TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 7, 1975 ws - continued from page 4 rs. R.F. Middaugh are happy to announce the en- their only daughter Ainsley Darys to Mr. Gordon man, son of Mr. and Mrs, Herold Brinkman of - MAY 7, 1970 | yellow mums adorned the altar for the wedding 5 p.m., April 25th, in St. Martin of Tours Church "Ontario when Annette Marie Belliveau became the lippe A. Kelly of Timmins, Ontario. 'B: Born to Mr. and Mrs, lawrence Lalonde, of , boy on April 28th, 1970. Born to Mr. and Mrs. r, of Terrace Bay, ea boy on May lth, 1970. .ylon, (Denny to everone in Schreiber) was hon- reral occasions arranged by his friends merking ont on pension, from the C.P.R. service. s1s Church was the setting for the 3 p.m. wedding Mey 2nd, of Billie Anne Cocks and Russell Alex- nen, Mrs, Stewart Reid are pleased to announce the their daughter, Betty Jean, to Mr. Larry Tiboni Bay, Ontario. - MAY 8, 1974 communities in Northwestern Ontario who receive ervice via a Low-Power-Reley=-Transmitter system ence a' change in programming beginning, Morday , en nine hours of daily programming which now in Toronto will be fed from CBQ in Thunder Bay. ship of Schreiber wishes to announce that Mr. er has been appointed Clerk-Treasurer for the Schreiber effective May 1st, 197M. . News: Brian Ray is holidaying in Toronto and es in eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Le- returned from a holiday on the west coast. Mrse Jo hes returned from holidaying with relatives in spanole and Webbwood. _ 3 Manpower Centre's counsellor Earl s shown with their new Mobile Job Find- re which will be in Terrace Bay at Sim- a on Monday, 12 May. obile Job Centre is being tested this or its capability to improve Manpower to Thunder Bay district communities. or Taylor will visit each community nth with the unit and will be available ss the many services of Canada Manpower erested persons, such as, employment, onal training, mobility, aptitude test- CURLING: job search techniques. CROSSWORD If you wish to attend please reply to Cam Burgess 825-3370 or 825-3261 by May IOth. The Thunder Bay Curling Fraternity is hold- ind a dinner and dance on Thursday, June 5th to honour "THE TETLEY TEAM - Bill, Rick, Bill and Peter" -- WINNER OF THE MacDONALD'S BRIER TANKARD, Emblematic of the Canadian Curling Championship for 1975, and Canada's represen- tative at the Silver Broom. 1 = yd 8a TODAY'S ANSWER ABV 3 LEROY WON A3AIOCINER 3 OV ACROSS 5 Moved Sell ES RAeEle) ; 1 Capable like AN[V[TIS] I IAVO of cutting a S3Iov N 1.3 § Philippine sneak 31 1nISEAVv 30 island thief gVvN I IHVYW 11 Commercial 6 Custard- aoOM3IdVvW 4 ship apple NV 3M 3 12 Soap 7 Kind SIN 1d 3037S I] plant of 3OWVvlE3 10 | 13 Cuban acid AVNVIdEdIIVIHS] island 8 Sine . (3 wds.) qua -- 20 Passe 32 Alec 3 15 Withdraw 9 Robin 21 Dress Guinness' { 16 City in Hood's style title New Jersey drink 23 Egyptian 34 "Anything : 21 Mme. 10 Agreeable pleasure You --Do" _ Curie - answer god 35 Me, 22 Catch 14 Professional 25 Leaping: myself 24 Mountain charge jumping and I nymph 16 Tosca's 26 The 36 Kind of .95 Retinue beloved gums view 27 Clangor 17 Gladiatorial 30 Australian 37 "The Bells" 28 South setting marsupial poet African 18 Polynesian 31 "The 38 Yellow bugle plants herb Lady 39 German 29 Kidd's Nova 19 Hamburger -- article i Scotia garnish (2 wds.) 40 Furtive i treasure 'Eta [5 6 a |3 lio i site? ¢ (2 wds.) \ 12 33 "... blue. ribbon 3 ad | (2 wds.) is ; 34 Iowa | city 16 [11 [ie 19 [20 (2 wds.) 20 i) 23 | & 41 Sprightly 42 Literary 24 25 |26 | work 1 43 Bedouin 21 28 4 44 Mournful ; DOWN 29 30 [3 [32 1 -- - disant © 3 2 Word | on ; 34 [35 [36 Tse 136 fac 1 | towel rn a2 3 Wholly 4'Caddoan 43 44 Indian