NOVEMBER 17.4.1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 INFORMATION ONTARIO: Cont'd from pg. 2. .... IN MEMORIAM This includes the Workmens Compensation Board {i-------- as other government agencies. MARQUIS : : Unlike the television program the Ontario Ombudsman has authority provided by govern- ment, and has taken an oath of secrecy not to disclose information received by him as Ombuds -man. An exception exists which allows the Ombudsman to disclose any information which in his opinion aught to be disclosed to establish grounds for his conclusions and recommenda- ritions. Northern Affairs has a T.V. interview with Mr. Maloney, who prior to his appointment as the Ontario Ombudsman enjoyed a reputation as one of Canada's most distinguished criminal lawyers, and champion of the "Little Man". This will be aired on CKMC-TV Marathon, Chan- nel 13. Watch Channel 13 for times and date of this viewing. & : Members of the Ombudsman staff will be in Marathon at the Recreation Centre on Nov. 17 to discuss any problem or complaint which you wish to direct to their attention. ~ It isn't necessary but should you wish to book an appointment, you can do so by calling Northern Affairs, Lower Floor, Peninsula Building, Marathon, Phone 229-1153. In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Alex Marquis who passed away November 18, 1973. He didn't have time to say farewell; Nor us fo say goodbye, He was gone before we knew And only God knows why. Please God, forgive a silent tear, And our secret wishes that he were here. Always remembered by wife Nacy, daughter . Sharon, and sons Barrie and Ronnie and - families. Ive NOW to hristmas Seals ~ NOTICE TO ALL SNOWMOBILE USERS The snowmobile season is approaching and we wish to emphasize the safety aspects of this sport. Many roads in our area used by snowmobi- lers have gates or cable barriers which could result in injury or death to careless snowmobi le operators and damage to their snowmobiles. : We wish to remind all those who mi ght use roads in the area, of these potential hazards, and emphasize -the need for care and common sense in snowmobi | ing. Please note that no unauthorized person is entitled to use the private roads of Kimberly-Clark of Canada Limited. App lica- tion for a Road Permit must be made to the Company. DIC KIMBERLY-CLARK OF CANADA LIMITED TOWNE CINEMA TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-3771 SHOW TIMES - MONDAY - THURSDAY 8:00 P.M, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7 & 9 P.M. SUNDAY 8:30 P.M. Emam! | Walf prsents Sean Connery..Michael Caine on Christopher PIUMMET es crore was 106 Man Who Would Be King Jo Nid is rk Fes retin €203 d iss n: 'me. 18 md 9 s.20 The masterpiece of bizarre love that stunned Funce. A portrait of love and submission to disorder the senses, An Allied Artists Release ERD Sun. 2 1 Mon. 22 How can you handle something you've never known before... like love? Samuel Z Arkott presents A film by Gilbert Cates BEAU BRIDGES SUSAN SARANDON Tue. 23 ot 2 4