PAGE 6 TERRACE BAY NEWS AUGUST I, I973 Sports Slants - continued game (some say that the Chicago team in the U.S. senior league in which Thunder Bay Twins parti- cipated drew more fans than the Cougars) can pay such fantastic pric- es for a player. The fact is, though, they are and why should a guy like Stapleton argue He's got his John Henry on a contract which guarantees that $200,000 a-year salary. I've said it before and I'll say it again = money talks. Do you realize that to date, no less than 20 es- tablished NHL players are now drawing WHA pay cheques. Bobby Hull, the ex- Black Hawk great, was really the guy who start- ed the ball rolling. Here's a list of other prominent NHLers who have and will play for WHA clubs: The two biggies, Bobb- ie Hull and Gordie. Howe. Also, Marc Tardif, Re- hean Houle and Dale Hog- anson of Montreal Canad- iens (this year) and C.C. Tremblay last season; Mike Walton of Boston Bruins this year, John McKenzie and Ted Green last year; Al Karlander from Detroit and Harry Howell from Los Angeles. Others who played last year and will play in the WHA again this season in- clude Tom Webster, Wayne Connelly, Wayne Carleton, Brit Selby and Brad Sel- wood . Oh, and I almost for- got another ex-Bruin - goalie Gerry Cheevers. And one more =- Reggie Fleming. continued page 7 ... Save $316 during the summer moto-ski sale! Buy NOW and SAVE! Available with bogies or slide-rails Limited Quantity BRAND NEW '73 MOTO-SKI ELECTRIC START CAPRI 440 c.c. MODEL REGULAR SALE PRICE $122500 §§9goo* including Electric Start Kit *(Plus $10 installation charge) You save $316. Now's the time to make the Snowmobile Deal of a lifetime on our very limited quantity of brand new 1973 Moto-Ski Capri 440's. Full warranty. These models must be sold NOW to make room for our '74 models that are now arriving! Come in soon -- while they last! See the new '74 models now on display. SCOTTY SALES & SERVICE 'WALKER'S LAKE, BOX 248 SCHREIBER 824-2543