PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 17, 1976 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 ,(25 words & under. cash in advance) - $2.25 (if charged) ] 5¢ per word after 25 BUSINESS DIRECTORY CAMERON K. BURGESS & SON INSURANCE AGENT SIMCOE PLAZA BOX 398 OFFICE 825-3370 HOME 825-3261 : TERRACE BAY FOR SALE - 1976 Eltigre, Series 5000, 60 h.p., good condition. Phone 825-3726. FOR SALE - I970 Chevelle Malibu, 307 cu. in., 2 door, bucket seats, automatic, good tires. Phone 824-2013, LOST = two yellow cylinders vincinity of Schreiber Legion on Sunday, February Ist. Finder please return to Birch Motors. BABYSITTER - Will babysit during the day. Phone 825-3586, CHICKENS - Excellent for soups, stews, spaghetti sauce etc. L5¢ each. Phone 824-2353 between 6 & 9 p.m. APT, FOR RENT - one furnished bachelor apartment. Contact: Filane's Fallen Rock Motel, Phone 82i-2755. APT. FOR RENT - two bedroom, front room, kitchen, bathroom, on first floor. Phone 824-2844 after 5 p.m. FOR RENT - two single rooms, Phone 825-3393. HOUSE FOR SALE - 535 Lakeview Drive, Terrace Bay. Phone 705-560-2604, NEW HOUSE FOR SALE - In Schreiber, 5 PeMe Phone 824-28L4 after HOUSE FOR SALE - £46 Superior Avenus, Terrace Bay. 3 bed- rooms, 3 level split, $50,000.00 Phone 825-9030 after 5 p.m. CHARLOTTE?®S BEAUTY SPOT - will be closed March I5th to April 5th inclusive. TERRACE BAY LIBRARY - will be closed March 29th to April 2nd inclusive for inventory. DR. NOTWELL!S OFFICE - will be closed from March I8th to March 26th inclusive. CHALET HUSKY ~ Restaurant II miles east of Terrace Bay. Minnows-fishing teckle-licenses-boats-groceries-souveniers- home cooked meals, Phone I Ring 5. NEED MONEY?? - Deliver catalogues to our customers and reap the harvest, Write: Fuller Brush Co., 427 Southern Avenue, Thunder Bay or phone 623-1081, NOTICE OF MEETING - Due to the fact that Mr. Glen Mills, Mgr., of Thunder Bay District Housing Authority, will be in Schreiber on Thursday March I8th, the Chimo Club have changed their meeting to this date at 7:30 Pot luck lunch. Let's have a good turnout. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS ~ Public enquires welcome. Answers confidential, Phone 824-2823, TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT W, JAMES P. MIKUS SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3268 GENERAL INSURANCE 507 Scotia Street, Schreiber, Ontario Bruce Simon P.O. Box 3 | Phone 824-2562 YOUR IMPERIAL ESS0O AGENT BURTON B. PHILLIPS Bulk Plants in Schreiber and Terrace Bay to serve you in both towns. PHONE 824 - 2463 FOR YOUR SAFETY ZAP'S AUTO GLASS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 145 WINNIPEG ST., SCHREIBER, ONT PHONE 824-2639 - 825-3335