JAS TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 21, 1979 CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S JAN FRIENDSHIP BIBLE COFFEES WOMEN = from all churches in Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and all women, whether you are a believer yet or not, this message is for you. WOMEN - if you have an open mind and you want to know if God is real, and you who have found out He is and just want to get to know our God, through Jesus Christ, better, this message is for you. WOMEN - come on out and share what God reveais to us, over a cup of coffee or tea, for 1% hours, morning, afternoon, or evening. Let us know the best time for you. We guarantee a lovely, inspiring time. Ask anyone who attends. There's no arguments on church, Church Doctrine, Politics and contra- versial subjects. The Word of our God is stimulating enough and fills our time beautifully. MEN, WOMEN, TEENAGERS - These Bible studies also include you. Husbands and wives share these studies together. Teenagers, are you - tired of 'hanging arcund'. Try something new and really fulfilling. You'll all be glad you did. Men lead, couples Bible Studies. Call anyone below. Helen Dooley - 824-2742 Marianne Jones - 825-9196 > Erlise Stephens - 824-2345 Ann Johnson - 824-2781 FAMILY SEMINARS Never in the history of North America has the institution of marriage and the family been under such attack. Readers Digest recently stated that "this year more than a million couples in the United States and some 55,000 in Canada will cfficially register their discontent by signing a divorce decree". Psychologists, Social Workers and Clergy are swamped with requests fo try to help mend broken relationships. Broken homes will destroy our nation and cripple society faster than inflation, communism, separatism or crime. Juvenile delinquency is on the increase and it is felt this is largely due to the instability of the home. Is there a solution? Gerald Wilson of Family Seminars, London, Ontario feels there is an answer. He will be pre- ck senting locally a series of seminars entitled "The Arts of Family Living". Rev. Wilson travels extensively in Canada and the United States conducting such weekly seminars. You are invited to share in these seminars. There will be no registration fee charged. Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your marriage and strengthen your home. SEMINARS WILL BE HELD: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH AT 7 P.M. IN TERRACE BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL GYMNASIUM MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26-28, 7:30 P.M. EACH NIGHT IN BIRCHWOOD TERRACE, THE LOWER RECREATION ROOM, REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED Family Seminars are sponsored by Terrace Bay-Schreiber Children's Services Working Group and Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly. op -------- RSS