PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 17, 1976 o/| RECREATION DEPT. WEEKLY REPORT NORTH SHORE MINOR HOCKEY SCHEDULE NOT YET FINALIZED: ; At the time of this write-up, the North Shore Minor Hockey schedule had not yet been finalized. This responsibility rests in the hands of the North Shore Minor Hockey execu- tive. § JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY - DOUBLE HEADER THIS WEEKEND : This coming weekend, November 20th and 21st, the Atikokan Voyageurs will provide the opposi- tion for the Schreiber Northstars. Game time on Saturday will be 8:00 p.m. and on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. : This past Sunday, November 14th, a crowd of 446 fans from Terrace Bay and Schreiber showed up to cheer the Northstars to a 6-5 victory . over the NipRock Rangers. Let's see a good turnout for both games this coming weekend a- gainst Atikokan. RINGETTE : Response to the Ringette programme in terms of registration forms has been very poor. One more attempt will be made at registration for this programme and if results are the same, the programme will not operate this year. PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM RECREATION OFFICE: Any interested individuals, groups and organ -izations are reminded that the Recreation Of- fice has a collection of publications, magazin- es and articles concerning a number of pro- grammes. For example, there is a special pam- phlet put out py Bata Retail Shoes regarding step by step instructions on how to jog. The Ministry of Culture and Recreation has forward- ed a number of pamphlets on various arts and crafts; the regional newsletter of the North- western Ontario Sports Council is on file as well. This. information is available to anyone interested. COMING EVENTS: November 20th and 21st - Junior "B" Hockey = Atikokan Voyageurs VS Schreiber Northstars. Game times: 8:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. --- Terrace = Bay arena. : saturday, November 20th - Community Church Christmas Bazaar - 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., Community Church Basement. J Tuesday, November 23rd - Meeting of the TRS Superior Citizen Band Radio Club (Schreiber - Terrace Bay) Terrace Bay Public School, 7:30 p.m. Monday , November 29th - Annual Meeting of the Terrace Bay Horticultural Society, 7:30; p.m., Large Meeting Room of Recreation Centre. Wednesday, December 8th - The Ladies Auxiliary to Guides and Brownies will be holding the chocolate almonds and blitz organized by the Rangers. canvassing will take place from 5:00 p.m. ta 7:00 p.m. - TERRACE BAY ARENA SCHEDULE This arena schedule subject to change 5 without notice 3 Nov. 18th 7:30-- 8:45 Figure Skating +» 1:00- 3:00 Public Skating - ' 3:00- 4:00 Scrape & Flood 4:00- 5:00 Peewees 5:00- 6:00 Mites _6:00- 7:00 Atoms 7:00- 7:20 Scrape & Flood 7:20- 8:30 Bantams 8:30-- 8:50 Scrape & Flood = 8:50-10:50 Intermediates Nov. 19th Z730- 8:45 Figure Skating 1:00- 3:00 Public Skating & Public : School 3:00- 4:00 Scrape & Flood 4:00- 6:00 Figure Skating 6:00-- 7:00 Atom: Allstars 7:00- 8:30 Peewees 8:30- 8:50 Scrape & Flood 8:50-10:50 Jr. North Stars To page 17 .... | 3 L PUBLIC NOTICE The Terrace Bay Recreation Committee wishes to advise that the Recreation Office has no connection whatsoever or responsibility concerning the newspaper drop-off at the west entrance of the Recreation Centre. All newspaper carriers and businesses pick -ing up their papers at the west entrance must deposit all excess papers, wires, etc. in the waste container provided. Failure +o do so will result in the cancel lation of the newspaper drop-off. Also, any questions or concerns dealing wif with Greyhound Freight and/or tickets, please contact Sheila's Coffee Shop at 9262.