PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS ,FEBRUARY 4, 1976 COUNCIL QUOTES Cont'd..... all costs and documentation to be born by "the Municipality. Prices were received from the Anderson Block and the Company on benches. It was moved to purchase two benches, concrete and wood to be placed in Simcoe Plaza during the summer months. A report was received from the Treasurer of Ontario regarding the 1976 unconditional grants. It was noted that basically they re- main the same as in 1975. M.T.C. incormed Council that the 1976 sub- sidy allocation will be $15, 500.00. In reply to the Lake Superior High School year book request, Council will procure a half pace advertisement. Kakabeka Legion will be given permission to sell tickets on the fish derby in Terrace Bay. A request was received for financial sup- port by the March of Dimes. It was stated that a donation to same is done through Kim- ~ berly Clark. Township will put an ad in the local paper supporting the Kinsmen in the project "Herit- age Day on February 16, 1976. Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association was received. No one will attend. Terrace Bay will host the next quarterly meeting of the Thunder Bay District Municipal League to be held in May. Township accounts in the amount of $55,836.00 for December 1975 and January 1976 were approved and passed for payment. 'Twenty three occurences were Tevastigated during the week ending February 1, 1976. On January 26 a minor accident occurred. No injuries were sustained. On January 31 police were kept busy tracing NOTICE SUNDAY SERVICES AT THE COMMUNITY CHURCH IN TERRACE BAY WILL BE AT 7:30 P.M. ON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, ONLY, AND AT 11:00 A.M. FOR THE RE- MAINING SUNDAYS OF FEBRUARY. construction workers to pass along Compass. ionate messages. Also on this date a disturbance was report- ed at a business establishment. No police action was required. On January 28 the theft of a colour telev- ision was reported from the construcion site. This offence is under investigation. On February lst another report of willful damage to the Recreation Centre was received when a window was broken. " Nine charges under the municipal parking by law were laid and two charges under the Highway Traffic Act were preferred. Last week, a Niagara Falls youth, who pleaded guilty to the December 26th break, enter and theft at the Island View service station was sentenced to ten years in the Federal Penitentiary. It is once again the time of year when dogs are gathering in groups. Residents are requested to keep their dogs tied - the fine for allowing a dog to roam has been increased to $40.00 . e RECREATION DEPARTMENT WEEKLY REPORT CARROLL BAKER SHOW IN TERRACE BAY: The Carroll Baker Show will be held on Wednesday, February llth, at the High School Auditorium starting at 8:00 p.m. Posters and advance ticket outlets have been established in Terrace Bay, Schreiber and MECO campsite. Continued page 6 Why you should let H&R Block worry about your income taxes. We are income tax ; ecialists. We ask e right questions. We dig for every honest deduction. We want to leave no stone unturned to make sure you pay the smallest legitimate tax. Ontario MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, 1975 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Special Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1976, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the Board will hear applications for new licences in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act, 1975 and Regulations thereunder. The following establishments have applied for a licence of the type indicated, and the applications will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time. Construction Camp Inn Terrace Bay Township, Terrace Bay Lounge Licence Double "'G" Pizza Restaurant 512 Memorial Avenue, Thunder Bay Dining Jounge Licence AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any per- son who is resident in the municipality and objects to any application may file the grounds of objection in person at the time and place of the meeting or in writing to: Executive Director, Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, TORONTO, Ontario. M5E 1A4. Get a little peace of mind. H:R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE REID I39 WINNIPEG SCHREIBER 824-2075