PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 12, 1976 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under cash in advance) - 82.25 (if charged) 5¢ per word after 25 FOR SALE - I973 Gremlin X, good condition. Souliere at 824-2267. Contact Mike FOR SALE - 1970 Plymouth, 4 door sedan, 318 motor. Phone 825-3767. FOR SALE «= I967 Volkswagon Station Wagon. Best offer. Phone 825-3676. HOUSE FOR SALE - 646 Superior, Avenue, Terrace Bay. room, 3 level split. $49,900.00 Contact: 825-3370. 3 bed- HOUSE FOR SALE - 535 lakeview Drive, Terrace Bay. Phone 705-560-2604, HOUSE FOR SALE - All bricked, landscaped home, main floor, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, bathroom, kitchen, finished basement with family room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, Phone 82U-2360. HOUSE FOR SALE - large, 3 bedroom Bouse, downstairs, Furnished one bedroom apartment upstairs, Also, small house at rear of property suitable for couple. Phone 82U4~2005 anytime. FOR SALE - mobile home trailer. Maytag washer. Inquire at Chalet Husky, Jackfish, II miles east of Terrace Bay. FOR SALE - I975 I75* Glendale Flyte Tandem Wheel Trailer. Like new. Call 825-3365. FOR SALE - box trailer with trailor hitch. dirt, lumber, rubbish etc. Ready to go. Contact: Bill Campbell in Schreiber, Good for hauling Best offer, ROOM & BOARD - available for single person, Phone 825-3616, FOR SALE - Fridge and stove, Phone 825-3616. WANTED - one single bed, and one dresser in good shape. Phone 525-3616. WANTED ~ one outboard motor, IO - I8 h.p. Phone 824-2293, WANTED - one set of left handed adult golf clubs, ladies or men's. Phone 825-3560 after 6 p.m. WANTED - speed bike, boys or girls. -Phone 824-2025. CHALET HUSKY- II miles east of Terrace Baye. VMinnows - "Fishing Tackle - Licenses - Boats - Groceries =- Souveniers '= Home Cooked Meals, - Phone I Ring 5. ELECTROLUX CANADA LTD, is pleased to announce the appointment of Paul Roy and Jack Roy in the Terrace Bay area for sales and service, Call Jack at 825-9182 or Paul at 825-3616. BUSINESS DIRECTORY i. m. dodick .0. AND OPTOMETRIST COMMER CIAL ® PRINTING 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 FOR ALL YOUR PHOT O COPY ING CONTACT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS ithe Bern AGENT 1972 SAW 189,494 TOTAL COLLISIONS IN CANADA SCHREIBER, ONTARIO PHONE 824-266 INSURANCE 6 SEARS PHONE 824-2112 MONDAY to FRIDAY 9 CATALOQUE ORDER OFFICE 5 In Canada its Tilden Featuring Chevrolets TICDEN SPADONIBROS. SCHREIBER LTD. TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304