MAY 3, 1978 : TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 27 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & ander cash in advance) ~ $2.25 (if charged) - 6¢ per word after 25 FOR SALE - Complete set of drums with all Ludwig heads and carrying cases; stands and Zildgen cymbals, plus accessories. Any offer considered. Phone 825-3846. FOR SALE - One dinette set, 4 swivel chairs - $200. Call 825-9039. FOR SALE - One 8' chest freezer, 280 1b. capacity. $150.00. Phone 824-2069. FOR SALE - 1974 Buick Century, 60,000 miles, V8, 4 dr., $1,500.00. Phone 824-2663 FOR SALE - 1968 0lds Deltas 88. As is. Phone 825-3710. Roy Keller. FOR SALE - 25! Golden Falecon Trailer. Phone 824-2659. FOR SALE - 1975 Comet GU, 2 Dr., 302 cu. in., 3 speed std. on the floor. 1 owner. Phone 825-3354 after 5:00 p.m. HOUSE FOR SALE - Revenue income house with 3 apts. on 2 lots. Nicely landscaped. For appointment Phone 825-3258 or 825-3572 _CARD OF THANKS - I would like to thank Dr. Wilkes, nurses and staff of McCausland Hospital and all ny friends and rela- tives for the fruit, cards, flowers and get well wishes. Mr. J.R. Weaver WANTED - Quiet gentleman requires either bachelor apt. or room and board preferable in Terrace Bay but will settle in Sohreiber. Phone 825-9146. JOE'S HATRGROOMING SHOP - will be cpen on the following dates from 11:00 a.m, to 6:00 p.m. - May 8, May 15 and May 29. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Inquiries Welcomed. Answers Confiden- tial." Phone B24-2768 or Write: Box 466, Schreiber. Meetings Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, Schreiber Town Hall. AL-ANON - Self help group to aid the families of Alcoholics. Inquiries welcome. Answers confidential. Phone 824-2768 or 825-3892. FOR SALE - KAPLAN Hard top treiler with furnace. 3 beds - sleeps 5. Phone 824-2075. FOR SALE - Starcraft Starmester 6, I975, equipped with spare tire, 2 propane tanks, 3 burner stove, 3 way fridge and propang furnace. Asking $2500. Inquire at 99 Hudson Drive or phone 825-9064 FOR SALE - One fender band master reverb guitar emplifier. $800.00. Assorted tires and rims, in good condition. Phone: Ron Stuart 825-3524, PAT GAREAU CONTRACTING - Loader, Backhoe and Tandem Truck; General excavation, basement, water, sewer, etc. Free estimetes and reasonable rates. Phone 825-9035. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertising... keeps you : posted. M. CEBRARIO & SONS LTD. LOEWEN WINDOWS - CHECK OUR PRICES COMPLETE LINE PLUMBING SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES 3I2 MANITOBA STREET, SCHREIBER, ONT. PHONE 824-2183 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Completely furnished incl. fridge & stove FILANES FALLEN ROCK MOTEL White Sand Lake - 4 miles west of Schreiber FURNISHED WINTERIZED COTTAGES 824-2755 824-2782 TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 409 George Street, Thunder Bay Ontario, P7E 5Y9 PHONE 623-3461 R. S. Kirkup & Son Limited Surveyors & Engineers r (THUNDER BAY - DRYDEN-RED LAKE-KENORA) TRI-CHEM LIQUID EMBROIDERY INSTRUCTOR - SHIRLEY RIPPENGAL Parties, hostess gifts, etc. PHONE 824-2220