PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 9, 1977 ooking Bick) 15 YEARS AGO: - NOVEMBER 15, 1962 Thirteen Honths 820 the cornerstone was laid for the Hydro Utilities Building in Terrace Bay, opened by Councillor D. Evans-Smith as he introduced Reeve J.P. Heenan to welcome the many visitors to the official opening Monday, November 12th, Dedication of the building was pronounced by Rev, T, Garnett Hugser before Mr, J. Ferrier, Mill Manager of Kimberly-Clark Corporation was called upon to cut the ribbon, declaring the building officially open. Open House was held at the Utilities Building between the hours of two and four in the afternoon. The Catholic Women's Lesgue in Terrace Bay celebrated their Tenth Anniversary at their regular meeting Sunday . November 11th, in St. Martin's Parish Hall. The President Mrs. George Dashkewytoch welcomed the ladies present and reminded the ladies of the first meeting held on November 23, 1952 and opened by Mrs, W.E. Cavanaugh. The tables were laid with white linen cloths for the occasion and centered with a two layer birthday cake duly inscribed and lit with ten candles. Mrs. W.E.Cavanaugh had the honour of blowing out the Anniversary candles. WEEKEND SPECIALS: Does you Child need new Snow Boots? We are clearing approx. 40 pairs genuine Canadian made boots. Reguler $5.49 ~ On Sale for $3.98. Bacon - Maple Leaf =~ 1 1b. pkg. ~- 75¢, Campbell's Tomato Soup - 6 tins = 797. 10 YEARS AGO - NOVEMBER 16, 1967 Mr. and Mrs, E.S. Brown of Terrace Bay, Ontario announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Donna Sophrina to Michael John Dey, son of -Mr, and Mrs. G.H. Day of Gormley, Ontario. Winners in the Fire Brigade Hallowe'en Dance - Don Beno and Giovanni Cebrarioc as Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy, Irene Bolan and Kay Furyk in Centennial Costume, Judy Fairburn and Ruth MacIsaac as Martians, Blue and white carnations adorned the altar of Holy Angsl's Church on November 4th for the marriage of Beatrice Lenors O'Brien, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Leonard O'Brien of Schreiber, and Brian Wayne Duncan of Red lake, son of Corporal and Mrs. William Duncen of Wawa, Ontario. 5 YEARS AQ ~- NOVEMBER 15, 1972 Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Dodge are happy to announce the en- gagement of their deughter, Patricia Joane, to George Edward Haylock, son of Mrs. Dorothy Heylock and the late William Haylook, Terrace Bay was indeed honoured on Friday, November 10 when his Honour, W. Ross MacDonald, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario visited our town. An honour guard of Brownies Guides, Cubs and Scouts was formed at the Terrace Bay High School to welcome his Honour who was accompanied by his daughter Mrs, Holdenby and Mr, Jack Stokes, M.P. Thunder Bay Riding. 1 YEAR AGO - NOVEMBER 17, 1976 On October 9, 1976 at 4:00 p.m. in St, Martin Church, Terrace Bay, Judith Anne Falzetta, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Je Falzetta of Terrace Bay was united in marriage to Allen Peter Harty, son of Mr. and Mrs, E, Harty of Thunder Bay. A large crowd was in attendance on Monday, October 18th at theSt. Martin Separate School Gym to say farewell to Father A, Greengrass of St. Martin Catholic Church. oo TERRACE BAY 2) Limit to 16 rinks. Full Rinks 1) All curlers must be Recreation Members. 3) Curling will be on Friday nights 4) Divisions will be made up in January depending on wins & losses. Anyone who would like to curl please sign below rea sTel Ff MIXED CURLING CONTACT ~ C.Lemay - 3568 or S. Caron = 3365 95, CURLING CLUB .- Coup les a Single -STATE POSITION PREFERRED