. FEBRUARY 1, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 nday, Feb 6th 1:00-3:15 Public Skating Open 3:15~ 4:15 Scrape & Flood 4:15- 6315 Figure Skating 6:15- 7:15 Peewees « T7315- 8:15 Bantams 8:15~ 8:35 Scrape & Flood 8:35-10:30 Midgets Tuesday, February 7th 8:00~ 4:00 Ice Shaves 4:30~- 5:15 Mites 5:15- 6:15 Atoms 6:15~- 7:15 Bantams 7:15- 7:35 Scrape & Flood 7:35- 8335 Midgets 8:35~ 8:55 Scrape & Flood 8:55~11:00 Intermediates Wednesday, February 8th 1:00- 2:15 Public Skating 2:15- 3:15 Separate School 3315~- 4:18 Scrape & Flood 4:15~ 6315 Figure Skating 6:15- 7:15 Peewees 7315- 7:35 Scrape & Flood 7:35~ 9:00 Public Skating 9:20-10:45 No body contact hockey ( Saturday, Feb.4th & Sunday Feb, Sth, possible Minor Hockey games will change this achedule Hireplace Accessory Sales - ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTION OF FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES CUSTOM BUILT DOORS SCREENS WOOD HOLDERS FIRE SETS GRATES OPENING FEBRUARY 4TH Mon. - sat. - 9:30 a.m, = 5:30 p.m. Thurs. - 9:30 a.m. -- 9:00 p.m, VISIT OUR SHOWROOM VICTERIA 119 Simpson Street THUNDER BAY 623-6551 InCanada | itsTilden Featuring GMC trucks TICDEN - Truck rentals | SPADONI BROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304 Youre comfortable now; butwhat happens | when you retire? It's difficult to think about retirement during the rela- tively affluent working years. But wise people do. They plan now. They build a retirement fund that will enable . them to retire comfortably. Consider a Sun Life Registered Retirement Savings Plan. It's an excellent way to save, and it has the added benefit of allowing for . substantial tax "deferrals right now. Think about your retirement, then call me. I'll help you plan for it. CLAUDE P. LEPINE 535 Lakeview Drive Box 98, Terrace Bay Phone 825-3613 OF CANADA TT