PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 4, 1979 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.25 (25 words & under cash in advance) - $3.00 (if charged) - 6¢ per word after 25 FOR SALE - 3 bedroom home, 639 Superior St., Terrace Bay. Phone 825-3852 ; FOR SALE - 1977, 16 horse, Skidoo Elan, twin cylinder deluxe. Phone Kim at 824-2149 FOR SALE - Tent trailer camper, sleeps 4, has foam mattresses, carpet on floor, and smell table and spare wheel, Will sell for $350.00, it is located in Schreiber. Contact Vic MacKay at Box 427, Geraldton, Ont. or Phone 807 854-1501 FOR RENT - Bachelor apartment for one person, furnished. Phone BH-280E after 5 p.m. THUNDER BAY MOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS - The Circle Inn Motel, 686 Memorial Ave. offers comfortable rooms for $18 (single room for one or two). $21 per double room (for one to four persons) Day rate - $10.00 a day. Central convenient location. Phone 807-344-5744, We'd love to have you with us. LAND WANTED - Will purchase land suitable for hunting or fish- ing. large or small acreage without buildings. Send details of acreage and other information to M. Lee, Station K. Box 53, Toronto, Ontario MiP 2G1 BEAVER HOMES LTD. Area Rep. T. Kerr-Tgylor, Box 1000, Marathon, Ont. POT 2EQ, Phone 229-0390. Make your Dream come true with a Beaver, NOTICE: "Flowers And Things" Will be closed from January 16th to February 6th. TO ALL MY FRIENDS IN SCHREIBER, TERRACE BAY AND ROSSPORT: May God Bless you all with a Heppy Christmas and Prosperous New Year (Pat) Samuel P, Newton CARD OF THANKS - The family of the Late Russell O'Brien wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their friends, relatives and neighbours for the thoughtfulness and many kindnesses shown during the loss of a dear brother and Uncle. Speciel thanks to King Funeral Home, Father H., Bartofski Pallbearers and to all who loaned cars, took care of the child- ren, served meals and sent baking. Also to those who took time to call, send messages of sympathy, floral trilutes, Mass cards and contributions to McCausland Hospital. The O'Brien Family CARD OF THANKS - I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my relatives and friends who sent cards, flowers, gifts and baking during my recent illness in Toronto General, Terrace Bay and Port Arthur Generel Hospitals. Your thoughtfulness was deeply appreciated. Special thanks to Dr, Aldridge, Dr. Aedy and Dr. Smith. Valerie Bourke CARD OF THANKS - I wish io thank Dr. Croll and nurses and staff of MoCausland Hospital for all their kindnesses and wonderful care and alsp to Scotty and Brien for their kind help when I fell. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. Ann Etches BUSINESS DIRECTORY ™ [J l m. dodick FOR ALL YOUR PHOTO COPYING R.O. : AND OPTOMETRIST COMMERCIAL ® ; PRINTING 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE CONTACT THE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 TERRACE BAY NEWS Odd's *Bodkin YOUR JEAN & TOP SHOP IN SCHREIBER Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 12:30 &: 1:30. -' 5:30 Friday night 7:00 - 9:00 PHONE 824 -2694 R. S. Kirkup & Son Limited y Surveyors & Engineers (THUNDER BAY - DRYDEN-RED LAKE-KENORA) 409 e Street, Thunder Bay \ Ontario, P7E 5Y9 PHONE 623-3461 TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY 'PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 PAT'S T.V. SALES AND SERVICE R.C.A. APPLIANCES & T.V.'S SCHREIBER 824-2215 "THE. CEDAR SALON" Hairstyling by Neldine Mikus = By Appointment Only 824 - 2325 Sal ER ed oh Ee ba Ll or gi |