PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 18, 1977 25 YEARS AGO - MAY 15, 1952 : STORK CLUB: Congratulations are the order of the day to Mr, and Mrs, Art Mercure, to whom the "ole bird" de- livered a daughter on Friday, May 9th. On Friday, May 9th, accompanied by Mr. Ed Cavanaugh, Fire Chief C, Maitland rang a surprise fire alarm at the sohool at 3:40 p.m, All the pupils were out of the school in one minute, the fire drill was very well done. Windows and doors were closed and a sesrch of the lavatories was made by the teachers and the building was all cleared out, even to the caretaker, The classes were marched to their designated places in the school, yard with the teacher standing at the head of each class to prevent any pupil from returning to the school. The principal and his staff are to be congratulated on their fine efforts. ~ YOUR WEEK AHEAD 5, oaws Forecast Period May 22 - May 28 A tendency to seek the limelight could get you into hot water. Tone down the urge toward bossiness. ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 ~ TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 It's not the time for speculating. Keep your emotions under control. Get plenty of rest and relaxation. GEMINI May 21-June 20 The social scene finds you way out in front. You ooze self confidence, which others are quick to recognize. MOONCHILD Music and art have a strong appeal. You may June 21-July 22 find yourself filling in for the church organist. LEO Emotional reactions on your part to family situations can get you in up to your ears. Curb July 23-Aug. 22 your impatience. You make great progress in some secret study you've managed to undertake. Persist in your search. Truth will out. VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Meetings with friends and associates get out of hand and wander far afiled from the original purpose. Follow the agenda. SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Guard against conflict with one in authority. Home and family responsibilifies may clash with job requirements, forcing you to make a z choice. ; SAGITTARIUS Approach life situations with an open mind. Nov. 22-Dec. 21 You can get your message across. Some trav- : el plans may be thwarted. : CAPRICORN Last minute change in plans comes up when Dec. 22-Jan. 19 an unexpected problem surfaces, probably in- volving an older person. AQUARIUS Relationships with others are your big concern Jan. 20-Feb. 18 this week: Much contact with the public is likely. Keep emotions under control. PISCES Household responsibilities seem to weigh Feb. 19-Mar. 20 heavy this week. Get involved in a physical fit- ness program and increase your vitality. 20 YEARS AGO - MAY 16, 1957 STORK CLUB: Congratulations this week to Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Turner on the birth of a daughter, May 1k. AROUND THE TOWN: Mrs, E. Montey visited with her daughter, Marge larson, Elsie Berndtsson, Norah Montey and Doris Gerlach recently, Marge and Roy larson with Darlene Rod and Valerie motored to Fagle River a week ago, to : accompany Mrs. Montey home, spent a week visiting and on their return brought Brian Montey back to 'Terrdcs Bay Evelyn and Cliff Knauff had Cliff's brother-in-law, Mr, ~ 'Peter Schnell of Camas, Washington arrive Tuesday for a visit. Miss Beverley Hudson, R.N., of Toronto, has joined the staff of the Terrace Bay Private Hospital. 15 YEARS AGO - MAY 17, 1962 President of the Terrace Bay Men's Curling Club, J. Beddard wes Master of Ceremonies Saturday evening welcom= ing members and guest to the 12th Annual Curling Windup of the Ladies! and Men's Clubs, Head table guests were: Mr, and Mrs, E, Holmes of Schreiber, Mr. and Mrs. H. lawson of Marathon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray, Mr, and Mrs, N, Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. P, MacDougall and Mr, and Mrs. K. Davie of Port Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jacdson, Mr, and Mrs, Se Duthie; of Fort William, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferrier, Mr, and Mrs, D, Evans-Smith, Mr. and Mrs. K. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Ho Bouchard and Mrs, Beddard all of Terrace Bay. WEEKEND SPECIALS:Chuck Steaks - 55¢/1b, Watermelon - 11¢/1b. Prepared Mustard - 16 oz Jar - 25¢, 10 YEARS AGO - MAY 18, 1967 A meeting of the Thunder Bay Riding Association of Progressive Conservatives was held in Nipigon last Sunday for the election of Officers. The executive elected were: President - S, Hodgkiss, Terrace Bay; lst Vice-President - B, White, Dryden; 2nd Vice-President - R. Doust, Geraldton; Sec-Treas. - G. O'Neil, Nipigon; and Auditors - H, Fisher, Geraldton and Mrs. Vivian Rapke, Terrace Bay, Kiwanis Award Winners -Publis School for outstanding progress in their work are Joanne Stevens & Valerie Boyd, Kiwanis Award Winner - St. Martin's Separate Schocl for the month of April is Joan Belliveau, Mr. E.E, Forgues, Principal of Schreiber High School for : the past two years has been appointed principal of the Casse ! -elman-Cambridge District High School in Casselman, Ont, 5 YEARS AGO - MAY 17, 1972 7 STORK CLUB: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Hardy (nee Pineault.) of Terrace Bay, a girl on April 2ith, 1372. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Reid are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Debra Anne to Mr. Wayne Fontaine of Pine Falls, It was Mom's Day on Sunday, at 5:00 p.m. when the men of the ommunity Church showed what they could do in presenting a gourmet smorgasbord dinner, and Mother could be served, with her family at & table she didn't set and get up with that lively feeling of "No Dishes Tonight". 1 YEAR AGO - MAY 19, 1976 The Terrace Bay Kinsmen Club Inc. in conjunction with the Ministry of Culture end Recreation, upon approval of applications submitted have purchased and installed e new - time and score clock in the Terrace Bay arena. At the April 20th McCausland Hospital Board meeting committee member changes are as follows: Mr. Roy Bray will head the Hospitel Building Fund; Mr. Bruce Tilbury will be a member of the Finance-Audit Committee; and Mrs. Betty Usher will work in Public Relations. Mr. and Mrs, Don Tremblay of Schreiber are pleased to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter s Heather to Mr, David William MoAllister of Spring Bay, Man, Island ro SO