6th line, who kindly -gave. her house-for the usé of the Sewing Circle this month. Donald Cowai spent the w B.A., Toronto Universi ek-end at home here. CAMPING ON >a cha' if THE BARRIE EXAMINER As Told: by Our Correspondents Mrs. F. K. Robertson's many friends "will | (Received too late for last week.) .' STROUD Feb. -12--Mien tid Mise Cootiey of Oak ure st Mrs, Allison's. visiting relatives here. Mrs. Webb's, ~ Mra. John Allan of Churchi of the "West and Miss Marj J. Barelay's, Club last/Thursday -evening, spending -a few days in Toroi Evelyn Elliott. Feb. 18, vicinity. itell friends here last week. day at" Herbert Wallace's, Peneting, It is not an ey ff matter to gets inedi- cine that children like, or to force them cough medicine, whi palatable, should - contain ho 'drug in jurious to the child. The great popularity Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. | and st the same and agreeable to with the Binal ill, nto, 'CRAIGVALE Feb. 13--Will Culbert of Bond Head vi || News - from Neighboring Townships : es eee OW REEDS Jessie Lennox of Aurora idges: were week. | Fe end guests at the former's home. 'Owing to the condition of the roads Rev, Mr.-Clements very kindly took the service in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Miss Grace Drew and Miss Grieg of Ori Mr. ahd Mrs, P, Spring of Toronto are Mr. Irwin of Alliston is' holidaying Mr. and Mrs. W. Hughes of Toronto. are spending a few days in the villa BIG BAY POINT Feb. 12--Will. Irwin, has returned 'after |by her friend Mist' McKenzie of Holstein nest kad the misfortune to have # block: of ice fall on -his foot last week. Glad :to report he is doing favorably. R. Tribble has bought Mr. Roberiscn's farm at Stroud and will move shortly. N. J. Liscumb has sold his farm to' BE. He will hold bis sale next Monday, Weeldirig bells sre ringing loudly in our W. C. Henry of Alberta spent oyer Sun- John Johnson Sr. is visiting'friends in The many friends of Miss Agathi Night- See 'Children Like It f is explained by' the fect that it com- talnw no opium or narcotie of any kind, ia 0 pleasent 1¢ taate that children 'ke it, For this reason it ja a favorite bh laren, Fecovering, though slowly, from her severe illness. ; A large number' of friends and neighbors from here attended the funeral of the Tate Alex. Neely,-who died at his home in Barrie on Sunday, 'Feb.' 10.°-Mr. Neely. was for many years a resident of Craigvele and our deepest sympathy goes out to the widow und family in their bereavement. Tolly Sewing Circle met at the hothe of Mrs. A' Dyer on Féb,.6, They donated, $15:00 tothe Red Cross, 27 pairs socks and 9 suits of pyjamas, Thos. Wiley is not improving as fast as e°| bis friends would like to see. Mr, and 'Mrs. H. Lougheed visited: with friends at Cookstown recently. _/ The Ladieg Aid met at Mrs. Wm. Blox- ham's this week. 'The next, meeting -willbe at the home of Mis. Geo: Brown, Mar. 13. ~ 'Plowing the roads is the order of the day. Be. John "Allan t Barciey | EIGHTH LINE, INNISFIL of Toronto weréweek-end guests "at Mrs. Feb, 12--Mr. and Mrs, Peter Spring of. Toronto spent a few days visiting friends Mr..and' Mrs. Allison. entertained the Tri- /in this vicinity. Miss Irené Martin of Toronto spent 'the week-end. with her parents, Mr: and Mrs, Alfred Martin; yi Miss Eva Spring of Toronto, accompanied. spent.the. week-end at the home "sf iiane Spring,, Jr. > Owing to the roads being so. bad the4 mail than did not .get 'over his complete route, 4 VESPRA COUNCIL The Council met on the 4th. inst. 'pursu- ant' to -adjournment with 'all the members present, the Keeve in the, chair. + Communications "were read . from' Sawyer Massey Company, Limited, re road "| making machinery'; W, A. McLean, Deputy Minister of Highways, re appointing per- manent Road Superintendeat ; The Barrie Papers tendered for Township printing. The following accounts .were passed : Bertha Reynolds, supplies for indigent $7 ; J. J. Smith, valuing sheep killed by dogs $1; Stephen Pratt, note and iriterest $742, A By-Law Re Colonization roads was gi Hig readings and' forwarded to Min- jister of Public' Works for' approval. . A By-Law granting . the. Barrie-Angus Telephoné 'Conipany the right to-erect poles for telephone purposes on certain highways in the Township .of Vespra was given' its and passed, Owing the, Mr. Robert. Brett declining to accept the' position of assessor Mr. B: F. Tracey was appointed' in his place. and stead The: tender of the Burrie Examiner for township printing was accepted. The Township account wes ordered placed in 'the Bank of Noya Scotia, ~ The Reeve was authorized' to attend meeting of the legislature in the Township's interest. re special grant for bridge and Colonization Roads, ad 'The Council adjourned 'to meet. on March 18th sit 10° am, A. B, COUTTS, Clerk. = 1 ingale will be'pleased to know that she' is A Minister's "_. Evidence That Piles, or Hemorrhoids, Can be Quickly Cured--A Justice of the Peace Cured "Many Years Ago. SLE sre has come to us recently these two letters from prominent men who bear unquestionable testimony in re- gard to Dr. Chasé's Ointment as a prompt and 'lasting cure for -piles. 'These men give their evidence freely becapise they know what: it means to suffer from. thé tortures of piles and then be cured. They feel it a duty and.a pleasure to let others know. how be cured. Oy rank N. Bowes, Methodist Minister, PriceviNe, Ont., writes: "In the winter of 19121 was stationed in Cobalt. I went for a snowshoe tramp one day) and sat for only a few min- utes. of a cold\stump waiting for some comrades td catch up to me. From sitting on thé damp stump 1. con- tracted piles, and suffered so severely that it caused me great pain, to walk. A friend' recommended Dr. Chase's Ointment, and I. immediately pur- chased a small box, which very rapidly a cure, Suhenw and find It excellent Tor. kay wound ar sore." * ew B. Thorne, J. P., Alderside, Alta, writes: "It wag | twenty-eight years ago that I) became acquainted with the merits of Dr. Cotan's Gee and would not be without 'it on Iny aecount, agit never fails to 'do ita work. .I was first induced to try it for piles. Less than' one box 'oured me, and I have never been troubled since. That was twenty-eight years ago, so I think the cure is permanent. It is good for sore lips and hands, chafing and, in fact, all sorts of sores. You are at liberty to se. this statement for the benefit of others," ~ You-can put Dr. Chase's Ointment to the test in any case of piles with the utmost assurance that you wilt obtain relief from suffering and ulti- mately lasting cure: - 60 cents a' box, -at all dealers. or. Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Look for the portrait and elgnature of A. W. Chase, /M.D.,. the famous Receipt Book au- thor, on the box you buy. -- Good Money in Sheep. Pickering News--Col. P. J. Rowe recently sold 69 flebce of coarse unwashed' wool, the total weight of which amounted to 783 pounds, for which he 'received the handsome .sum. of $536.35... The average Weight of each fleece was.11.35 pounds, and the heaviest weighéd 29 1-4 pounds." Cob. Rowe' jis a sttong advocate-of the raising of sheep and he is convinced that the farm- er is now coming into his own 'which was so long denied him. He. says that' if the farmer"@ver made nioney he ought to do 0 now, He is not one of-those who pro- fess to believe thut Ke is ho better off now. than he was-when he was selling wool at Send yoor oriers for engraved visiting sards to The Examiner. 'the vastness of these almost virgin fj Dubois and 4, 'onting fm thir ingly. scaleat tnsing ie fous sccordingly. on. - 10. to. 15 cents per pound which was the prevailing price some years igo." I always keep a box .

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