PAGE I0 TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 23, I975 "BULLETINS FROM THE McCAUSLAND HOSPITAL" The regular meeting of the McCausland Hos- pital Board was held in the Municipal Council Chambers, April I6th. The minutes of the last regular meeting along with the minutes of the Annual Meeting and special meeting after the annual meeting were adopted as circulated. It was decided that the administrators off- ice be moved into the Hospital to Room II on the mens end. A letter was read to the Board from Mr. G. Puttock in regards to the temporary building for the doctors. Mr. Puttock advised this building would be available for the hospital but would like to see the hospital share ex- penses of renovations, etc. The Eastern Region #I2 small hospitals get- to-gether would be held in Terrace Bay May 31: A letter of resignation was received from Mr. Wm. Houston but was not accepted by the Board and Mr. Houston remained to act as Treas -urer. The President 'advised that all Committees would be set up shortly. Dr. Kim and Dr. Godfrey were coming to Terr- ace Bay very shortly to speak on a physiother- apy department. Letters from architects wishing to come and speak to the Board were received but the Board advised that their expenses would not be paid by the Board. Letters of thanks were sent to the scruit- ineers at the annual meeting and to the defeat -ed candidates. A letter of thanks was also sent to Mrs. Beth Macadam for her help at the door. The negotiating committee has now had two meetings and are set to negotiate with the Registered Nurses on the local level. A new scrub sink has been ordered and some carpentry work to enlarge the door off the X-Ray room will be done shortly. The electric -al work for the plugs are also to be worked on. It was agreed by the Board as a whole that 1975 membership fees be deposited into the Building Fund. A letter of resignation was received by the Board from the Director of Nursing and was accepted with regret as of May 9, I975. ; Accounts payable and payroll were presented for payment in the amount of $46,256.16. The President gave a report that the sprin- kler system was receiving its prime coat of paint. Also that the floors in the hospital were being worked on and looked very nice. In-Service training in the O.R. was still con- tinuing. Bad debts in the amount of $1223.65 as of December 3I, I974 were written off as per the auditors request. The President of the Hospital Auxiliary advised that a draw was being held on an afghan raffle and tickets were selling very well. Also a penny auction and garage sale is to be held shortly. The meeting adjourned at II:00 p.m. to meet again May 20th. HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND The Board of Governors of The McCausland Hospital greatfully acknowledges the follow- ing most recent donations: In Memorium $96.00 Personal Donations $360.00; The Auxiliary to The McCausland Hospital $I000.; Membership Fees $1286.10. The Building Fund total to date is $13,170.15. - Public Relations Mrs. Dobush of Terrace Bay hosted a success -ful Copper Wear Party in her home on Saturday April I9th. The ladies attending were served a delicious lunch by Mrs. Dobush. Your haul. Qur truck. Whatever you've got to haul, Tilden can rent you the truck. Rent a Chev or GMC truck from Tilden and take a load off your mind. In Canada it's TILDEN Rent-a-truck Inquire SPADONI BROS. LTD. TILDEN RENT A TRUCK -- BOX 69 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO -- MARATHON - MANITOUWADGE TERRACE BAY -