MARCH 15. 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 SKI-CLUB EVENTS RESULTS OF TERRACE BAY SKI CLUB CARNIVAL RACES HELD MARCH STHs Combined winners in each catagorie were as follows: Jre Girls = first Lisa Fournier; second Tanya Evoy. Jr. Boys - first Edward Wise; second Curtis Evoy. Intermediate Girls = first Gail Pyke; second Carol Moore; third Charlene Yates. Intermediate Boys - first Brett Evoy; Seond George Moore; third Doug Zroback. Senior Girls - first Cheryl Moore; second Kathy Osmar. Senior Boys - first Dan Moore; second Bruce Lang; third Bob Home r. : : Medals were presented to the winners by Queen contestants Cheryl Moore, Darlene Woods and Patty Lynn Luke. ANNUAL CLUB RACES: The Terrace Bay Ski Club held their annual club races over the weekend. On Saturday, March 11th Junior Girls and Boys events were run off. The winners of these events were as follows: : Downhill: Jr. Girls - first Lisa Fournier; second Tanya Evoy. Jre Boys - first Edward Wise; second Curtis Evoy; third Danny O'Keefe. Slolams Jre Girls - first Lisa Fournier, Jr. Boys - first Edward Wise; second Curtis Evoy; third Danny O'Keefe, J Combined winner of the SHIVAS Trophy was Edward } Mi se. On Sunday, March 12th, the Intermediate and Senior events were run off. The winners of these events were as follows? D.wnhille Int. Girls = first Carol Moore; second Susan May and Gail Pyke (tie); third Leslie Zroback. Inte Boys - first George Moore; second Brett Evoy; - third Greg Adamo. Combined winner of the PRESIDENT 77 AWARD was Carol Moore. Slolam: Int. Girls - first Carol Moore; second Gail Pyke; third Susan May. Int. Boys - first George Moore; second Doug Zroback; third Brett Evoy. Combined winner of the FOUNDER'S TROPHY was George Moore. Downhill: Senior Girls - first Kathy Osmar; second Leslie McBride; third Cheryl Moore. Senior Boys = first Dan Moore; second Bruce Lang; third Ken Siedel. Slolam: Senior Girls - first Leslie McBride; second Kathy Osmar, - Senior Boys - first Dan Moore, Combined winner of individual trophies were Leslie McBride and Dan Moore. ; Downhills Mens = first Jack Moore; second Charlie Wise; third : Bill Zrobatk. Slolam: Mens - first Bill Zroback. Combined winner of individual trophy was Bill Zroback. These events climax a successful ski season. The success and length of the ski season was due in large part to the pack- ing of the hill at the start of the season. Appreciation for this is due to the response of the membership, friends who as- sisted in fund raising and volunteer operation of the tow & Photo above: left to right: Jill Marcella, Tracey Moon, Connie Sodaro and Shelleen Northgrave. Wintario grant for a snow packer. THE MANAGEMENT OF THE IS PLEASED TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF Mrs. Kitty MacLeod AS THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FOOD ENJOYMENT 3 3 3 3 30 3 30 36 96 30 96 30 0 HE HH Having been a resident of Terrace Bay for many years, she is well known in the community. Kitty, as head Chef and her co- workers, Stephie Dorman and Aline Hart are anxious to serve you and make vour dining at the Red Dog a pleasant experience.