PAGE I4 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY I7, I974 SCHREIBER TOWN TOPICS Recent visitors in town were Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCouan, with their daughter Eva of Wind- sor, with Mrs. Manuel McCouan, visiting also others in the family. : Bill Davey of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sheehan of Atikokan, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sheehan, of Victoria B.C., Mrs. Kay Corbett and Reg Corbett and Miss Rose Cherutti of Thunder Bay, have visited with Mrs. Eleanor O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Broyden and son Jimmy, of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCuaig, of Oshawa, and Katie McCuaig of Don Mills, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCuaig. A round robin of dinners and visiting was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCuaig with Cam and Katie, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCuaig with Dale, Karen and Sheryl, of Thunder Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morgan (Audrey McCuaig) with Ricky, Sharon and Bobby of Manitouwadge, with Mr. and Mrs. Art Huard, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gauthier, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bourguignon, and A.B. McCuaig and Miss Myrna McCuaig. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCuaig, with Donald and Christina, of Don Mills, arrived over the week- end to visit Mr. and Mrs. L.R. McCuaig. khkkkhhkhhhhhhkhhhhhhhhhdhkd A sympathy and understanding, beyond their ages, was revealed in the posters submitted by pupils in grade 7 at Holy Angels Separate School and Lake Superior Public Schools, in a contest sponsored by the Schreiber-Terrace Bay Association for the Mentally Retarded. There were only three token awards for the contest, but the judges, Mrs. Alice Sparkes, Mrs. Rita McGrath of Schreiber and Mrs. G. Dashkewytch and Mrs. W. McKie of Terrace Bay, found their final selection difficult indeed finally agreeing on ~ first, Virginia Stortini, Holy Angels School; second, Dean Broughton and third, Nicky Pelto, both of Lake Superior Pub- lic School, Terrace Bay Campus. The posters will be displayed at the Associ- ation booth in September at the Fall Fair in Schreiber, as a reminder to those who have for- gotten to make their usual annual donation to the work through the "Flowers of Hope" campaign khhkhkhhhhhhkhrhhhhhhhhhhdddhd Mr. and Mrs. Mark Doig have their grandsons Marc and Stephen of Burnaby, B.C. visiting them * Mrs. Louise Irving of Vancouver visited her mother Mrs. Eileen Christianson and has return- ed home, leaving her daughters, Kara and Lori, to spend the rest of the holidays. Bob Smith and his daughters Donna and Nancy ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mi. and Mas. Frank Veneziano of Schreiber wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Angelina Veneziano to Mr. Peter Crupdl of Schreiber. The wedding will Zake place on Saturday, July 20%th. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Drake are enjoying a round of family visiting, having Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Drake, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Drake and son Billy Joe, and Lynn Drake of Prince George B.C. with them. Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Christie, of Yellowknife, NWT are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O'Brien - their daughter Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCuaig with Donald and Christina of Don Mills are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCuaig. Debby Caccamo and Judy Richardson drove to Calgary to attend the Stampede, visiting en route - their daily travel reports to parents enjoyed by both parents and friends. Jeff McCanna is visiting in Montreal with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hight. ing her daughter Mrs. George Lengyel and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Holmes hosted a family reunion recently having Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and son Cary of Sault Ste. Marie, Mervyn Holmes of La Salle, Que., Mr. and Mrs. John Russell ° with children Jeffrey and Michael of Shiloh, Man., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunville, with children Lisa and Scott of Red Rock - much laughter over childhood exploits. Mr. and Mrs. Ross also visited John's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ross, where Cary is the first grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. George (Short) Scott will be hosting a family party, for two weeks, at their camp at Terrace beach, with a mixed bag of guests - their sons John of Red Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott with daughter Jennifer of Red Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold O'Keefe with children Diane and Danny of Thunder Bay, plus Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Fummerton, and such of their families as may be home. : Terry Jartus of Oliver, B.C. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Glad - visiting their son Doug and others in town. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eickmier of Mitchell, Ont. are the guests of Mrs. Martha Huller, visiting many other old friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Tuck of Stoney Creek, Ont. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wilf McLaughlin at of Nanaimo, B.C. visited his parents this week. Walker Lake. Mrs. Eva Spears of North Bay has been visit- Cabin fi nih i oh BAG Ca ep or