ip MAY 25, 1978 PAGE 19. ED(Feryan) TERRACE BAY NEWS BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION requires immediately A SENIOR CLERK For the Administration Office at Schreiber, Ontario. Function: To perform various clerical, sec -retarial and accounting duties and act in an office coordinating role, under the di rection of the Business Administrator. 1978 Salary range - $9,600. to $12,720. Written applications will be received by the undersigned until May 31, 1978, and must include a complete resume of exper- ience, educational background and refer- ences. H.J. Boudreau Supt. of Business and Finance * The Lake Superior Board of Education Pash BOX. 189 SCHREIBER, Ontario : PCT 2S0 4 A.S. Gordon Miss M. Twomey Chai rman Di rector of Education M. CEBRARIO & SONS LID. LOEWEN WINDOWS - CHECK OUR PRICES COMPLETE LINE 'PLUMBING SUPPLIES é ACCESSORIES 3I2 MANITOBA STREET, SCHREIBER, ONT. PHONE B824-2183 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Completely furnished 'incl. fridge & stove: FILANES FALLEN ROCK MOTEL White Sand Lake - 4 miles west of Schreiber FURNISHED WINTERIZED COTTAGES 824-2755 824-2782 TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 SCHREIBER READY-MIX ALL CONCRETE NEEDS 'CALL ANYTIME - MARC TREMBLAY 824-2715 OR 824-2274 SALES PERSON WANTED Experience preferred but training available in hardware and building supplies. Apply in writing stating experience and qualifications to: -H. Kodila Kodi la Building Supplies - Box 601, Terrace Bay, Ontario: KODILA BUILDING SUPPLIES YOUR IMPERIAL ESS0 AGENT Burton B. Phillips BULK PLANTS IN SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY ; TO SERVE YOU IN BOTH TOWNS PHONE B24-2463 CARD OF THANKS - Many thanks to all the people who sponsored the children in the Legion Run-a-lap on May I3, 1978, and to the fYouth Incorporated? group who supported the event, and helped as rase judges. Thanks also to the 3 schools for al- lowing our committee to show the Peace Garden Slides to the children, Pam Jones, Legion N.W.0. Peace Garden Rep. Terrace Bay.