Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1918, p. 8

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2 45 AGRES FOR SALE--About one mile 3 Booth, Cookstown. Page Eight, THE ADLET COLUMN %~ QNE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER: ne fo the price of four. Where re- plies) are directed to-this Office an. addi- tional charge of (0c.will bé-made. The forsee a coat ane bis ie tilod me one dollar, done st Singer Shop, to 15c. per yard. Sais less tl HEMSTITCHING 12%ec. WANTED--Millinery preparers and appren- tices. Apply Powell & Co. WANTED--17 'Horsepower Engine, or up: wards" Apply at this office -GOOD'GIRL WANTED AT ONCE--Apply to-Mrs, Huxtable, 28 Louisa St. 8-8 from Barrie. W. (80 FURS REMODELLED AND REPAIRED-- Min -M. McArthur, King Block, upaiics + 16p BRICK HOUSE IN BARRIE--Would con- stider exchange on farm. W. Booth, kstown. 8-99 RAW FURS WANTED--Best) prices paid, Harry Levit, 64 Bayfield 8t., ae near ill. 5 OR RE ight, water, 36 Mary Mrs. wale Pr Smuill-St., Phone 1 119, 49-tf CLEANING AND PRESSING -- Your old suit and overcoat cnn be made- to Idok| like new by Harry Twiss, Owen St. 8-tf FARM HAND WANTED--Could use strong boy or middle-aged mun. Yearly engage- | ment if proferred. Apply "at this pffice 6-8 | alba eae WANTED--AH kinds of 'auto tires to re- pair. Al! work guaranteed. The Barrie} Vulcahizing Plant, 37 Elizabeth St. 443m emanate ee | POUND--On Wednesday evening, Feb, 13, . between Robertson's Drug "Store and Bur rie Hotel, a gold chain bracelet. Apply 20 Louisa St. nd g oH] Pr Garrett's. | Sound, For quick sale, two used :player pianos in good playing condition. They are at. argain pricés at 's. Music Store. Phone 259. Queen's Hotel, .Parry Tecently destroyed by fire,belonged to Monteith Bros., of Rosseau, formerly of Vespra. Our: piano tuner now in town. Kindly leave orders at once at Garrett's Music-Store, Heintzman & Co's warerooms, "Phone 259. D.C, Howard, 124 Dunlop 8 has taken the agency for the Tud- hope-Anderson Go., Orillia, man- ufacturerg of farm jimplements,. vehicles, etc. * The hands, this week, Mr. Crew hav- ing. disposed. of it fo J. B. Bryant, late of the Hamilton Herald, who took it over yesterday. On-Monday,. Geo. L. Davis was elected by acclamation. for' the seat in-the Essa Council rendered cant by. the appointment, of R. F, Lowrie as treasurer. | _ Collingwood curlers, winners of 'the -local group 'in. the -District Cup, won the final in- Toronto yesterday,-beating out the Ham- ilton Victoria, 48 to 25. 'romorrow of the couragement of garden. cultiva- tid by the town children. Robt. Dworsky, of Elmvale;who made an assignment receritly, was arrested last week on 'a fraud charge. Before going to Elmvyale he had-a store on Elizabeth St. The correct way and the casi- st way to disposejof your prop- sell some small. article, find erty or find a tenant for-your hous |tlie, article you haye lost, ete WISH TO EXCHANGE~Toronto property for farm 'veur Barrie. Apply giving full | particulars to F. G. Roberts, 106 Wells | Street, Toronto. ~ 810} Colonial | Viry' little used. Réasonable for | Apply Box No. K. = 68 PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE--A magnifi- | "éent instrument in solid: walnut design, 'cash. 20, con, 4, Oro township, i, neur Guthrie Church. 1 stuble, "orchard. ap to A. J, McArthur, Edgar. ANYONE: HAVING AN OLD. ARI FOR SALE. with. good timber. e§mimunicate | with Box-C, Examiner, with |particulars, | @Kindly state lowest: cush "figure, 8-9 FOR SALE--Automobile business in good: | location, Have contracts for tyo of the | most, popular cars in Canada, Boiv u letter onl to Box "A," Barrie Examiner: | FOR SALE -Yulusble second: growth p straight and clean, about 200 trees ; seoens, Newr Burrié. Apply C. W: Plixto Continentinal Life Building, Toronto. 6 FOR SA\ 'Otie large and one sinall poul- try Hous 10 rods extra' good .wire, 200- eee Peerless Ineubstér, one brooder, Bar- | gain for quick sale, Apply-ut:this office. FOR ee 50 were farm for sale, ene ad water: 21, "con. Bra geqruteh owen' ies "terms balance... Apply Box 167, Burrie 4 : «BAT a a Re NO oll FARM FOR SALE--125. ores, first-class | buildings, situated un Bartie road half |. mile fron' village of Edger." For further paitioular apply to Joseph. Hewitt, Bidgitr ' 4 (Rc) SE (STANDING TIMBER FOR. SALE--BSuit- able for bari timber, lumber, shingle Fall Wheat | Guts « to insert an ad-in-our want ad: jcolumn. Miss EF. Nelsoti is going west onan. extended visit, leaving the first week in Marchy Miss Viola Nichardson and Miss Mary Bant- ing have' kindly consented to take charge 'of-her pupils during' her absenee, Rév. Fr. O'Donnell, president ) OF the Church Extension S6eiety 2 | Toronto, gave two exeeptio linteresting, addresses in St. Mar Chureh last Sund. dealing the history of .the' Roman. th- olie Church in Canada from its earlie day AL the my ning service over $300 was contributed | for this spectal work, Farmers | who haye | she |should continually be eon "their ard against dogs, On Tuesday, aL noon, W. J. Emms: had ten well-bred_ ewes worried by two dogs. These ewes were valued at ¢ #30 ap A few" days previously, Geo, mphell tind eight worried, In some parts of the: Province, shéep owners. are agitating for heavy dog taxes. and als very stringent regulation of canines. Barrie Markets Thursday Wholesale Prices. $2.10-$2.12 85e:, 900, §1.50°31.55, 8185-195 bolts, fence 'posts,and pail timber, large | Reh. 55, 5-53.50 or smill quantities to suit 'purchaser. 25e., 30c, Also hardwood' by the'acre. Apply to BH Fowl 16-18 D0 J. Barclay, Stroud. 6-Hf | Turkey 1 ;,80-82¢ FARM. WANTED--Li.exchunge for duplex ead ib on house in Town nf Barrie; separate en- Eee, dosen ". "80¢.-55c. ex; new and up-to-date in every re : i $12.00-815.00 spect, rented ut $35.00 per month, 1 block | Potatoes, bag' - $1.30 front peat office. only W. C. Thompson: | Flour (Ontario) pet boi..." "$12.00 0x 748. | . FOR S8ALE--Modern 9-roonted> south-east -corner Bayfield and Welling. | ton Sts. All conyentences, finish; hot- water' heating, 4 fire nlaces large verandah, spueious grounds, App! 8° Pen Gaaty 41 Dunlop 'St. Barri FARM. FOR SALE THE UNDERSIGNED has .recewed_in- structions, to sell' the ust halves of lots numbers twenty-five and twenty-six; in the sixth concession, ow save' anid exept about" twenty-five. atres y 14,000.00 For further particulars apply to DONALD ROSS, Eéq., Solicitor P BARRIE,_ ONT. 'Dated 2nd February, 191 FOR. SALE CHEAP » 90,000 feet:per day mill, shipping siding; 11 dores land, all' on.C.P.R. near. Utopia. 400 eres in Vespra, lot 7, con. 5, 200 + acres' well fenced, - good Mleared ttenham, Ont. Prices fot Papéts - - |Bran, ton .. | Tallow, rendered; b.. [01 Hides. . ? hardwood | Horse Hair, Ib j Calf Skins, 'green Ply | Beef Hides, green . Beof Hides, cured ., Wool, unwashed, Ib Wool,.svashed, Db. | Beef Hides, groen Lamb Skins :|:150,000 Miles of Mission- Flour (Manitoba) COMING! Commissioner |W. J. Richards 'LEADER OF ' || THE SALVATION ARMY. will Lecture on ary Adventures in South A'frica | hos Feb. 24 The Northern Advance changed| 3 night the directors |, Horticultural Society will] ® mett to consider plans for the en- Jlighting- and plumbing, overlooking Kem. | penfeldt Bay." Pric THE BARRIE EXA "PERSONAL. ON. Miss Margery Spe is Visit= ing at ee home of Mr. and Mrs. Gr P, Whi Miss Rts Holmes. of 'the lo¢al_G.N.W.: office 'has been transferred to the Kingston of. i fice. ql Mr. and-Mrs. Wm. Thomas, of |f New . Lowell were the guests - of. Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Rhinehart. for the week-end. Mrs. John Forsyth 'returried home on Thursday, after spend- several months'in Alton, Ill., and St. Louis, Mo. Miss M. E, Macon\ last week for Suramerville, th Car- olina, aecompanied by 'Miss Edna Ault of Torénto: He Mrs. J.-J. Blockinger and her son, Bobbie, of Akron, Ohio,. are |] visiting her. parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Miller, 73 Mary St.° Miss Mabel White has retuned to Winnipeg, after spending' her vacation with her parents, "Mr. and Mrs. C. P.: White. f Mr. and Mrs. John Saso are spending three months in Cal- ifornia, visiting three brothers, whom they have not seen for 26 years. : Mrs. Ray-Miller, of Moose was operated upon, Victor v in the Royal Hospital-on Monday, 'for: is. and is making a] Thos. Gibson. | announce the en fagement of their daughter, Laura Agnes, to Mr. Robert Red- gers, son-of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rod- sers, Thornton, the marriage to take place in March. Mr. Thornton, Ont., and Mrs. Mrs, N. B. Johaston gave an address last week' at the Social Servire Association of the Pres- byterian Church at the Sher- jbourne House Club, Mrs¢ John jston also delivered an address al an important meeting of the W. .C.7.U. leaders:in Williard Hall on Thursday. . Rey. Dean 0'Malle a lecture on "As You the home of, Mr. er. 68 St. night, Feb. 26, af 8 p.m., in aid of Red Cross. The Dean's slast{| Sh an lecture was great. ly enjoyed: and this promises to be equally so Tilley-Wice On Tuesday 5, al 2.80 pen, | at the Coll . Methodist Par- } sunag® were wedded by the- Rev. | J. Ql. Fallis, Virgia 1. By daukhter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Crown' THE, and Ezra 1 Tilley, son of Mr. and, Mrs. FY Tilley of. Hillsdale, \ Tillette-Emms A quiet wedding' was solemn-| ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Jones Enmims, Ore Station, on Wednesday, Feb. 6, eldest daughter, united in' marria to Gharles; Tillette, of Pongeix, Sask. The bride carrie¥ a bouquet! of pink'and white carnations' and entered the room on the arm of} her father,;while Mr. Irwin ptay: ed the ch. They were una! attended except by little Margaret | Emms, sister of the "bride, who' acted as, flower girl, The mony was performed by Rev $. Irwin, Mawkestone. lunch was served they left on the 4.30 train, mid showers of eon-] folti, 'for ronto and othér points. They will reside at Pon- teix. The bride's travelling suit] }was navy blue with blue and black | hat. to mateh and she wore the groom's gifts, a gold pendant anil, handsome muskrat fur coat. The bride received many hanssome| and beautiful, gifts. SALE IN BARRIE | --* | Brick House with all the latest éonven. | ences, finished in oak with coal~wood and electric mantels. Situated én Qwen Street, | | moore* SIDEIN-= bg Ce Cdiege St Barrie.' A beautiful home. Term' easy. ° | 6-room Brick House and lot, Bayfield St., ey, located, with conveniences. 100... ss = Postponed Sale--Fred Ayerst, lot 5, . con. | 'T-room Brick House, Owen 8t,, with all | cgavneng wih i wale an in oe0 eee ces rae eed . - CAMERON--On January 26, at her resi eb. 1 skeet Sat | Ue ke tundeh gi etm ton $050, balf cath. oe *| . suddenly, Charlotte' E. D. Cameron, Wi "stock, implementa, ete. Sale at I'pan. W. Neat 'Bungalow, John St, South. Pre dow of the late Phillip Lovett Cameron; 4. "McConkey, suctionees. b. lot : "Geet &room Brick House, Francie St, i, Thum, Feb, 28, Wm. Sutton, lot 12, con. Price $1 meet lot, Dunlop 'St., with heating, e $1500; 5 House and et Cale St, town' water, lectric light House and fms Mary St, .near Blizabeth St, Price $11 New Brick He House Cet ae Bieke St., 0c ' | WEBB--At Suskstoon, Sask. on Feb. 10, ---- 25¢, | WATTIE--At Camrose Hospital, Camrose, HOUSE PROPERTY. FOR ("Aiton Tuesday, Feb. 5-10 Me. and Moe Ward Wattie, Gweridolyne) . Margaret Evelyn, daughter of I. M, -Gil- Tin, to Cliax (Moore; both of 'Toronto, DINNING--In. Allandale, Sat, 'James Percival, son of Mr, und Mrs. Jas. Dinning, aged 4 years. [ACHAM--At New Lowell, on February £18, Ann Paton, -widow of the late 'Thos, £on?will hol Mecham, in 'her 84th year. ANTZ--On con. 31, Innisfil, oe Feb. et Gharles Cuthbert 'Qu: "With 4 Hose "ei com- fort, good style, perfect fitting and durability are emphasized in every'~Pair.; Sizes . .19, to 26, big-value- '$2:00. pecial Price... : $1.59 D.& A CORSETS. Without 'Hose Supports, sizes 19 to' 30.;- These: are Extra" Value 59c. Clearing Price only... . .39c: LADIES' DONGOLA BLU- CHER Cor BOOTS, wool lined ; Sizes 3 to 7., These are big value at $3.50. Special Price. .... . .$2.79 COLORED. APRONS Black .and .White -Checked Percale Aprons, with pocket Special Price 15c, 2 for 25c. Do not miss this 'line at the small Price. ta As a great many people thought the stores would be closed last Saturday and did not come to Town, -we°will repeat our Special Offer 'of. : i See our west-Window for this MEN'S : NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE IT PAYS 10 9 COME. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. MEN'S GREY. MILITARY FLANNEL :SHIRTS, . with ; Reversible Collars, Sizes 15 to 17% ;, These are big value at $2.00. a Special Price.:.....$1.49 line and buy them now. and save Money. MEN'S. WHITE - SHIRTS, Hard Front, Sizes 14, 14%, 15%, 16,1614,.17. These are big- value at 75c. Special Price 2.for $1.00 HEAVY BLACK SMOCK.: Special. . .$2.00 MEN'S BLACK OVERALLS, With Bib.and Elastic Braces MEN'S TAN AND BLACK Special: Value... .. .$2.00 BEUCHER CUT BOOTS;. MEN'S:BLACK AND WHITE These are big valug at $4.00 |] - STRIPE OVERALLS, with 4 Fualay aut sateniey Par Bib and Elastic Braces, Siz- BOYS' TAN BLU: CUT es 34.to 44 ; These' are big . WORKING BOOTS: Sizes Value. ate. i... cae. $1.75 1 to 5; These fe, good SMOCKS to match, Sizes 38 value... . SS Panes |. $4.00 -to 44. Speciaf Price $1.75 BUY SUTCLIFFE'S LAUNDRY SOAP NOW AND With Every Dollar Purchase we give you a:5c. Coupon, SAVE MONEY. 4 Bars 25c. redeemable: at our Prem- ium Counter. See the nice goods at small loki "WE SELL FOR CASH. WHERE MO: MOS x -LINDSAY ST PEOPLE 'BORN CREDIT SALES Friday, Feb. 22, L. B: Laitison, at the Dymept farm, Allandale, will sell kis farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A: McConkey, auctioneer é Monday, Feb. 25--Chas. MeKeinan, lot 17, con. 10, Vespra, will hold.a postponed eredit sale of farm' stock and implements. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Webb, « daughter. a déughter (Margaret MARRIED Sale at 1 p.mi.--W. A. McConkey, auctioneer "Metho- | Jas. H. Robertson, lot 5, con. 1, Flos, has | dist chureb, on Rev. -Mr.! postponed his credit sale 'of farm stock, Chintler, assisted' by ie ped Mr. Paul, iniplements, etc., from "Feb. 20 to Monday, Feb. 25. Sale.at 12 o'clock sharp... P, A. Coughlin, auctioneer. ~ 5, Oro; will sell his farin stock, implements, a = _Sale-at 1 pm. "W.-A. McConkey, aue- 16, | furniture, Site at 2pm. H. A. Grose; auctioneer. TRADE | WE SELL FOR LESS. _ TRINITY CHURCH. 2nd Sunday in 'Lent, Sunday February 24 $80 a.mi--Holy Communion. a. Morning prayer soopueee pe and sermon. 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer atid Sermon. Everybody Weleame. __ REV. H. D; RAYMOND, Vicar, 'BAPTIST CHURCH. Minister--W. Harris Wallace * Corner Clapperton' & Worsley Be pees Topies for ve = = ae n. "After, the tbe Wat--What? ap. Pa m Classes for Bible 'Study. 'Sunday, 'February 24." y AN that th some u . Central United out. our of the an area ered wit mapped publishe so that facture tifie dat color,' li in bloc! building as 'coal, finely-di maining Jem: is"!

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