JUNE 9, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 19 Classified Ads . . 3 I m dodick FOR ALL Y OUR MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under ® ® PHOT O COPY ING cash in advance) A - $2.25 (if charged) R.0. ND 5¢ per word after 25 OPTOMETRIST COMMER CIAL : ® PRINTING CONTACT THE ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Inquiries Welcomed, Answers Confidential. Phone 824-2823 or Write Box 466, Schreiber, 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE TERRACE BAY NEWS Meetings - Monday and Wednesday evenings. Anglican Church, THUNDER BAY Schreiber, PHONE 622-7726 WANTED - Earn $4,00 to $6.00 per hour. Mature person re- quired for Terrace Bay and Schreiber to deliver Fuller - Brush Catalogues and supply customer service. Top com= mission available, Contact: Mr, R.F. Rebitt, 427 Southern Avenue, THUNDER BAY, Ontario, PENNY AUCTION - sponsored by Women's Institute in Schreiber CATALOQUE ORDER OFFICE Town Hall on Friday, June ITth, at 7:30 p.m. Good prizes. PH ONE 824-21 12 SCHREIBER CURLING RINK BINGO- Wednesday, June I6, 8:00 p.m. MONDAY to FRIDAY 9 oh 5 in the Curling Club, All games - good ne ghiour three = + proceeds, $I00, Jackpot. Everyone welcome, CARD OF THANKS ~ The Schreiber Pee Wee Allstars wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone who bought pool M. CEBRARIO & SONS LTD. tickets in support of the purchase of our jackets, Special thanks to Restaurant LeBlanc, for donation: of one Jacket HARDWARE, PAINTS, BUILDING SUPPLIES, and Spadoni Garage for donation of toques, SUNWORTHY PAPERS Pee Wee Allstar Management, : x 312 MANITOBA STREET, SCHREIBER, ONTARIO CHALET HUSKY ~- II miles east of Terrace Bay. PHONE 824-2183 Minnows - Fishing Tackle - Licenses - Beats - Croceries = Souveniers - Home Cooked Meals, Phone I Ring 5. rT ) They say the answer to your problems is just In nada around the corner. Why not take a walk and % oa RE Tilden PARTICIPAL, wh > Featuring # Chevrolets \ Walk a block. Today. _ NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY | | Ww Effective immediately a gate will be put up at the Township of Schreibers' dump road " | on account of the extreme fire hazard. Rent a-car Persons wishing to make use of the dump S PADONI BROS. LTD. may pick up a key at the Municipal Office in Schreiber or Terrace Bay. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY Counci| of the Township of Schreiber CALL LARRY AT 824-2304