FEBRUARY I3, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 17 - SKI CLUB NEWS QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED A very successful Amateur Ski Instructor's Written applications for a qualified . Clinic was held at the Terrace Bay Ski Club * this past weekend. Participants in the cour- se were Joan Campbell, Leigh Ann McBride, Lori McBride, Ann Stephen, Helga Hermes, Terry Paukstys, Dan Moore, Bill Megraw Jr., and Robert Vanderkam. The instructor was Barb Goodfellow from Thunder Bay - a member.of the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance. As a result of this course we will have some very competent instructors within our own club to offer coaching to the rest of our membership. Regular ski lessons and racing will now commence on Saturday mornings at I0 a.m. starting February I6th.and running for about a four week period. The club will be holding a Ski-a-Thorn on Saturday, February 23rd from 2 to 3 p.m. to raise money which is badly needed for club operation and maintenance programs as our club finances have dropped to a very low lev- el mainly because of poor skiing conditions over the past two seasons. ' Here is a chance for the public and ski club members to help support skiing in this area. Skiers obtain your pledge sheets from any member of the executive starting Friday, February I5th. Moose Bingo THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH - 8 PM. BUS LEAVES SCHREIBER AT 7:15 P.M, SORRY NO MINORS ALLOWED LADIES EVENING BOWLING RESULTS Scooby Doo;s 148; Bad Girls I45; Mayfair 130%; _ Groaners I29%; Gutter Girls I24; Hot Dogs 88. Games over 200: J. Cameron 205; L. Nesbitt 215; A. Daley 213, 2I6; B. Mendelin 22I; E. Boutilier 205, 23I, 265; J. Greenwood 22I, 2II; L. Malashewski 209, 224; S. Sadowick 252, 207; G. Moore 204. Fuel Shortages? I just read in a magazine how one company is doing research to help us in our Energy Crisis. They feel that in a couple of years they'll be able to heat an entire apartment building with only one lump of coal. I've got news for them - that's what my landlord is trying to do now! teacher for Grade I, Holy Angels School, Schreiber for the period April Ist - June 30th, I974 will be accepted by the undersigned up to February I9th, I974. Mr. G. Matys Superintendent of Education, I54 North May Street, Thunder Bay S, Ontario. ANNOUNCEMENT Sammy Fiorenza, Manager of the '"LaPaloma Beauty Salon", Intercity Plaza, Thunder Bay Ontario. Phone 344-3331, COME & GO TEA A Come & Go Bridal Shower-Tea will be held in. honour of Miss Mary Claire Coupal on Friday, February 15th at § P.M. An the i! Community Church. : 3 Everyone Welcome. LORNE"S CAMERAS FISHING PACKLE 20 SOUTH COURT STREET (next to the Paramount Theatre) THUNDER BAY 'P', ONTARIO TELEPHONE 344-0413