PAGE 20 TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 3, 1978 HOSPITAL NEWS: From pg. 18... HOSPITAL UP-DATE: ; The date of the Annual Meeting of The McCausland Hospital Corporation is scheduled for Wednesday, June 14th at 8 p.m. This year the meeting will be held in the High School Auditor- ium = Terrace Bay. Adnittance to this meeting is by Membership (in the Corpor- ation) only. Yearly membership - $5.00 per person, must be purchased (according to the By Laws) thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting which means, the closing date for memberships this year is May 14, 1978. Life Memberships cost $100.00 per person, and must be paid, in total, within a calendar year. (If this is being paid in installments, at least $5.00 must be paid by the closing date, each year). Memberships may be obtained by taking, or nailing, the required fee to the McCausland Hospital Administration Office, Birchwood Terrace - Terrace Bay, Ontario. Cheques should be made payable to the McCausland Hospital Building Fund. Please note that contributions to "In Memoriam" do not constitute a fee for membership. Nor does a membership, in the Auxiliary to the McCausland Hospital, qualify as a member -ship in the Corporation. This year the following Board Members have completed their two year tem ~ Jan McEwen, Rena McAdam, Alex Krystia, Cyril Sparkes. Jan McEwen and Rena McAdam have agreed to let their "names stand for another two year tem. |t was not possible to get in touch with Mr. Krystia and Mr. Sparkes, before goint to press, = to inquire if they are going to stand for another two year term. However nominations are invited ( by mail please). Nominations should be mailed to the McCausland Hospi tal "Administration Office - ¢/o Nomination Committee - Birchwood Terrace, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Please make sure you have the permission of the Nominee, the name of the Mover -= of the nomination and the seconder. Nominations must reach the office by May 31, 1978. There will be NO Nominations, from the floor, at the annual meeting. Public Relations McCausland Hospital Board. OVERTURE CONCERT 1978-79 TICKETS DEADLINE SAT., MAY 6th TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF SCHREIBER RE: WATER SHUT OFF MAY 10 7 A.M. Schreiber residents are advised that the Township water system will be shut off completely for approximately 18 hours on Wednesday, May 10th, so that the new chlorine plant can be put into operation. Towns people are advised to provide an emergency reserve for their use on that day. There will also be a flushing program on the two days following the connecting of the new plant during which time the water pressure will be infermittant and sub ject fo dirt. COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER. 009000000000060230000,,,, Se Dammerd A Hit ak oediDos ROAST TURKEY or SWEET & SOUR SPARERIBS Salad Bar Homemade Trifle SERVED FROM 4:00 = 9:00 P.M. VOYAGEUR RESTAURANT SCHRE IBER, ONTARIO.