PAGE I2 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 25, 1973 BUS TOUR ad Schreiber Lodge #402, I.O0.C.F. and Ruby ~ vg -- Bor pnt : * Rebekah Lodge 279 were hosts to the Annual RN Announcing United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth Rus Tour luncheon on Wednesday, July IIth in the St. John's Anglican Church Hall. The students represented jurisdictions from Alkerta, Saskat- chewan, Alberta and Manitoba with on student from Washington, U.S.A. This summer marked the 24th Annual Odd Fellows United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth. As these Educational Bus Tours travel across the Great North American Ccntinent the young reorple have an opportunity tec increase their education and to witness Odd Fellows and Rebek- ahs at work. These young people represent many different Nationalities, religions and schools and are choser for their outstanding achievements. : This year there were 36 students plus one male leacer, twc female leaders and the bus ériver. Head table guests were Mrs. Mavis Slater, Immediate Fast President, Rebekah Asserkly of Ontario; George Birch, N.G. of Schreiber Lodge 402 who alsc acted as Master ci Cerercnies; Lil Earris, V.G. Ruby Lodge 279; Rev. Father F.J. Meyer; Rev. Arthur Chakot of Marathor, who said Grace and the Ferediction respectively; Councillor R. Krause represer.tinc Schreiber Municipality and Roy Bray, Reeve of Terrace Bay. Mrs. Dorothy An- - derson, Leader cf White Rock, B.C.; Mrs. Mabel Horrett, Leader of Alix Alberta and H. Kapus- iayk, Leader of Weykurn, Sask. Members cf Ruby Lodge arranged and served the hot turkey dinner. The head table guests krought greetings and spoke briefly to the students, whose leaders respcnded and the students were introduced by H. Kapusiayk. Each student gave their name and the town they were representing. The bus tour ccntinued on to Sault Ste. Marie where other Lodges would supply supper and sleeping acccrmmodations as they journeyed on their way. irs. YOU DON'T NEED WORDS ..JUST CARE! good news? \ the Swart brides always choose our famous Bouquet Wedding Line Invitations eaturing 7 new photo scripts: Al and Aus. Samar PBokosat rons LUCIA SCRIPT My. and Mysi Fey Edivard Laughton 1% EMBASSY SCRIPT HE, and SHG, © atold P Toth COLONIAL SCRIPT H. and Hos. Rid A of | STUYVESANT SCRIPT Hr. and Hrs. Rictrard C. Colbert NUPTIAL SCRIPT Me. and Mes. George Alfred Renfrew ANTIQUE ROMAN Hr. aod Hrs. Richard Arthar Greene BELVEDERE More and more brides are finding they can have the luxury look they love and still keep on the sunny side of their bridal budget with exquisite Rainbow stationery. It features Thermo-Engraving -- an amazingly rich, raised lettering with all the good taste and distinction of the finest crafts- manship -- yet costs so little. Do see our exciting selection of contemporary and traditional type faces... one, perfect for you! de fo two weeks delivery! TERRACE BAY NEWS Box 579 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO PHONE 825-3747