4 MARCH 9, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR AUTHORIZED: Continued from page 3 ..... This will leave the present Administrator, Mr. M.J. Vibert, with more time for the resi- dents and staff of the two Homes, Pinewood Court and Birchwood Terrace. The annual meeting will be held at Pine- wood Court on March 28th at eight o'clock in the evening. All Sixteen Municipalities have been invited to send a voting delegate. They .will hear the Chairman's Report for I976 and the Municipal appointments that have been made for the five areas as well as the two Provin- cial appointments to the Board. To-date only Areas 2 and 3 have made their appointments. The final meeting of the present Board will be held at four o'clock in the afternoon, prior to the annual meeting. i AN OPEN LETTER TO THE RESIDENTS OF SCHREIBER, TERRACE BAY AND ROSSPORT On March IOth the Schreiber-Terrace Bay Association for the Mentally Retarded will hold their Annual Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Library of St. Martin's School, Terrace Bay. This year -the Association is desperate for _new faces on the executive, as many of those ! presently holding office are serving their v last term according to our constitution. Many are not aware of what we accomplish in the communities and they have, thus far, not shown any interest in our Association. We are supp- ortive to the existing families that have ask- ed for our help. Please note that we do not # go into a home for counselling or assistance unless requested, so, if you need us please be free to call on us. : We have had public relation programmes for several years and -guest speakers or films are usually available upon request. We have pre- 1ted programmes in the schools and liter-: ire is available in our community libraries. Most important at this time is that we are your voice to the Government. Without us, you will not have a say when funds and services are required. There is a chance that within a few years we will be needing a school in our community and the government ruling is that if there is no Association there can be no school. We are needed. Please support us. Remember, March IOth. Barbard McLaughlin, Chairman, Publicity. HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND: The Board of Governors of the McCausland Hospital gratefully acknowledge the follow- ing contributions to the building fund: Personal donations $I4I.00; Payroll deduc- tions $I,089.75; In Memoriam $97.00, plus $50.00 from the Lake Superior High School Students Council; Local Business, Terrace Bay News $I00.00; Kimberly Clark's matching donation $3,253.30; Out-of-town business - Powell Equipment $5000.00. nr : Total in the bank as of Friday, March 4th $249,691.98. : Please be advised that Membership in the McCausland Hospital Corporation now costs $5.00 a year. Most of you have already re- ceived your membership card for 1977 along with receipts and official income tax recei- pts. Anyone wishing to attend the Annual Meeting - April I9th - Schreiber High School must be a member of the Corporation and acc- ording to the by-laws - must have their mem- bership four weeks prior to the Annual Meet- ing. This means by March I9%h, 1977. Any- one still requiring a membership may make a donation of $5.00 or more to the McCausland continued page 6 SATURDAY, MARCH 9 P.M. to 1 AM. TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM MUSIC: NORTHERN LIGHTS $4.00 SINGLE $7.00 PER COUPLE SPONSORED BY: KINSMEN CLUB OF TERRACE BAY INC. 12th