PAGE I2 "TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 30, I975- TERRACE BAY POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT During the past week April I4 - 28 members of the Terrace Bay Police Department have in- vestigated a total of 38 occurrences. On April I4th a juvenile was reported miss- ing from home and later located in Thunder Bay. On April I7th a local school bus was stolen. It was later located at White River and two men are presently in custody. On April I8th following a chase by town Police, a local resident was charged with dangerous driving and impaired driving. On April 21st following a minor accident an Alberta man was charged with impaired driving and refusing to take a breath test. On April 27th a Break, Enter and Theft occ- urred at the Recreation Centre. It is not yet known what was stolen. Over the weekend four youths were charged with committing damage when they were caught shooting street lights with an air gun. Seven Motor Vehicles were checked with five warnings issued and three charges laid under the Liquor Control Act. The April I7th sitting of the Provincial Court was held at Terrace Bay with Judge Roy Mitchell presiding. Brian Desaulniers pleaded guilty to the Christmas Day Break Enter and Theft of the Rec- reation Cente#e. He was remanded in prison for one month for a pre sentence report. He app- ears for sentencing on May I5th. Floyd Caldwell pleaded not guilty to theft over $200.00 but guilty to taking a motor veh- icle without consent. He was sentenced to I8 months probation and ordered to pay for the damage to the vehicle. Ronald Brend was remanded for two weeks on charges of impaired driving, refusing to take a breath test and escaping lawful custody. John Graham was remanded for one month on a charge of causing damage to the Recreation Centre. TERRACE BAY RECREATION DEPARTMENT WEEKLY REPORT SUMMER STAFF POSITIONS - APPLY SOON: The Terrace Bay Recreation Committee would like to remind all students that applications are now being received for the various posit- ions available with the Terrace Bay Recreation Department. If you did not see the ad in last week's paper, simply call the Recreation Office at 3542 for more information on the types of positions available. Applications must be sub- mitted to the Recreation Office by Friday, May I6th. continued next column ...cccceoceee SUMMER PROGRAMME DEVELOPER - POSITION OPEN: Please refer to page I4 for an ad outlining a new position with the Recreation Department made possible through a grant from the Provin- cial government. Anyone interested in applying for this position should submit a letter of application by May I6th. TENNIS COURTS: Within the next week or two, the remainder of supplies should arrive to enable the final installation of the tennis court fencing. Once the fencing has been installed, which hope -fully will be mid-May, the courts will be made available for play. Hopefully by the end of May all work will be completed on the tennis courts, resulting in two brand new courts for tennis enthusiasts in our community. Arrangements are presently being made to bring in a tennis clinic during the early part of June, as a number of people have indicated interest in this type of clinic. ee sce ee continued page I3 FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY SPECIALS Hot Beef Sandwich Dinner INCLUDES : Coffee - Tea Soup of the Day or Juice $3.00 Red Bog Fan 1 TERRACE BAY BOWLING ASSOC. TOURNAMENAMENT & DANCE MAY 17th & 18th Tournament: 3 men's & 3 women's handicap FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: €. BUCK 825-3280 Saturday, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Moose Hall $5.00 per couple Music "RAGS IN TIME" Tickets available from: W. Kurylo, C. Buck, E. Boutilier, S.:Opas, S. Sadowick, M. Reid.