FEBRUARY 20, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 CWL PLAN WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The regular meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held on February IOth, presided: by Mrs. Ramsay. The Rosary was recited in the Church, prior to the meeting. Mrs. Salesse read the minutes of the previous meeting and Mrs. Gerlach gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Regis read a poem entitled "What is a Prayer?" Mrs. Helmink thanked the ladies of her com- mittee for helping out with the Christmas Par- ty. She also suggested different ways the ladies could help the underdeveloped people, as a Share-Lent project. A resolution passed at a National Convent- ion, was that, I% of the profits on all money raising events: sponsored by Parish Council would be sent to the Catholic Organization for "Peace and Development". Material is supplied free of charge for any- one interested in sewing or knitting for the missions. Knitters were found to knit the slippers for the altar boys. There will be an "Arts & Craft" display on March IOth in St. Martin School Auditorium from I - 5 p.m. tact Mrs. Bray or Mrs. Regis. Anyone interested, please con- Because of this event, the next meeting will be held on March I7th. The service for the World's Day of Prayer will be held on March Ist at 2 p.m. in St. Martin's Church. The offering will be used to promote the Gospel and meet the needs for educational projects and Christian Literature in Canada and round the world. Mrs. Fournier will be convening the Boy Scout Banquet, on February 22nd. The Diocesan Convention will be held in Thunder Bay on May 7-9, Father Greengrass spoke on the meaning of' the theme, "Reconcil- iation' He also read Bishop Gallagher's re- marks on the Holy Year I975. After the meeting a very interesting film on Indian Missions was shown by Sister Paulette. MOOSEHEART STUDENTS NAMED TO HONOUR ROLL Lucille St. Denis, an eighth grader and Edward St. Denis, a seventh grader sponsored at Mooseheart by Terrace Bay Moose Lodge No. I752, have been named to the Moosheart Junior High School honour roll for the first semes- ter of the current year. A MANS AMBITION -- A WOMANS DREAM That's what you'll say about the Gateway Builder homes located on Lakeview Drive. In each you'll find a kitchen with sep - arate dining area designed for efficieny. A rugged living room that is meant to re- lax in, three spacious bedrooms with loads of closet space and a 4 pc. bath with tiled tub enclosure. The basements are clear t way you choose. SELLING PRICE; 515 and 596 Lakeview Drive e 'finished any 597 Lakeview Drive "RE A 1% iY Realtor, 767~ 1651, Thunder Bay Mailing Address: P.O. Box 208, Stn. ~ Thunder Bay, Ontario. "pn $26,470.00 i $27,790.00 CALL: Harry J. Coe Representative, HEADLAND "3 TRAND THEATRE TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3771 SHOW TIMES MONDAY - THURSDAY 8:00 P.M. FRIDAY ~- SATURDAY 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A BATJAC PRODUCTION Aso Starring GARY GRIMES « NEVILLE BRAND and GEORGE KENNEDY. Fraser TECHNICOLOR® Mon. £9 Tue. 26 Wed. 27 ALBERT R BROCCOLI ans HARRY SALTZMAN , ROGER, JAMES ~ MOORE * BOND