DECEMBER 15, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE © WOMEN OF MOOSE: The Women of the Moose held their December 7th meeting with Sr. Regent, Marielle Tardif in the Chair. Recorder, Helen Almos read the minutes and gave reports. Ladies were reminded of the Children's Christmas party to be held on December 18th _ at 2 p.m. An adult dance will follow in the evening at 9 p.m. The twenty-six ladies present adjourned to lunch served in the Christmas theme. Denise LaCroix and Linda Orlesky and Committee were in charge of the Chapter night program. 22 Cl + CHRISTMAS D ANCE DECEMBER 18 Moose Hall 9 - 1 Music: Party Sound Members $3.00 couple Non-members $5.00 cpl. NO* MINORS ARE YOU METIS, NON-STATUS OR STATUS INDIAN? LOOKING FOR A JOB? CONTACT OUTREACH PROGRAM 887-3493 NIPIGON ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE WINTER MAINTENANCE CARETAKER The Terrace Bay Recreation Committee will accept written applications from anyone interested in fhe position of winter maintenance caretaker with the Terrace Bay Recreation Department. Term of employment is from date of hire to April 15th. i Interested persons should apply as soon as possible in writing to the following address: Terrace Bay Recreation Committee Box 460, Terrace Bay, Ontario HEATING CONTRACTORS 2 Year Maintenance Contract for Furnaces and Boilers in various Buildings at LOCATIONS NOTED BELOW: (1) Nipigon and Vicinity GS-76-THB-15 (2) Manitouwadge, Ontario GS-76-THB-16 (3) Schreiber and Terrace Bay GS-76-THB-17 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m., local time on THURSDAY DECEMBER 23RD, 1976 Combined Tenders will not be accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Thunder Bay Regional Office, 20 Albany Street, P.O. Box 3020, Thunder Bay 'P%, Ontario P7B 5G5 Note: For further information regarding , the Tenders, please call Mr. N. Knutson at the above address, Telephone No. (807) 475-1285. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Ministry of Government Services Ontario