TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 13 @> TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS A.A IF YOU ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OVER IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE ... IF YOUR INCOME IS MODEST THIS IS: OF ANTEREST TO YOU! The Ontario Ministry of Housing has been asked by your municipal council to determine the need for new senior citizen housing in this area. If there is a need, rent-geared-to-income accomodation will be developed by the Ontario Housing Corporation at the request of your municipal council. Questionnaires are being distributed to senior citizens as part of a sur- vey to determine the interest in this type of housing. ONLY BY COMPLETING A QUESTIONNAIRE CAN YOU HELP TO DETERMINE WHETHER THERE |S A DEMAND FOR RENT-GEARED -TO=INCOME ACCOMODATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. I'f you are 60 years of age or more and have not received a questionnaire, you may obtain a form and further information at: THE CLERK'S OFFICE TOWN HALL SCOTIA ST. P.0. BOX 40 TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER H.J. McPARLAND-REEVE