MAY '5,.1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 11 the NEW KOEHRING i Crm strong on performance KOEHRING cranes that handle jobs of all sizes and types... profitably Heavy lifts, up high and far out. In crowded urban areas or on rough terrain. Everything you need for crane work is available from your Koehring-Waterous distributor. He carries the Bantam", Koehring"®, and Lorain" lines -- 28 models in all. It's the widest choice of types and sizes in Canada! Choose from a wide variety of cable cranes -- carrier-mounted, crawler-mounted, and self- erecting towers -- with lift capacities to 150 tons (136 100 kg). Or choose from a big selection of carrier-mounted and self-propelled hydrau- lic cranes, capable of lifting up to 75 tons (68.040 kg). All designed for efficient, high pro- duction operation. Whatever your lift and reach needs, there's only one man to see. Your K-W distributor. THUNDER BAY 915 Memorial Avenue WINNIPEG ) 1600 Gamble Place VULCAN == VULCAN MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT LTD. Branches In: ONTARIO, MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, ALBERTA and BRITISH COLUMBIA CALGARY GRANDE PRAIRIE 807 - 42nd Avenue S.E.: 10939 - 96 Avenue EDMONTON BURNABY, B.C. 11313 - 170 Street 2550 Boundary Road