NOVEMBER 17, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 19 PLUMMER: A memorial service for the late Melville * Pringle Plummer was conducted on November 6, 1976, in St. Andrew's United Church in Schrei- ber by the Rev. Brian Bigelow. Following the service Mr. Pllmmer's ashes were interred in Schreiber cemetery. : Mr. Plummer's immediate survivors are his wife, Jean, a brother, Oliver Plummer, of Schreiber; sister Lorna, Mrs. James Goodfellow of Toronto; a stepdaughter, Mrs. J. Tozer and four grandchildren of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Mr. Plummer was predeceased by his father in 1913, his mother in 1957 and two brothers, Baden and George. Mr. Plummer's death occurred in the Cowich- on District Hospital, in Duncan B.C. on July 19,1976. He was born May 28, 1906, and named after Schreiber's long-time famous Dr. Pringle. His working years were spent as a tele- grapher on the Schreiber division until his retirement on October 8, 1968. In November - of that year he and Mrs. Plummer went to live in Duncan, B.C. Mr. Plummer, "Pring" to his old friends, will live long in the memories of Schreiber for his wit! and comically related recollec- tions of early days as an "operator" on the C.P.R. John C. Todesco and son, Charles of Sarnia visited the past week with his mother Mrs. Anne Todesco and enjoyed hunting in this area. Mrs. Annie Molinski has returned to Beause- jour, Manitoba after visiting with relatives in the area. Saturday evening the Recreation Hall Commit -tee held their regular monthly meeting at Walter Gerow's home. Mrs. Hilda Mushquash was elected to the committee in place of Mrs. Lanigan who resigned. Walter Gerow chaired the meeting and led in all discussions on the various items on the agenda. Mrs. Patsey Campbell read the minutes which were approved as read and presented the financial statement which was passed for adoption. It was noted that the receipts from the Hallowe'en party were very gratifying. It was planned to open the hall a couple nights a week for cards, games, etc. with suitable chaperons in atten- dance. A miscellaneous Bingo was planned. Funds must be raised to repair the building and plumbing, etc. The possibility of ob- taining funds from Wintario for the recreation centre was discussed and the secretary was in-| structed to get information on same. BANK t ciency rease eff ur business. th these (] USINESS SERVICES Ta BS 1 'Resources and Cost Controls FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT ing w ve Management of Human deal and profitability in yo seminar 'Here is a business managemen can help to inc Effect two problems. » ° EF) © o £ 3 e 8 2° : 2 i d mM sqm 2 2.H4w Ny oS S. den 3 = & 3 1 -- > (e} ~ £ ord Q ; : 5 w 31 AR: 6 6 2 2 3° c o had p: = 8 3 o € o -~ o © > ® [&] i z 5% > = 0 & I] Oo 2 ® = 2c Mm = s = £3 & =| § «a aE Oo Q| o i ETS w oc oc lne oy Hof ii M EEC o£ © Sole 2 =.£ Sole - c bo o } Ss 2-3 > | c = SHE as 3 e ES @ «| 8 sa / @ Q all pull = eo 8s = 5 2 ©Q Sa © cw 3a Sa £5 2.2 ; 3.8 =5 K XE EE} 5 = © Zz 3 a3 | [Re] ES © ~ 4 < Oo 2-38 % Bia 23% 2 < + Y Registration Fee of $15.00 per person includes luncheon. 2