PAGE 2 TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 6, 1978 ie i -------------------- . TERRACE BAY SCHREIBER . ST. MARTIN CHURCH - Father M. Murtagh "HOLY ANGELS R.C. CHURCH - Father Harold Bartofski SUNDAY MASS - 8:30 and 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY MASS 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. SATURDAY MASS = 7:00 P.M. SATURDAY MASS 7:15 P.M. CONFESSIONS - 6:15 to 7:15 and after evening Mass on Saturday DAILY MASS - Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 5:00 P.M. b os Tuesday and Thursday - 7:30 A.M. COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. Brian Bigelow Saturday = 9:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE & SUNDAY SCHOOL =- 11:15 A.M. CONFESSIONS ~- Saturday 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. and before all CONFIRMATION CLASS - 6:30 P.M. Sunday Masses except 11:00 a.m. on Sunday COMMUNION - 1st Sunday' of the month Note: Please check the weekly bulletins for announcements SERVING ALL PROTESTANTS and changes TERRACE BAY GOSPEL ASSEMBLY - Pastor John Laari ST. ANDREW'"S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. Brian Bigelow SUNDAY SERVICES are held in the Public School Auditorium COMMUNION - 1st Sunday of the Month SUNDAY SCHOOL =- 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE =- 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE - 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY - 7:30 P.M. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH For further information phone 824-2331 SUNDAY SERVICE & SUNDAY SCHOOL =- 11:00 A.M. ROSSPORT GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. R. Dye ---------------- g MID WEEK SERVICE - 7:00 P.M. Wednesday SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 A.M ST. BERCHMAN'S CHURCH - Father Harold Bartofskl : - . kK SUNDAY MASS. -- 7:00 P.M. WORSHIP SERVICE = 11:00 A.M. EVENING PRAYER - 7:00 P.M. DISTRICT OF THUNDER BAY HOME FOR THE be used for a greenhouse, beautification of the property and ' a maintenance shop for use by the Residents. AGED - BOARD OF MANAGEMENT MEETING The Ministry has authorized a rate change for the Medical The monthly meeting of the Board of Management of the Distr piprectors subject to the approval of the Board and the Board ict of Thunder Bay Home for the Aged was held at Pinewood Court pas autfiorized the Administrator to confer vith the Di rectors with five Board Members in attendance. in regards to their added responsibilities and the rate per The operating accounts for both Pinewood Court and Birchwood ped per month to be used for the Administration fees. The Terrace were passed for approval totalling $144,041.22. Adnis- pate change will be effective retroactive to November 1, 1978. sion for six residents was also approved. The next Board meeting will be held on December 8, 1978 at The Board set up a Budget Committee to work on the 1979-1980 pineyood Court at which time the preliminary Terptiong Bud- per diems for both Homes. The Operating Budgets are now being get will be reviewed. prepared and have to be submitted by the first week in January. Presently it does not appear that the Agreements with the two Unions will be reached prior to the submission of the Budget. Preliminary plans that will change present space in Pinewood Court, was reviewed by the Board, into a Board and Staff meet- ing room. There is enough money in the Capital Account to make T0 this change. However, it is subject to the Ministry's approval. } A Residents! Council is being organized at Birchwood Terrace @ CURLING ® { and Mr. Jack Speck has been elected as the President. Also at ig ; Bi rchwood Terrace the Eager Beavers Club group headed by Mr. THUNDER BAY RINK WINS GREY CUP CASH SPIEL - Voi Cliff Riley has received a i, 400,00 Horizon's Grant that is to The Terrace Bay Curling Club was buzzing with activity COUNTDOWN during the Grey Cup weekend as teams from Thunder Bay, Schrei- TERRACE BAY NEWS ber, Manitouwadge and Nipigon came te compete for cash prizes. PUBLISHERS However at the end of the weekend, the Al Hackner rink from Thunder Bay was the winner of the 1000 dollar first prize by i i i Iso from Thunder FRANCIS '4 DEBORAH HELMINK oe defeat of the Larry Waytowich rink also from Thun Tow FoR Hsohsspay ot ue gl Runners-up in the final this year were the rinks of Bruce 7 Gr YE eS Fay i h . Th lations OFFICE HOURS - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MON. = FRE. Melville and Ross Tetley from Thunder Bay e consola MAILING ADDRESS - Box 579 PHONE 825-3747 DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news winner was the Doug Smith rink from Thunder Bay narrowly defeating Terry 0'Neills foursome of Terrace Bay. material is NOON MONDAY OF each week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Congratulations should go to the organizers for this $6.00 per year (local) successful and well run bonspiel. $8.00 per year (out-of-town) hy Second class mail Registration Number 0867