PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 19, 1976 W.I. PLAN JUNE ACTIVITIES Mrs. Anne Todesco presided for the May meeting of the Schreiber Women's Institute, with members answering the roll by naming new products and the fesults they'd had in using them. Mrs. Todesco read an article on Mothers' Day and Mrs. Wesley Clemens and Mrs. Fred Har- ness contributed poems dedicated to "Mother". Members offered brief recollections of their mothers. Local and National current events were dis- cussed. Motto for the meeting was, "The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing and be nothing". A letter of appreciation was received from Mrs. Agnes Bryson of Birchwood Terrace, for the flowers given her on her 90th birthday. Mrs. Robert Winters was named to place the Institute wreath at the Legion memorial ser- vice on June 6. Plans were completed for the monster penny auction being sponsored by the Institute in the Town Hall on June llth. All members were asked to donate to this and to assist at the event. Members were also asked to bring tb the June meeting, recipes, pictures, relevant jokes and household hints to be compiled: in a brides book. Program books for the coming year will be prepared by the executive on Sunday, May 23 at a meeting in Mrs. Todesco's home in Ross- port. Mrs. Clemens, Mrs. Joe Campbell and Mrs. Harness were named as delegates to the dist- rict W.I. meeting being held on May 19 in, Thunder Bay. Mrs. Smith will also attend, as visitors. Reeve Harold McParland, the guest speaker, described the projects completed by the town last year and problems facing them now, i.e. drainage in several parts of the town, paving the streets and the hope for a Senior Citizen Housing Unit. Mrs. Clemens gave a detailed account of the W.I. Officers convention she had attended re- cently at Waterloo University. The next meeting will be on June 8 when new members and visitors will be cordially welcomed. WAKE-UP! SHAPE UP! WALK! Cad PaRrnCIPICTION BD , Walk a block. Today. Tommy Bolan and Mrs. Nelson} a C.W.L. NAMES STANDING CONVENERS FOR 1976 [| Mrs. Lorette McParland, the president, wel=- comed the new executive at the regular meeting of the Catholic Women's League on May 9. Mrs. Marion Henri read minutes of the past meeting and Mrs. Marjory Spacek presented thei treasurer's report; Mrs. Lorleen Blais read various cards and letters, among them a notice from Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 109, that the = wreaths will be laid on the cenotaph on June 6 in special ceremony. Hi Sister Marvel read the Scripture passage. i Mrs. McParland, Mrs. Gloria Mullins and ra Teresa Power, all gave reports on the recent C.W.L. convention held in Red Rock, when C.W.L. members were urged to contact their members oF Parliament concerning the abortion issue and express opposition to the loss of Keith Pen- ner's riding in this area. Members were reminded of the daily reciting of the Rosary at 7 p.m. during May. The formal children's First Communion will be held June 6. Mrs. Teresa Stortini read two poems approp- riate to Mothers Day. Sister Marvel's suggestion that a camera be purchased to record the activities of the local C.W.L. was accepted. : Standing conveners for the year were named: Teresa Power, Organization; Lucette Chicoine, Cultural Life; Sister Marvel, Church Life and Communications; Teresa Stortini, Public Rela- tions; Simonne Connelly, Social, Economic and 1 Civic Life; Mrs. Gloria Mullins, Resolutions and Legistation; Mrs. Kay Stefurak, Christian Family Life. Standing captains are: Mesdames Maureen Re- dins, Teresa Trichilo, Mary Valentino, Leanne ~ Beauparlant, Cecile Bedard, Sharon Lamoreaux, Elizabeth Perrault, Gabrielle Martin and Alex- andria Jacques. RUBY _ REGEKAH' S_REPORT _ON_ASSOC. MEETING Mrs. Norma Fummerton and Mrs. Georgina Davis presided for the meeting of Ruby Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday, May 12, 1976. The members welcomed Mrs. Vic Winters back after a winter holiday spent in Florida. , Mrs. Beth Macadam gave the report of the District Association meeting held in Schreiber on May 8 when Mrs. Gladys Hamilton, District Deputy President presided for the meeting. The meeting was. preceded by a luncheon convened by Mrs. Florence Fischer and Mrs. Winnie Cle- mens. Twelve representatives and seventeen visitors were present. Mrs. Davis gave the Visiting report. Cards were sent to sick and shutins. Cont'd pg. 15. A