PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 22, 1976 OFFICIAL VISIT TO RUBY REBEKAH LODGE Photo by Inez McCuaig. Back - Norma Fummerton, Noble Grand;Georgina - Davis, Vice Grand; Front - Jean Bolton, Vice Pre- sident Rubekah Assembly; & Dorothy Buttars, District Deputy president. Mrs. Jean Bolton, paid an official visit to Schreiber Ruby Rebekah Lodge bringing with her Mrs. Dorothy Buttars of Thunder Bay. - The meeting was pre- faced with a dinner, at which Mr. Nolton, was also welcomed as a guest, as was Mrs. Ivy Whitfield of Thunder Bay. Mrs. Norma Fummerton and Mrs. Georgian Dav- is officially welcomed their guests. Mrs. Bolton congratulated the Local Lodge on their support and work on behalf of their community and various Lodge common projects. A lunch in the lower hall followed the meet -ing. ¢ SCHREIBER SOCIAL SPECTRUM Jim Power and Randy Bolan have been visiting in Calgary. A most successful tea party was enjoyed in Mrs. Alice Sparkes home this week when Mrs. Alma Stewart of Espanola; Mrs. Edith Reid of New Westminster, B.C. and Mrs. Dorsa Hepburn of Thundef Bay unexpectedly appeared to enjoy a reunion with old friends in Schreiber. The United Church Fall Fair was again most successful with little except a few garments remaining. All other exhibits were quickly sold. Jack Handel was the auctioneer, with Bill Gerow, Henry Miller (and his band of assistants), Mrs. Beth Macadam and the entire membership of the U.C.W. working. « CANAD YOUR FORESTS NEED YOUR CARE! CANADIAN FORESTRY ASSOCIATION RECREATION REPORT: Cont'd from page 4 .....-- This panel will be moderated by Mr. G. Dupas, Recreation Co-ordinator of Terrace Bay and there will be a special session on the sessions of Confederation College and how they can assist local community programmes. All in all, the 4th annual conference shapes up to be a very interesting one and any -one interested in further-details may call the Recreation Office at 825-3542. Conference Chairman is Ollie Chapman, who is also Board member of the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association for the District of Thunder Bay. GUN REPAIRS Have your gun repaired - Contact your local gunsmith in Rossport. JACK CAMPBELL - ROSSPORT AND YOUR PROVINCIAL FORESTRY ASSOCIATION CERAMICS COURSE The Terrace Bay Recreation Department is pleased to announce that a six (6) week Ceramics course will be offered to anyone interested, commencing on Tuesday, Septem- ber 28th. % INSTRUCTOR: Beverley Willimus When: Tuesday evenings from 7:30 .p.m..it0 9:30 p.m. Six weeks course as fol lows: September 28th, October 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, November 2nd. Instructor's home - 137 Birch Crescent, Terrace Bay FEE: $12.00 per registrant for six (6) week course. Materials and supplies extra. ENROLMENT: First eight (8) registrants will be accepted into Tuesday evening course. HOW TO REGISTER: Registration and fee ac- cepted at the Recreation Office. Registration on a "first come, first served" basis - first eight accepted. REGISTER NOW!! WHERE :