PAGE I6 TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY I,I974 RECREATION NEWS RECREATION CENTRE SUMMER HOURS: Effective Wednesday, May Ist, the following summer hours will be in operation: Monday to Saturdays - 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sundays - II:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. These hours will remain in effect until Sep- tember when we will revert to the regular win- ter hours. LIVE THEATRE VISITS TERRACE BAY NEXT WED.: Next Wednesday, May 8th, at the Terrace Bay Campus Auditorium, the Studio Lab Theatre of Toronto will visit Terrace Bay for two live performances of "The Adventures of Huck- leberry Finn". The afternoon performance beginning at I:30 p.m. will be held for all elementary school children only at a subsidiz- ed rate of .25¢ per child. The evening per- formance beginning at 7:30 p.m. will be open to the public at the following rates: Adults- $1.00; Students - .75¢; Children - 250¢.. ' These admission prices are highly subsidiz- ed through local sponsoring groups which are as follows: The Lake Superior High School, Terrace Bay Campus; the Terrace Bay Public School, Terrace Bay Campus; St. Martin Separ- ate School; Ontario Arts Council and the Terr- ace Bay Recreation Department. Hand-out information will be circulated through the elementary and secondary schools this week. NORTH SHORE JUNIOR BADMINTON TOURNAMENT: This Saturday, May 4th, the following Terrace Bay players will be travelling to Man- itouwadge to compete in the second North Shore Junior Badminton Tournament: - Tommy Trapp -- Ted Velanoff - Delena Almos - Karen Karen Cvitkovich Boys Doubles - I. Grant McDonald, Gregory Chepelsky; 2. Tommy Trapp, Stephen Gorham Girls Doubles - I. Patty Dakin, Connie Morriseau; 2. Louise Desrosiers, Carol Kennedy Mixed Doubles - I. Greg Chepelsky, Irene Bergeron; 2. Ted Velanoff, Judy Moher. The best of luck to the above players this coming weekend. - Boys Singles Girls Singles LADIES KEEP FIT PROGRAMME: The Terrace Bay Recreation Department wish- es to announce that a Ladies' Keep Fit Pro- gramme will be offered again this Spring. Please refer to page I2... of this week's 'paper for further details. ganizations CBQ RADIO - PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Effective Monday, May 6th, groups and or- in Terrace Bay wishing to have programs announced over CBQ Radio all information to: CBQ Radio, 213 Miles Street, Thunder Bay "F", any special should send Ontario. COMING EVENTS: Friday, May 3rd - Brownie and Guides Cookie Day = 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Monday, May 6th - Spring Art Course Session #6, I:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., Conference room. Tuesday, May 7th - Amateur Wine Making Course Session #3, Curling Lounge. Wednesday, May 8th - Terrace Bay Men's Curling Club Annual Meeting - Curling Club 7 p.m. I.D. BANK LENDING IN NORTHERN ONTARIO During the three months ended March 3Ist last, the Industrial Development Bank author- ized 80 loans to businesses in Northern Ontar- io for a total amount of $3,371,000 as against 63 loans for $2,016,000 in the similar quarter in 1973. In the six months ended March 3Ist, IDB approved 166 loans for a total amount of $7,134,000 in Northern Ontario. This was an increase of 36% in number and 80% in amount oyer the same period a year ago when it auth- orized I22 loans for $3,958,000. At March 3Ist, the bank had $34,752,360 outstanding in loans, investments, and guarantees to I,07I customers in the region. A subsidiary of the Bank of Canada, IDB provides term financing to smaller businesses in Canada which are unable to obtain financial assistance from other sources on reasonable terms and conditions. IDB lends to almost any type of enterprise for a variety of business purposes. | NOTICE - SCHREIBER RESIDENTS By-law 551, which is a fire prevention by-law, states under section 76, that all refuse or bon fires, must be set only after a fire permit has been issued. Residents of Schreiber are therefore re- quested to obtain a fire permit before burn- ing grass, refuse, efc. Mrs. M. Zombori Clerk-Treasurer.