JANUARY 19, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 (2) (HOSPITAL NOTES AMBULANCE SERVICE: The following article was researched by Dorothy Rummery, (of Schreiber) a member of the Public Relations Committee of the McCausland Hospital Board. This information is for all residents with- in the McCausland Hospital Area. Consider the following questions - The cost of ambulance 1) When called by an individual 2) When called by a Doctor 3) After - hour calls 4) If a valid Emergency call. Anyone can call for an ambulance. If the patient has O0.H.I.P. and the ambu- lance is necessary, the charge is $5.00 for the first 25 miles and then .15¢ per mile there- after. If the ambulance is not necessary or the patient 'does not have O.H.: H.I.P., the charge is $25.00 for the first 25 miles and .60¢ per mile thereafter. The Hospital does the billing for the am- bulance service unless the patient goes to a place where no billing is done, then the - Ambulance Service bills the patient. 4 | If a Doctor does not order the ambulance \ | the patient has to go to the nearest hospital. That is - the a ambulance driver would not drive . a patient to Thunder Bay on the patient's re- . quest - the ambulance driver would take the "patient to the nearest hospital, then a doctor ywould - if necessary - order the Ambulance to 'Thunder Bay. : Public Relations McCausland Hospital Board HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND: vi The Board of Governors of the McCausland YHospital gratefully acknowledge the following jicontributions to the building fund. Personal donations $639.75 3 Payroll deductions $3,353.25 N In Memoriam $13.00 \ Local Group - Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal "Canadian Legion (Schreiber Branch) $1000.00 - |'payment for the furnishings of a (single) room. E The Building Fund balance - as of January Al4th, 1977 - $216,609.93 a SATURDAY IS CHESS DAY AT LEGION Canadian Legion Branch #223, Terrace Bay have generously consented to do- nate the use of the Legion Hall for the chess enthusiasts in this area. Come out all you "chess" people, juniors and adults, experienced and new players. Everyone is welcome to take advantage of this valuable opportunity to get advice and coaching from Mr. Darko Dimitrijevic who will be in attendance from 12 noon to 4 p.m. each Satur- day, starting January 22nd. If enough inter- est is shown then perhaps tournaments will be scheduled in the future. 24 11 SCHOOL NEWS PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY DAYS: The Staff at Lake Superior High School will be holding Professional Activity Days on Jan- vary 27, 28, 31st, The public is cordially invited to attend any part or all of the sessions held during the three days. Continued page 5 COMWMNE CINEMA TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-3771 , SHOW TIMES - MONDAY - THURSDAY 8:00 P.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7 « 9 P.M. SUNDAY 8:30 P.M. AUGLT ENTERTAINMENT CHARLES BRONSON JILL IREL? ro = & = = = a = E = = Yo = = = =< DRIVE SAFELY "FROM NOON T