Public Library TERRACE BAY NEWS » - Vol. 19+ No. 4 JANUARY 28, I976 20¢ PER COPY The Lake Superior Board of Education held their Board Meeting No. 2/76 on January I9th in the Marathon High School. The minutes of Meeting No. I7/75, Meeting No. I/76 and the minutes of the French Lang- uage Advisory Committee meetings held on Oct. 27, I975 and Nov. 24th, I975 were all acknow- ledged as received. The Chairman gave a verbal report concern- ing the Provincial Restraints Meeting held in Thunder Bay on Jan. 8, I976. He reminded the Trustees that there would be a maximum increase of only 8% in the grants in I976 and, therefore, all frills must be cut from the Budget. If these were not done, then the local taxpayer would have to bear additional burdens. The Chairman also indicated that many Town Councillors appeared dissatisfied with increases in taxes caused by Board of Education costs. He also suggested that dis- cussions should start immediately with local Trustees and Principals re the I976 Budget. The Marathon Figure Skating discussion was begun by Mrs. Dettbarn, who Suggested that the Budget Committee lock at the total Night School Program. Her suggestion was accepted. Mrs. Shulna made a presentation re the need for a bus for the Manitouwadge school area. She said she was concerned about the amount of money being currently spent by the Physical Education Department and others for Field Trips. A bus owned and operated by the Board she felt might reduce the costs of such trips and, therefore, the possibility of buy- ing a bus might be investigated. Trustees questions followed the presentation. Mrs. Shulna was commended by the Chairman for the quality of her presentation and he indicated that her report Cont'd page 2.....0:. Recently the Honourable Bette Stephenson, M.D., Minister of Labour, announced new min- imum wage rates for Ontario, which will come into effect on March I5th, I976. On that date, the general minimum rate will become $2.65 per hour and in 'the construction indus- try the minimum will be $2.90 per hour. A major reason for the increase is to pro- tect minimum wage earners against increases in living costs. The new rate will give these workers greater purchasing power than either the $2.40 or the $2.25 minimum rates did at the time they were established. At the same time, the $2.65 rate should slightly improve the position of minimum wage earners relative to other workers. : To ensure that these relationships are not seriously eroded during I976, the Ministry will keep the level of the minimum wage under continual review and make appropriate recom- mendations as they become necessary. In addition, a tip differential will be introduced on March I5th for some employees in the hospitality industry. The new minimum to apply where tips are received, and the categories of tipped employees it will cover, will be announced prior to the introduction of the $2.65 minimum. Similiar announcements will be made with respect to the minimum rate applicable to students and to harvest workers in the seasonal agricultural industry. If you wish further information on this topic or other government programs, Call or write to Northern Affairs, Peninsula Building, Marathon, Phone 229-II53. First Canadian infection of Dutch Elm disease was discovered at St. Ours in Richelieu County, Quebec in 1944.